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Everything posted by 1320Lichtie

  1. Gold was already signed until end of next season eta - although be happy with an extension
  2. Frustrated me so very much at times but I think overall it’s an experienced reliable and decent addition to the squad for next season
  3. Spot on Im still buzzing about this Callum Gallagher rumour too - if he came him and McIntosh could be a real handful for L1 defences Obviously we cannot discuss anything like that officially until it’s done but if there is more like that in the pipeline then… dare I say promising Actually think ToB will be here too, I think he would be due a testimonial if he saw out his 3 years
  4. Fkn brilliant If that transpires then superb
  5. Well I mean it has been a while… not sure we will really know until we are in it At the end of the day it will be a majority PT league and we have plenty of good PT players who have had some great experience playing in a higher league than L1 I mean what or who would you class as a standout L1 player in L1 just now for example? Barring anyone from Falkirk who have absolutely steamrolled it and will be promoted and not playing in the league next season- and why is it important to have a stand out L1 player anyway We have also got no idea who we will sign
  6. Nobody is under estimating it but it is absolutely a poorer division - that’s just common sense
  7. What rumour was quite strong - that he’s leaving you or that he’s maybe coming here? I would be over the moon with him
  8. I think Dow be a handy player in L1 especially for the squad - had a great game against Mo in League Cup
  9. Been two horrendous seasons. Every time I drive past Gayfield though I think it shows how much we have got right off the park - still not overly happy with certain things (social media manager and death threat still really annoying me) but overall I think the club have listened to supporters. I mean this is being done based off the back of fans mentioning that it had not happened (don’t think it was coincidence that it was said online and then a week or so later one was arranged) - so I kind of feel bad for complaining too much Think next season a lot of opposing fans that visit the club for the first time in a while are going to be taken aback by how much Gayfield has improved and also hopefully how different it feels on a match day with a larger crowd present - even little things like adding in the different segregation fences etc - we’ve tried to get it right as much as we can Just think we are maybe getting this wrong. I get wanting to stick by the manager and I get that you can’t become a club that just fires through managers but in this instance maybe McIntyre does have to become the sacrificial lamb to prevent next year starting off on a negative note, or to prevent the knives coming out straight away if things got tough Either way though I am looking forward to next year, it should be a reprieve and a chance to regroup. If McIntyre is here then he’s here but I think for me it’s not the best of ideas Will be back with a season ticket and ready to see what lies in store though. I hope Wednesday is productive and people who make it can give a run down of what was discussed
  10. https://www.pressreader.com/uk/daily-record/20141011/282265253673409 ETA - if anything summed up how much of a fud you are then it’s this. Maybe look into things before you go about firing insults at people
  11. I never brought the McKenna thing up or started saying McKenna was going Never brought the Hamilton thing up either but had heard he was away to EF from someone who told me Steele was signing for us before it happened so fully believe that ToB is just a personal feeling, although absolutely no substance to it - PnB is full of it and always is full of it
  12. We know, not sure what will happen with him but him and McGlynn do like each other a lot and both from Musselburgh. I think he would be a good signing for Falkirk for a couple of years. f**k knows what will happen with him to be honest but I hope he stays.
  13. This is why I’m not huge on stats - even away from the season he scored all the goals - he is still a massive part of us going forward with the ball and defending from the front without the ball too. He’s been the driving force of the team
  14. I would say it would be a big blow to lose out on re signing one of the undoubtedly best PT players in the country - he could be a huge player for us and the club going forward even if it was only for 2/3 seasons. Guys like him are important to the fans and for new players coming in cause he knows what it’s all about. So aye it would be bad - but if he was to go to Falkirk then I would say fair play, it could be a good move for him personally, maybe one last crack at trying to get to the Prem. If it was to another PT team it would be very disappointing
  15. I think maybe he’s already signed a fair few players up for next season on pre contracts, only thing I can think of
  16. Aye just more of a glesga term probably but hear that all the time - said it in his bbc post match when we beat Raith and zero complaints cause everyone was buzzing that night. A total non issue
  17. You’d imagine he’d have a long list of teams that are interested. Every other PT team would take him.
  18. Probably releasing it at 10pm on Sunday to try and get it out there quietly to minimise any complaints and backlash - awwww it is all so very fun isn’t it
  19. McKenna and McGlynn like each other a lot and I think they are both from the same town and have probably talked over the years plenty of times - if it happened then it is extremely sad and disappointing but it would be a good move for him. Who knows maybe thinks if he signed a 3 year deal he’d potentially get a chance of playing Premiership football. Dunno how it would work if he did do it though and really hope that he maybe does sign on here instead
  20. To be completely fair - I think you’re missing the point if you think people are reacting this way purely because we’ve been relegated. I don’t think there are any high expectations within the support at all, not in the slightest. You are correct in everything else you say though. However standards still have to remain respectable and decent you cannot just throw them all out of the window because there have been difficult circumstances to contend with. This has become so bad it is so far below par for course now. I fully expected to get beat yesterday and still somehow ended up extremely disappointed. It’s been pretty embarrassing for a while and so far below what you’d expect as a minimum, organisation, effort and a team unit out on the park with a manager making his best effort with the fans and showing he cares. In danger of tearing the arse right out of everything we have built up the last 5 year if the fans are not listened to. It’s gone too far now really, soon as there’s a blip in the road next season the knives will be back out. A feel good feeling and positivity is required going into next seasons campaign. I was sticking up for McIntyre a month ago. There was me on Friday saying that I would get behind him if we started seeing more positive news along the lines of Scotty Stewart…. Then Saturday afternoon 3pm rolls around and it left me feeling like an idiot for even suggesting that Not good enough and my pessimism towards the team and expectations have been at rock bottom and as low as they possibly could be for months now
  21. That second win is an absolute freak of a result too - the odds on that were huge. Bit of class by Bird coming off the bench (who has regularly been on the bench since this ) changed the game on its head I thought Inverness away was great, Dunfermline the week after was superb but we ended up drawing that in the 90th minute after the madness - even the week after the fight was there when we clawed back the draw away to Raith with Adams scoring….. the back to back pumpings from United and Thistle were shite, then there was the week we made all our signings and there was some positivity going forward, all the injuries happened against Ayr at home and it’s been disastrous ever since after that - baw well and truly burst
  22. It’s going to be a car crash - couldn’t bring myself to go no matter how much I wanted too Also kind of absolutely cannot be arsed listening to it right now to be totally honest with you, scunnered of anything football related right now
  23. You got yourselves into 20 million pound worth of debt and won absolutely f**k all - fucking over a whole load of people in the process - you also celebrate these times as your glory years
  24. Tbh Dundee fans love Caniggia etc - they love that knowing that that fucked over so many people in Dundee and peoples livelihoods and businesses - they celebrate those times and do not even take any of the above into consideration So it is a bit of a brass neck when you go on about that
  25. I actually do look forward to it I’m not overly in to McIntyre but I am happy watching Arbroath knowing we may well go down a pub league or maybe win a pub league
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