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The ghost of Jim Morton

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Everything posted by The ghost of Jim Morton

  1. You forgot to mention that the phrase " Complete and utter, often drunk, useless excuse for a businessman and sneaky lying cunt" was invented just for him. It would be wrong to leave out the juicy stuff...
  2. What is this rimming you talk of... This is a word I am unfamiliar with....Obviously you are familiar with it...Is this a Dundee word. I do know of Rimmer from Red Dwarf... Are you also a Rimmer?? I hope you have time to reply to this post but I've heard you are just off to " polish the Lighthouse" after your latest "Dogs Match" with a "Dress-Messer" you "buffty". "
  3. Shockeroony a another thick as pig shite Dees fan.. The lass is trying to have a laugh, and it is with you, not at you, you fucking dolt.. Supposed to be a bit of fun to lighten the mood and for some would be seen as a badge of honour if they were to win any such poll...
  4. I think you need to fuck-off Larsson. You are the most tediuos cunt on the whole of the www. Not to worry though as the Schools go back next week so we should be hearing a lot less of your pish.
  5. McGruther has already stated that this Thurday will be the end one way or another with NO MORE appeals. I imagine as intrim manager he cannot take it further( law courts) due to the costs invovled.. The only other appeal that might take place is if Livi are relegated AND deducted points for the ES no show as this would only cost £500. They have NO MONEY and it would be irresponsible of McGruther to actually INCREASE the debt...Nah, this Thursday is the end of the line...
  6. Are you still going on about this...Take a deep breath and let it go..
  7. Hilarious. Even the man himself will have to laugh at that. Great work
  8. Sorry , that is Kevin James.. Here's a picture of the 7 foot monster....
  9. I'm already in talks with our first signing.. A big center half a bit in the Kevin James mould only much more mobile. We will need to make sure we pay the leccy bill though..
  10. It might have been clear to you but it was anything but to me... I suppose it's down to interpretation...or the fact that you and those that got it are super-beings and me a the boy fae Livi are just thick as mince
  11. Beware or enjoy but I am pretty sure poster Unclebob who has just posted a video of the great Angelo Massone is infact, The fucking megalomaniac Angelo Massone... This user name was used on LL previously when the freak show was posted on there. Also beware of Edwardbiggam if that name appears because Steady Eddie is probably also the same idiot..
  12. Unclebob I firmly believe is none other than Angelo Massone... Megalomaniac extraordinaire... Are you missing the limelight you fucking clown.. Where's my mate Eddie????
  13. Bollocks.. You made an arse of it and now SD is trying to dig you out of the idiot hole you dug for yourself... You kid yourself you were trying to be clever, I'll believe you cannae count... If you had added a wink or a laugh I would have believed it was done on purpose
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