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Old Diamond

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Posts posted by Old Diamond

  1. The options facing Murray and co are not the best, as I see it it comes down to 

    1) Developing youth - long term good, short term not so good as it would mean further stagnation in div 1

    2) Pot luck signings from the current stock of jobbing footballers from other Div 1 clubs and hoping you get better performances than their existing clubs - short term - uncertain, long term even more so

    3) Throwing cash at available Championship players in the hope that they could become the core of a good team, again an uncertain policy

    Personally I wouldn't like to have his job just now, a lot of difficult decisions to be made, bet he wishes he had a crystal ball!!


  2. Maybe I have a short memory, but back in what is generally considered the "good old days" we had an extremely autocratic board that rarely communicated with the fans but got on with the business of running the club (not always successfully but better than recently), the trust and other fan based organisations were very much a product of the desperate years since.  Perhaps the current board want to go back to the old way of running the club without fans involvement (they may use the word  "interference").  Provided that they succeed in delivering a good team on the park, positive results and progress up the leagues then let them get on with it.

  3. 17 hours ago, stevee72 said:


    Just seen this post and I feel I need to address it as I personally take great offence at this comment and feel it's claims must be answered.

    I was the Trust representative that met with the Advertiser a couple of weeks ago, the Trust have always had a good working relationship with the Advertiser and in particular their last two Sports reporters who we would regularly contact.

    I met with them to discuss various upcoming Trust events with the hope that they could help promoting them. To have it said that I would do or say anything to damage the Club I have supported for over 30 years is not only ridiculous but also extremely insulting to me.

    I can assure everyone reading this that everything the Trust undertakes is always for the benefit of the club, its fans or the community. The Trust have been working very hard recently running various community events and we have also been doing our very best to find a way to work with the current board at moving forward without much success. This is a very hard situation for us as a collective, as we all want to do our very best to help make our club a positive role model in the community and see the team perform as successfully as possible on the field.

    I like all fans am disappointed at the lack of success on the field this season, but to have this said about my role on the Trust committee is very hard to stomach.

    I look forward to 'Diamond Dave' or anyone else producing this evidence to back up this claim.

    Stephen Eaton


    Hi Stephen - please accept my apologies for my idle speculation following the original posting by our now discredited "contributor", great to see the truth being posted.

  4. 31 minutes ago, Moon said:

    Also, a journalist passing up the chance to do a hatchet job on someone? In a local newspaper? How odd. How did that come about?

    As I said in my previous post, threat of legal action.  Journalist receives information that prominent local businessman is being naughty, but journalist knows said businessman and decides that printing the story might result in expensive libel case  if alleged facts cannot be proved so contacts said local businessman for comment and is firmly warned off.  Local businessman has a pretty good idea who the source of this story is and takes action. 

  5. 34 minutes ago, OTL2014 said:

    If the allegations are true and the trust tried to blow the whistle on those running the club, we need to understand their motivation. I don't think any of them would have been acting vindictively, more likely they have a grave concern about the way the club is being run.

    Part of the job of the trust is to scrutinise the board and work to ensure it is acting in the best interests of the club and it's fans. It's an unpleasant role. It now seems any scrutiny is met with at best a wall of silence, at worse the removal of people who have put their heart and soul in to the club for years.

    I come back to the unanswered question about what has happened to the Trust's shares? And the shares of other departed directors? 

    Agree, we need some transparency before the conspiracy theories begin to form, as nothing has been leaked  either on-line or via the press I think that a threat of legal action has been made

  6. 9 hours ago, G_&_T said:

    That was amusing - what was the story about 1964 and Rovers getting booted out the league, cant remember hearing that one before but not surprised that Rangers were behind it.

  7. 16 hours ago, G_&_T said:

    I hate the financial side of football. Too often clubs are ruined by greed, and the game itself has become an industry first and foremost. 

    I follow Rangers, but having seen the club exploited by business opportunists, AKA chancers, I didn't want to pay up front for season tickets. Now  don't getto see the big games, unless I get loaned aticket, and I'm on a waiting list of 12,000. I've always liked the Airdrie club and was actually impressed by the standard of football in the lower leagues. 

