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Posts posted by DC92

  1. It feels like ages since we've been able to tie down a valuable player on a long-term deal. I can't even remember the last one. Great news.

    From a bean-counting point of view it's good that he might get another chance at group stage football. A solid season-and-a-half for us, a good world cup and European experience will see his value much higher this time next year than it is now, but we'd have been cutting it fine with only 12/18 months left on his deal. Now that pressure to cash in is gone.

    From a football point of view it probably means he'll be here next season which is brilliant. To be honest, although he's got the game intelligence to go up a level, I think he still has some improving to do as far as handling more physical strikers goes. That's something he can definitely develop here.

  2. 5 hours ago, Tony Wonder said:

    While agreeing Cochrane is a loss, it's less of one if Kingsley is fit and comes in at wing back. If it's Halliday there instead then yes, huge loss.

    I think Sibbick will be making way for Kingsley if he's back. If Cochrane doesn't make it it'll probably be Halliday (provided he's fit). Neilson loves Halliday and seems to prefer Kingsley in the three and I'm not sure he's even played the latter at wing-back before.

    I also suspect it'll be Kingsley in the middle and Rowles on the left, which seems like a waste of Kingsley, although I think his aerial stats are better.

  3. 1 hour ago, Tony Wonder said:

    Seen someone say we lack a bit of steel, but honestly don't think we do. We maybe lack a hard man, but our desire and spirit is very evident. We've won games with 10 men, came back from losing positions when we've suffered brutal injuries and generally don't give up at all. Even last night previous Hearts teams probably would've chucked in an equaliser. 

    I completely agree. If we finish 3rd then the mental toughness shown up to now will be the story of our season.

    We've gained a total of 12 points from games where we were either losing, or received a red card at 0-0/0-1. On the other hand, we've only dropped points from a winning position against a non-OF team once (the 1-1 with Hibs in August). That's pretty exceptional, especially considering some of the laughable defensive selections we've had to put out.

    At the same time, I'm reluctant to congratulate ourselves too much before three massive games which could completely change the complexion of the season. We don't seem to like putting games to bed early on and have been made to suffer in just about all our wins this season. Winning so many close/closeish games definitely shows bottle, but if you continually sail close to the wind you're likely to get caught out a few times. 

    I also still think our defence frequently struggles with physical/savvy strikers like Main or Fletcher but we haven't really been punished for it yet. Maybe that's what was meant by a lack of steel.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Mordecai said:

    I didn't see the game, so I was expecting some borderline decision. Having seen it back from various angles it's as obvious a penalty as you're likely to see. He actually outstretches his arm to catch it then quickly brings his arm in. This video shows it more clearly:


    I agree that's what it looks like from that video, but I wouldn't say that's necessarily the clearest angle because it's hard to tell exactly where and when it hits him. 

    The other angles aren't ideal either but it's easier to see where it hits him and where his arm is moving parallel to the touchline. 


    More than 3 angles would've been good but surely anyone can agree that still that's being circulated showing the ball level with his hand is deliberately misleading bollocks. The contact was above the elbow.

  5. 17 minutes ago, Kapowzer said:

    Got a few Gillingham chums asking what you made of Olly Lee. Looking at the stats, joined you in 2018/19, did OK. Following season he went south on loan, he came back for the postponed Scottish Cup Final and 10 games after demotion and allowed away again to Gillingham.

    Hearts stats were played 58 scored 9 assists 18, so something contributing every second game roughly.

    The fact you let him spend so much time of the 3 year deal away suggests you had better? Suppose its possibly similar with Jordan Roberts and us.


    He looked good to begin with but faded. Technically decent and scored some good goals but frustratingly slow and ponderous on the ball. I think almost all his assists were from corners.

  6. 1 minute ago, Insert Amusing Pseudonym said:

    Incorrect penalty decisions shouldn't lead you to give more of them.

    I get why folk think it's a pen.  I just don't think it was

    Just had another look there. Only three angles is a bit shite but I think this one is the least bad at showing where it hits Rowles and the angle of his arm when it did.


    To me it looks like it hits him close to his shoulder, which is angled backwards and pulling away.

    The angle behind the goals looks bad because his arm is extended, but it doesn't make it clear that it's also angled backwards and it's not easy to tell exactly where it hits him.

    None of the angles are great so I can believe it should've been given, but I can also see why VAR didn't overturn it based on the available angles. 


  7. Just now, Bobby_F said:

    Yeah, taking a moderately paced free kick on the back of your napper can be really serious.  

    Definitely wasn’t anything about trying to run down the clock. 

    Thoughts and prayers.  

    I'd have to see it again but he missed last week's game due to a head knock and had his head in his hands going down the tunnel. His substitution also forced us to play a right-footed winger who can't defend at left-wing-back for the last few minutes. That wouldn't be my first choice of timewasting sub.

