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Posts posted by DC92

  1. This might be lingering PTSD from those dire Friday night Championship games on the BBC, but I think this could be difficult. Hamilton's recent form maybe elevates it to be potential banana skin territory. Has to be the strongest team available.

    I'd be very surprised if Snodgrass doesn't start. It's 9 days til our next game and then 13 days after that so there's plenty of recovery time.

  2. 3 hours ago, Stylish Kid said:

    Bit disappointing to hear this. I was hoping that our academy was improving. I get that it's hard to break into the 1st the when it's doing well, but surely we should be having more? I know that Joe Savage is looking to improve it, but to be honest it's getting a bit embarrassing now 

    No idea about the other three, but McGill and Logan are 21 and don't seem to have massively stood out in their loan spells. The sad fact is most academy players aren't going to make it at our level and that's probably the case for just about every club in the world.

    Obviously the club has identified the academy as an issue given they punted Roger Arnott last year, but McAvoy has only been in place for 12 months and it'll probably be at least a couple of years before we can properly assess whether anything's changed for the better.

    To be honest, it's not something I'm massively invested in. It feels like no-one in Scotland is bringing through anything other than one-off talents and even Celtic and Rangers are lucky to see them play a first team match before they get poached. The idea we'll ever be able to produce a "conveyor belt' of good young players feels like a bit of an unachievable myth at the moment.

    Picking up players in their early 20s from EPL academies or from less fancied leagues seems like a more fruitful strategy for us at the moment.

  3. 4 minutes ago, StellarHibee said:

    6 of those 34 goals came against Aberdeen when they had a man sent off against us in the 86th minute. You can draw any conclusion you want from basic statistics when you conveniently ignore the finer details.

    I have no idea what point you're trying to make here. 34 is your total number of goals excluding penalties. Red cards have nothing to do with that stat.

    Hibs have only scored 23 non-penalty goals when the other team have 11 men. That includes 4 of the 6 goals against Aberdeen.

  4. 3 hours ago, StellarHibee said:

    Imagine how far ahead we'd be if we were given penalties for nothing while more legitimate claims were ignored at the other end of the pitch. Imagine how far ahead we'd be if teams weren't allowed to barge our keeper over at corners. 

    We've had the same number of penalties as Aberdeen and one more than Livi. The only slightly debatable one was at Tannadice and we've had more nonsense penalties against than for.

    But anyway, let's accept your premise that opposition teams should be allowed to commit fouls in their own penalty box and see how the numbers stack up.

    Non-penalty goals:

    Hearts 36

    Hibs 34

    Non-penalty goals against 11 men:

    Hearts 33

    Hibs 23

    Will this stop your tears on every Hearts thread? Of course not, but it was worth a try.

  5. 1 hour ago, Sarto Mutiny said:

    I'm interested by this belief, shared by most referees around the world, that these type of challenges are somehow no longer dangerous when goalkeepers make them.

    This was done to death at the time, but Gordon had his knees close to his body, feet tucked in, side-on to the United player and was slowing down. With both players coming in at speed, you're usually better off being in the air and being sent flying rather than having your feet planted. If he'd done an Allan McGregor-style jump sticking his knees in or taking a sly kick it'd be different and keepers do seem to get away with that.

    As for Edwards, if you're tackling in such a way that you're cleanly planting your studs in someone's ankle then there's potential for a serious injury and it'll almost always be a red card. It's a pretty consistent standard that we've also fallen foul of this season.

  6. We've scored some excellent goals since the World Cup. Forrest and McKay v St Johnstone, McKay v St Mirren, Smith v Aberdeen, Shankland and Sibbick v Hibs, and Cochrane and Humphrys yesterday. A couple of Gino's goals have been really good finishes as well.

    Unfortunately I think we've been too reliant on moments of brilliance because performances have been patchy at best recently. We were disgustingly bad in the first half yesterday before and after the red card.

    A 3 at the back where the outside CBs are average on the ball and a midfield with Snodgrass basically on his own was always going to have a short shelf-life. Teams have cottoned on to the fact you can just let the CBs knock it around and then swarm Snodgrass when it comes into midfield. We don't have a sufficient answer to that.

