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  1. As much as McIntyre deserves criticism on certain things, it can’t be overlooked how catastrophically bad his luck has been.
  2. I understand the criticism, but fact of the matter is that if he had goals and assists to his game at his age he would probably be moving to a full time club.
  3. Where’d you hear that Heard from a couple boys that played with and against him that he’ll be a good addition. Won’t make tomorrow or next week, but excited/nervous for the derby. Chance for some of the new boys to make themselves heroes.
  4. That’s an absolute gutter. As others have said, hard to see him coming back from that. Will go down as an Arbroath legend and a key part of the best Arbroath team I’ve seen in my lifetime.
  5. A bit boring but a good chance to progress. Have heard there’s some trouble behind the scenes at North End so Tayport might have a better chance than you’d think. Again the wrong thread, but you’d think Amateur champs Cupar Hearts also have a decent chance of making it through at home to Wigtown.
  6. McIntyre is in a lose/lose situation until the real stuff starts. You can bet your last penny that had we pumped Annan Saturday, it would be “it’s just the league cup, means nothing”. IMO the group stage format is now tired and novelty left a long time ago. Bring back the days of one league cup and one challenge cup (before it became a shambles) and then straight into the league.
  7. I’ve noticed a lot of posts on our social media that have basic grammatical errors, resulting in sentences that don’t really make sense. I get some things are down to personal preference, but there’s no excuse for that.
  8. Wears a bit thin when you are doing it every time to announce some utter dross from the English 9th division
  9. Can’t see either of our goalies being content with second choice, good for competition but on the contrary hope we don’t end up chopping and changing every other week. Won’t make the Dundee game which might be a blessing in disguise, but very much looking forward to the Annan game next Saturday.
  10. Low left us because his other half wasn’t happy with the travelling he was having to do. Not sure he went about it in the best way though, left a bit of a black mark on his time here which is a shame because he was a quality player and great guy whenever I met him. Your point stands in general though with regards to him only being here in the first place due to injuries. He did miss a chunk of the season we almost won league, but that was through an injury that occurred on the park and not related to his past troubles.
  11. East Fife have just let a goalkeeper go, guy called “Ali Adams”, might be worth a shout for backup keeper?
  12. Solid when he played. Spent time at both full back positions too due to our injury crisis. Probably would’ve kept him but not sure McIntyre fancied him.
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