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Posts posted by YER SISTERS YER MAW

  1. Cherry

    New Tom Holland film. A young man meets the love of his life but risks losing her by making some bad life changing decisions. This results in his life spiralling out of control through crime and drugs and his girlfriends too. The story while dark is very good and Holland puts in a great performance as Cherry. Also the young woman who plays his girlfriend Emily nails her role too.
    At 2 hrs, 20 mins it's a long one but broken down into four different chapters of his life.


  2. Not read the thread for fear of spoilers.
    Watched 3 episodes of this and have a strong suspicion it's pish. Is it worth ploughing on with?
    I enjoyed it quite a bit but if you're not feeling it after 3 episodes I'm not sure you will tbh.
  3. Coming 2 America
    Complete waste of time. I felt i was nodding off through most of it and maybe laughed once or twice. Stop making unneccessary sequels please
    The script was so ridiculous you'd think a 10 year old had written it. Enjoyed the parts involving the OAP's from the barber shop but not much else.
  4. Nomadland

    Budget film about an elderly woman in her 60's forced to live in her van through recession, She takes her van on a journey through the mid West in the US and then hooks up at a campsite where other nomads dwell.
    Great acting throughout and last night the film won best drama film at the Golden Globes.


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