    So, I've decided not to get a season ticket at Ibrox, even if I am offered one. I am looking forward to watching Airdrie, regardless of their performances...but it would be nice to watch a club with aspirations and potential. 

    Spread the word mate - we could do with a few more like you!  Maybe there is a future outside the Old Firm after all!

  8. Just had a look a the run in to the end of the season and if we are going to nick the playoff spot from East Fife we will need a really good run, I figure that we need to beat  East Fife, Stenhousemuir and Stranraer and get at least a point off Montrose and Arbroath to nick it on goal difference on 52 points.  Montrose have by far the hardest run, all five games are against the teams currently occupying the playoff spots and ourselves so I see than dropping points to finish below us, I reckon the Fifers will pick up about another eight points which would leave them also  on 52.   One slip up and we are out of it, so I am not getting my hopes up at all - I can just see us at Stranraer on the last day battling out the win but needing East Fife to draw at home to Forfar, only to hear that a late home winner has gone in at Methil - remember the 10th of May 2003!!!!

  9. Memorable win - Airdrie 5 Huddersfield 1, Texaco Cup 3 November 1971.  Airdrie had beaten Huddersfield 2:1 in the away leg and the Huddersfield manager declared "its only half time".  The first half of the second leg was a poor performance by AIrdrie and they went behind before Drew Busby equalised.   Busby then went off injured and I feared the worst, but Drew Jarvie  played a stormer in the second half scoring four times.


    Memorably defeat- Airdrie 3 Dumbarton 6, Can't remember the exact date but it was the 1978-79 season, we didn't play badly, but Fat Pat McCluskey single handedly hammered us (think it was a hat trick), Sons fans will probably be able to fill in the details. (We signed Pat the following season!)

  10. It looked for a long time that next season was going to be a real tough one, with the potential of Falkirk and Partick Thistle coming down and  being fairly obvious favourites to go straight back up, but things are changing  - Alloa have run out of steam  and QOS look to be in freefall, should these two come down and Raith accompany Arbroath in going  up I think that pairing would possibly present less of a challenge.  Peterhead look likely to come up and although I don't see them being a pushover i can't see them challenging at the top end of the table.    All in all the league is shaping up to be a fairly level playing field which could be there for the taking!

  11. 5 minutes ago, Moon said:

    There's just a huge sense of apathy around the club just now isn't there? I think we had all thought that we were finally going to have a really good season but obviously things are going terribly.

    So, we got a takeover, got decent investment, and now have a new manager and none of those things have put us any closer to getting out of this league. When you add in the relationship with the Trust going down the toilet, things are indeed looking bleak.

    Whilst I think the manager needs to be given the time to build his own team before being judged, I can see why people are starting to get a wee bit frustrated, I know I am.

    But we need to ask ourselves, what would changing manager achieve at this point? Perhaps a 2 or 3 game new manager bounce but after that we still need to let the new guy build his team before seeing where we are. For the first time in years we have a guy with experience, we need to let him use it to build us a new team. Unless there are people who genuinely think we have the right players. (I'd argue that they are wrong, but that's just, like, my opinion man)

    But yeah, I'm pretty down just now and generally can't be bothered thinking about Airdrie. 

    Agree with the above, as we drift towards the end of the season man players will already be thinking about next season and quite probably a good few of the existing squad will already know officially or through the grapevine that they will be released, so where is the incentive for them to really try hard.  Sure you might expect that they would try to impress other clubs but is seems in this league that everyone knows everyone else so reputations and capabilities will already be known.  I am actually starting to think next season might just be as bad as this, unless Murray can  persuade players with genuine talent to a club that has been stagnant for many years, has declining crowns  a stadium with zero atmosphere and for all we know may still be unstable at boardroom level.  Now where did I leave those pills......

  12. 20 hours ago, waysider said:

    To be honest if I had a relative playing I would be reluctant to go. Every player gets abuse at sometime and if a relative cannot cope with that, he or she should give the game a miss.

    I think possibly it has always been thus, but the relatives of old would have been segregated on the top deck of the old pavillion where there opinions would not have been heard by the masses

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