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Everything posted by 1320Lichtie

  1. On Ricky Little - Ricky has been unbelievable for Arbroath - the commitment to the club is up there with anyone who has ever played for us considering the length of time he’s played here and the distances he has had to travel. I have changed my mind on this several times already but I feel like he could maybe end up being a really good player to keep around for another year if he was open to it. He would absolutely be good enough in L1 and could be important to help bed in new players coming to the club with his experience. A great player and quite a unique centre half for the Scottish lower leagues given his size - wish him all the best whatever he chooses to do and glad that the Testimonial Dinner went well This is the background to all of my WhatsApp Chats too… also been my profile pic for sometime on here Good guy great player and good family
  2. I am resigned to relegation and have been for a long time - and I remember other relegations too although it feels like an age - just the other week I was sticking up for the social media etc too I would say that I always try to give the benefit of the doubt - however the death threats stuff on that LinkedIn post made me angrier than I have been about anything AFC wise in a long time Throwing the fans under the bus for the purpose of a shitey social media post is not on. To learn that the same guy had been posting lies on here about someone previously employed by the club added to that as did learning that people have had phonecalls from the club because they’ve been critical of it. It makes it sting even more when we’ve removed someone who had been doing a perfectly good job and had been here for years for this clown who will be picking up a wage - how he’s also doing First Team Analysis for us is frying my brains. The guys clearly a total tube - if that makes me a lunatic then so be it The other stuff - I feel like the Booths are good guys and supporters of the club and want what’s best for the club and I feel the exact same about Gary Callon. He’s been brilliant for Arbroath I absolutely think it’s important to discuss just how everything’s working off the park though especially now there is going to be a massive decline in revenue. It cannot affect the playing budget too much to carry the likes of the above - all I am saying
  3. Absolutely It has angered me more than any other thing that’s happened this season. And if it happened then fine, but then the question must be why were people not aware of it and why did the club not make a massive issue of it. Imagine sending death threats to a manager of a football club online and the football club did or said nothing about it. Makes absolutely zero sense So either someone is lying or the clubs not taken it anywhere near as seriously as they should’ve
  4. I would say that it is a very important issue if the guy in charge of social media and first team analysis () (who has replaced a stalwart, fan and volunteer who was doing a good job) is making things up and posting them on this forum about former club employees. Then getting called out for them by said employee and deleting them because they are indeed bullshit. That’s embarrassing for the club I would also say it’s very important that whoever is in charge of social media isn’t making stuff up for his shitty LinkedIn posts - as has been pointed out a lot of that post was birthday card pish and not true The death threat thing though is an extremely serious thing to put out there - if it’s true it is beyond comprehension that supporters would tweet something like that and it is not on however I’m not so sure it is and think like the rest of the post it was exaggerated nonsense. It paints the fans in such bad light and if you’re in that position you cannot do that I am told that the death threats after the game in Wales were tweets sent that said something along the lines of somebody tweeting that they wanted Dick Campbell to get stabbed and somebody else tweeting that if they’d met Dick Campbell on the street that ‘he’d get it’ - I was told that people high up in the club blocked these people and deleted their tweets… after pointing out that the club account cannot delete other people’s tweets it was said that it was actually Twitter / X that must’ve removed them Now if this is true surely the police would’ve been involved, surely a club statement would’ve been made and surely someone else other than our social media man would’ve seen these tweets - somebody tweeting that they wanted Dick Campbell to get stabbed is extremely serious and absolutely abhorrent - it surely should have been taken very seriously That is a huge issue for me, if this has somehow happened then fine, fair enough that’s disgusting and absolutely needs called out… but if that’s not what happened and that’s been said to exaggerate a social media post which is painting out Arbroath fans to behave in that way then that’s not something someone in that position should be doing That is all I am saying - that is a whole lot more serious than the spitting thing
  5. I’ve never heard anything about any Meadowbank houses on here I must’ve missed that one I mean in regards to the discussion that’s been going on since Saturday These are surely real issues that need seriously looked at going forward no?
