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Posts posted by da_no_1

  1. 3 hours ago, Cardle is Magic said:

    McPake mentioning on several occasions that we should have beaten Rovers is just wild to me.

    I could *maybe* see how we’d have merited a point but saying we should have won is as silly as some of McGlynn’s havering last season.

    I read this and posts like it and I don't even have to check who posts it. I know it's you. You've been banging on about how pish we were ever since.

    You going on and on about is almost as "wild".

  2. 26 minutes ago, CallumPar said:

    You’ve conveniently ignored 90% of the posts on this thread last week, before the game had been played. Many people, including me, wanted as many kids played as possible, resting as many first team players as possible. Doesn’t fit the narrative you’ve just made up here.

    Genuinely haven’t seen anyone on here that thought it was remotely important last week and has changed their tune after the game. You’re just making things up and criticising people for something that none of them have actually done. Really strange behaviour.

    For what it’s worth, I didn’t go when we made the final of this competition last time and probably wouldn’t go if we got there again. I genuinely do not care about it. You can go back to last week, before we kicked a ball in this tournament this season. You can go back and find posts in previous years if you care enough. I’ve never considered this competition to be remotely important and want us to play kids/reserves in our games. That’s not sour grapes, that’s genuinely how I’ve always felt about this tournament.

    You'll need to draw diagrams mate. He's utterly widden

  3. 31 minutes ago, spot on said:

    No I agree that the league is the no 1 priority completely but the point is the other co petitions  are only played down by the fans after they have been knocked our as if they never ever mattered, but the only really don't matter because yous are out. Every fan would love to see their team in any cup final and I’m sure if yous got there you would sell out every ticket and have a fantastic day and that goes for every team. But to come out with all these belittling comments about the cups after being knocked out is just sour grapes.

    It's not about "the cups".

    It's this cup. I don't care. Before it. After it. During it. In it. Out of it. 

    I just don't care.

  4. 10 minutes ago, Cardle is Magic said:

    The fact we had fewer than half the away support we brought to Tannadice last month - despite hugely reduced ticket prices - tells you all you need to know about what most fans think of the Challenge Cup.

    I’d be more than happy if we just didn’t even enter next season.

    Is there any form of punishment if you don't? An utter waste of time and resources 

  5. 31 minutes ago, HoBNob said:

    Nah we had them all for the start of the season IIRC, against Morton we started with O'Hara, Wighton and Todorov upfront, with Dorrans and Dom in midfield. 

    Cole and Pybus were on the bench. 

    I was meaning the league cup games in July, sorry.

    I remember DT strolling around the middle of the park against Dumbarton or somebody like that on a sunny day in July.

  6. 11 minutes ago, qpfc said:

    That is utterly terrifying that Grant played him as a DM 🤣 Would love to know his logic in that 

    I might be wrong but him & Paul Allan were the only 2 midfielders of sorts we had during the early part of that season before the influx of Dorrans, Cole & Dan Pybus.

  7. 42 minutes ago, qpfc said:

    My bad, might not have worded that as clearly 

    As in a thank you to the qp supporters for not playing in those matches. We were a  poor team that season and had Thomas played, I wouldn’t have fancied our chances at all having seen him play for us the last year. Tbh I don’t even know if he chose not to play or he simply fell out with Hughes. The latter seems more likely given hughes history of losing the plot 

    No probs.

    I have no insider knowledge whatsoever but on the face of it, Thomas chucked it as soon as he agreed the pre-contract with you. Up til that point he was pretty much unplayable.

    Some of his performances around Feb/March were unbelievable. Makes his no-shows when it mattered even more annoying.

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