  8. I'll take the points but we got away with that.

    We're getting results but this formation really doesn't work for me. Three defenders passing the ball to each other and then overrun when it comes into midfield because we're outnumbered. You need your outside CBs to be really strong on the ball to make it work.

    Not a great cameo from Humphrys. Decided to shoot when he could have played Kuol in and then when Kuol put him through with a perfectly weighted ball he somehow missed.

    Hill looked decent.

    Hopefully Kingsley is back and Cochrane and Halliday's injuries aren't serious because we can't be playing Forrest there again. We'll need to be much better on Wednesday regardless.

  9. 19 minutes ago, Insert Amusing Pseudonym said:

    We've lost our captain and vice captain to a broken leg and a cruciate injury, its no been that much in our favour tbqfh

    Yeah, I think Rowles is the only player who's come back from injury since then and a few have been added to the list.

    Still, I agree this is probably a better time for us but I think the main difference between now and then is the attitude of the players. Feels like they stopped feeling sorry for themselves and started showing some mettle.

  10. 11 hours ago, kingjoey said:

    I would trust the Sheffield Wednesday staff who want shot of him.

    Well, they're continuing to play him while the clubs negotiate a fee, so they're not gifting him to us.

    He's also in the last 6 months of his contract and, by all accounts, wants to come back. That's not the strongest negotiating position to be in.

    And while I've no idea if the rumours about a family illness are true, it underlines the point that the reasons for letting a player leave aren't always purely football-based. His Championship-sized wages have been cited by their fans a few times as well.

    I don't think any of that contradicts the prevailing fan opinion that he's a useful player.

    11 hours ago, Derry Alli said:

    Please tell me that is a Craig Gordon tattoo on your avi.

    It is indeed. It's on this thread a couple of pages back.


    1 hour ago, Bogbrush1903 said:

    I'm sure Shinnie will give the 'enforcer' a warm welcome next week...

    As much as the "my dad would batter your dad" stuff is a bit immature, your smaller, weaker dad doesn't stand a chance here I'm afraid.

    Anyway, most Sheffield Wednesday fans seem to think Paterson is pretty good and want him to stay but Aberdeen fans think he's struggling. Who to trust?

  12. 12 minutes ago, Tony Wonder said:

    Keith Downie saying that we are close to agreeing a deal to get Paterson back this month. What a window this is turning into.

    I definitely can't remember us getting this much business done so early in January.

    You could argue we won't need anything else after this, although if I'm being hypercritical I still think we lack an experienced CH to cover Halkett. Hill seems more like the type of RCB we wanted to add in the summer to replace Souttar and is a bit of an unknown quantity. If we're going to stick with a 3 I wouldn't say no to bringing in another there and loaning Lewis Neilson to the Championship.

    Aside from that, Smith is creaking a bit and Atkinson is out of favour, so maybe a right-wing-back? Does Paterson still have the mobility to play there now that he's bulked up to be an English lower league battering ram?

    On Paterson, I've come round to him a bit more. He's been in decent form for Sheffield Wednesday recently and most of their fans seem disappointed to see him go. I'm still not sure he's the same player that left but he'll give 100%, do a job in various positions and offer the aerial presence in both boxes that we've been lacking.

    I'd imagine he'll be coming back to be a first pick so it'll be interesting to see what role Neilson has in mind for him.


  13. 4 minutes ago, VincentGuerin said:

    I don't think I am. I'm just pulling up MR for a sensationalist misrepresentation of what was said. It's like something Kenny McIntyre would say.

    This thread went all Old Firm Twitter for a few minutes.

    1. Someone posts something inaccurate and misleading.

    2. Others fans pile in and say how disgraceful it is. 😀

    Preston said TWICE that Hearts play a different system to Aberdeen and that Duk wouldn't fit in as well. Do we play him wide instead of our current options? I don't think so. Even Aberdeen fans were recently criticising Goodwin's decision to play him there, so why would we alter a relatively prolific attack to play him out of his best position?

    MR is just looking for controversy where there was none. Some players fit some teams better. Duk is a good player, clearly, but Hearts have no need for him.

    And Preston certainly never said 'Duk isn't good enough for Hearts'.


    I get what you're saying but I don't agree with the conclusion.

    Firstly, I think he slots into the system we're currently playing quite easily ahead of Ginnelly, who's pretty much been playing through the middle recently. Even if he didn't, I think we'd adjust the system to fit him in because he's very good.

    I'd even go as far as to say Duk is exactly the type of player we're missing in an attacking sense. A more explosive goal threat. We're targeting Kuol from Newcastle at the moment which seems like an attempt to address that.

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