  6. Can you point out the ‘flat out conspiracy nonsense’ please?
  7. I cannot remember this. The main complaints were about silly things like there being too much holiday photos or whatever. The actual overall output was very good and it didn’t need to change - the on this day stuff is a separate thing @SimonLichtiedoes through the Arbroath Archive too. If we are paying someone to do a worse job than the person before them, who was a fan and volunteer and mainstay at the club, what is the logic in that? All of this without taking into account that the paid guy is a gobshite who makes stuff up online and is Paul Reid’s pal who has also somehow got another role doing First Team Analysis…
  8. Also on this ‘professionalism’ Can anyone think what kind of First Team Analysis is being provided by the guy who doesn’t know the difference between Stevie May and Cillian Sheridan Obviously lacks the basic ability of reading a team sheet so what kind of analysis is he providing for our first team? It’s laughable Eta - also how professional is it to be posting on this forum and making up lies about former AFC employees when you are in the role of social media manager and doing the clubs First Team Analysis - this ‘professionalism’ thing is definitely not the case
  9. As far as I’m aware, for example, the social media just changed this year, what’s the difference between last year and this year? The paid guy is a roaster who makes up stuff and does a worse job than the guy in it before him - but he’s Paul Reid’s mate… The groundsman next up, what’s the difference in the role for the Groundsman from now until next year? There are other things there too that I don’t really want to get into because it’s not fair on the people in the jobs it’s not their fault and it’s not really fair on them but surely going down a league where there’ll be a lot less cash coming into the club means there is a lot that’s happened in recent seasons that really needs looked at and revisited If things were required to change for the reasons you have stated I’d be all for it by the way but I don’t believe they had to and if they’re wanting fans to fund these people because we’re getting relegated…. No thanks
  10. Why replace volunteers with paid staff when the output and service the fans get is worse - who signs off on that? If we as fans are putting money into the club - and they have made additional funding opportunities for fans available too - we should know where it’s going - I’m not happy at the prospect of signing up to Always Arbroath when they’re paying some of these people to do a worse job than the volunteers and fans before them did - that can get to f**k We are getting relegated and the revenue the club brings in will be significantly reduced - we cannot carry these positions and people when they’re worse than the volunteers the clubs driven away It is winding me up something rotten
  11. Imagine getting death threats (plural) sent to you and then casually turning your phone off and enjoying the bus journey home. Must’ve been really distressing. If there is anything even remotely close to being one it is being taken out of context and exaggerated to the extremes for the purpose of a social media post - which makes the fans look awful. There is just no way anyone can actually believe that death threats were made to anyone involved at the club because we were put out of the challenge cup. People fearing for their lives because we’d been beat in a diddy cup game, come on to f**k. I have liked the fact that there was a commercial director there bringing in revenue to the club that’s all great and good and well there’s an argument that there is a place for that But I would love to know what the staff looks like beyond that from a non playing perspective. Sounds like it’s all become a bit of a mess and we’ve lost some really good people who were doing good jobs and were actual fans and doing it for the love of the club…. with people who are not fans of the club and that do it for the cash and that do a worse job than the people who they replaced Also our social media manager also does First Team Analysis supposedly - I am sure that that’s a role that’s definitely required when they cant even tell the difference between Stevie May and Cillian fkn Sheridan
  12. The thing is these people need paid anyway - so even if the Always Arbroath fund - is for the players specifically there’s no way we should be paying some of these people to do a worse job than what volunteers done before them and putting money towards them and their roles - especially when they’re happy to air things like the fact that our fanbase are that bad and awful that we are sending ‘death threats’ () to AFC staff. Seems convenient to me that we’ve started this Always Arbroath thing just when it looks like we will be going down a division and the revenue coming into the club will be greatly reduced and positions like that seem much less justifiable
  13. It’s outrageous to bang on about death threats and to do it purely to emphasise your shitty point in your stupid social media post that is not someone who cares about the fans or is indeed living in reality - death threats - honestly made me rage seeing that. Don’t know why it’s took so long to come to light but a wee dig deeper into it all has also really annoyed me Paul Reid obviously done a good job in regards to many different aspects but I’m not hearing great things in regards to so many other things too - and this stuff can’t continue when we drop a league the finance won’t and shouldn’t be there for to fund some of it - it’s making me angry at the thought of putting additional finance over and above my season ticket into the club to pay the wages of some of these people