    It's been an issue pretty much throughout January and one of the worst examples was St Mirren away in the first half. At half-time we changed to a back 4 and dominated, then we went straight back to 3-4-3 in the home game and looked poor.

    Thankfully we got away with it yesterday but Neilson has to learn the lesson or shit performances will turn into shit results.

    On the positive side, McKay was very good yesterday and exactly what we needed in a second half that was basically attack v defence. Humphrys and Shankland as a partnership looked really promising again and has been underutilised. Kuol did well when he came on and was instrumental in the second goal.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Tony Wonder said:

    Was thinking that earlier. If we've truly improved, it won't be measured in games against Celtic or Rangers, it'll be if we can bounce back and win when we are expected to.

    My current opinion is that this year's team is more resilient than last year; better at dealing with setbacks and getting wins in challenging circumstances. 

    My worry would be that a lot of the credit built up with the fans recently will have been eroded - completely needlessly - by Wednesday's showing. The crowd is going to be a lot less patient than it would've been otherwise if we don't start well.

    It'll be interesting to see how the defence reacts as well.  Will they slot straight back into their January form or will we see a nervier performance tomorrow? Fletcher gave us issues last time.

    We should win this but I'm less confident than I was a couple of days ago.

  8. 1 hour ago, Austin McCann said:

    The gap between 2nd and 3rd was enourmous last night. Pretty depressing from a diddy point of view.

    Yet the gap between 2nd and 4th/5th/6th/7th etc. hasn't looked nearly as big as that in recent months.

    They're clearly a much better team who played well and might have given us a doing anyway, but last night is what happens when you play into their hands to an almost comical degree.

    It's not even as if that's a set-up we've been playing against the lesser teams in the league and it got found out against better opposition last night. It was completely out of the blue.

    I'd calmed down about it today but seeing Neilson (as usual) shifting the blame has me seething again. :lol:

  9. 1 minute ago, lennyzer0 said:

    Not so much made up as I had it in my head that Rangers paid £3.5 million for that Belgian bloke not £1.5 million. but you can change 'on Tuesday' to, say, 'pretty much any close season' and the point works fine. 

    Obviously your point still stands, but Boyce, Shankland, Grant, Kio, Sibbick, Rowles, Devlin, Atkinson all cost 6 figure fees. That's well over a million there on the current squad alone. I'm not even 100% sure you'd even have to go as far back as the Romanov era to get to £3.5m.

  10. 30 minutes ago, Unleash The Nade said:

    This ^^
    Absolute clusterfuck of a team selection by Neilson.

    Also , with Barry McKay in the starting line up , you’re down to 10 men already , as he’s a total passenger 99% of the time .

    We got what we deserved and 3-0 flattered us.


    McKay usually doesn't do much in these games but he was our best attacking player when moved to his correct position. Played some nice passes and got past his man a few times. I know that isn't saying much.

    To be honest, I'm not reading a huge amount into individual performances. The dreadful team selection fucked it and then we were chasing a game we were never likely to get back into.

    27 minutes ago, Insert Amusing Pseudonym said:

    Probably because he's never played in central midfield in his life and never will again. 

    He was poor but that's 100% on Robbie tonight

    He looked good the one or two times he got forward. Skinned someone down the right and played McKay in for his chance. Obviously not very adept at playing on the edge of his own box. Hopefully that hasn't dented his confidence.

  11. The recent form has obviously gone to Neilson's head and he thinks he's some sort of tactical genius. He loves a galaxy brain team selection from time to time, but an 18 year old striker and Barrie McKay in central midfield is the worst yet.

    What can you even do to change it? All our available attackers are on the pitch. A game we might have got something from written off at half time.

    At least I chucked some cash on Rangers -2 when I saw the line-up.

  12. 17 minutes ago, DC92 said:

    Mental looking selection. There are about 100 different possibilities but here's my stab:


    Hill Kingsley Rowles Cochrane

    Sibbick Snodgrass

    Ginnelly Shankland McKay


    Neilson likes a back 4 v the OF and this would be similar to the setup v Zurich at home.

    Ok, it's far more mental than this judging by Neilson's interview. A midfield 3 of Snodgrass, Kuol and McKay.

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