  14. Volunteers doing good jobs replaced by paid Paul Reid pals Groundsman next I heard - it’s not on and we surely cannot afford that in L1 financially
  15. Also - would just like to clarify I am and was all for the Always Arbroath thing - but I would like to know how much we are paying guys like the above because there’s absolutely no way I would want to be contributing towards the wages of idiots like this
  16. This is what I’m referring to by the way - this has annoyed me more than any on the park stuff I’m kind of resigned to the fact we’re L1 bound and a lot of the players here will be moving on and it’s all kind of run its natural course and come to a disappointing end But this is just not on, for a club employee to post this about the fans is not on. To absolutely throw the fans under the bus purely to try and exaggerate and add effect to your shitey LinkedIn post - it can absolutely gtf. There’s no way any of the other stuff happened, could you imagine Pink wanting to sit down and have a ‘wonderful conversation steeped in emotion’ with the boy who runs social media after we’ve been pumped 4-1 Absolute Birthday Card pish - bring back Graham Black and all the other volunteers who actually cared about the club and the fans because they were actually fans themselves
  17. This is really annoying me - what kind of idiot thinks that people are sending death threats were no in fkn Colombia ffs. And I totally understand what you mean. How can it be so hard to read the room when tweeting, if we’re 4-0 down why tweet in that manner it’s ridiculous and just annoys people. Spent the whole match against QP calling Cillian Sheridan… Stevie May too. When you’re the one who’s job it is to engage with fans on social media it’s probably not the best idea to slate them and bang on about getting death threats so you can make your pishy shitey full of cliched nonsense LinkedIn post look good.
  18. Social media manager of Arbroath FC saying they received death threats after the game down in Wales etc Why when you’re in that position would you post that - you are the person who engages with fans Could we please have proof of these death threats plural so other fans could call the people sending them out - also like to ask if he genuinely thought they were real and if he was actually fearing for his life - or was he just posting it for effect on his shitey wee post - why would you do that when in that position Fkn Clown. One of the worst decisions we made changing from Graham Black
  19. I’m sure the Campbells could come up with a fee to see the deal through. He will be our biggest earner by a margin I reckon and he’s been in and out with niggling injuries all year maybe it’s all just catching up to him. 33 in August If push come to shove and I really had to decide I would verge on wanting him to stay but if he goes no I wouldn’t be overly arsed eta - there was also a lot of people unhappy with ToB performances last year - backed him to the hilt and put it down to how poor the team was but it’s been similar again this season even when he’s been fit
  20. I have zero faith and think it would take some kind of major miracle to stay up ToB not in squad again, what a nightmare season he’s had he must be completely broken. I have a feeling he’ll be off to join Dick and can’t say I’d even be overly arsed right now I would like to see guys like Slater and McIntosh playing more often though they’ll be here next season and could be important players next year too. Can’t see the young lad MacKinnon signing on a permanent considering he stays in Dingwall
  21. Exactly! You’ve just mentioned the big positive of that season…. DC coming in and finishing the season in a positive fashion, the season before we were unbelievable the first half of the season and then had a shite second half to the season Last season we stayed up This season we are down and the whole things been a disaster in every aspect bar about one month where things looked good - also looking at a total rebuild of the club next season and there is a lot of people unsure over the manager - it’s a shitshow Only one I can think of being as bad is the year we were relegated from the Championship way back but I wasn’t old enough to be anywhere near as invested in what was going on as what I am just now
  22. Also think when you’ve got 10/11/12 players out injured for an extended period of time how on earth are they supposed to get up to the fitness required midway through the season when they are part time players working full time jobs - look how far off the pace we have looked. Look how often guys have come back from injury then been injured again I think I will chalk this season up as the worst in my living memory, for various reasons. There is no way things could possibly have went any more against us. Absolutely doomed to misery the whole way through
  23. Would prefer Arbroath re signing Deri Corfe to watching that
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