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Posts posted by DC92

  1. 1 hour ago, FredFlintsone said:

    What I meant to say is it was predictable Hearts would lose both legs. And they didn't disappoint. 

    And there is no such thing as SHOULD in football. If  team A has 95% of the play, 50 shots, hits the bar 10 times and the post 10 times and team B has one shot and scores. Who deserves to win? Well it's team B because the idea of the game is not to hit the post or the crossbar.

    I said nothing about deserving to win. 

    12 minutes ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

    What did they have to say about Celtic playing ties at Murrayfield?

    Also somewhat ironic given the number of times we've played away from Tynecastle in the last 20 years. And remember when the national team moved a qualifier to Parkhead to make way for Robbie Williams at Hampden?

    I'm surprised to see the Mail on Sunday display that level of ignorance and hypocrisy towards foreigners.

  2. 23 minutes ago, FredFlintsone said:

    As McGowan in todays Daily Mail pointed out Hearts were not "plucky losers". There is negligible difference in TV money between the Scottish and Swiss leagues and Hearts in fact average 3000 MORE at home matches than Zurich. No it was just another dismal home and away defeat by a Scottish clib in Europe. The fact Grant got sent off for diving and ruined the tie doesn't change anything. Just part of the game. Hearts should have won this tie.


    20 minutes ago, FredFlintsone said:

    What do you mean you SHOULD have been in front? I didn't see any valid goals chalked off or penalties not given. The basic idea of this game is to put the ball in the back of the net. 

    What do you mean Hearts SHOULD have won this tie? I didn't see any valid goals chalked off or penalties given. The basic idea of this game is to put the ball in the net.

    It's almost as if you're more than capable of understanding, but if you want an earnest answer, I meant that we should have capitalised on our first half dominance by scoring from one of the many openings we created. That we didn't is a failure, but the point is that we weren't outclassed or humiliated as you seem keen to make out.

    The stuff about TV money and attendances is guff. Zurich's £13.3m wage budget is significantly bigger than ours and every team outside the Old Firm. They brought an Italian international off the bench in both games. To say we "should" be beating them is just ill-informed.

    And nobody said it was a plucky performance. I said it wasn't "risible" and doesn't point to us losing to a much weaker team in RFS. It was simply a very disappointing result in a tie we could - not should - have won. It's something that happens to almost every team in every season in every competition in the world and it isn't a uniquely Scottish affliction, contrary to what the tedious "wha's like us" miserablists want to think.

  3. 1 hour ago, The Master said:

    Since no Hearts fans seem interested in posting their fixtures…

    8 Sep - 17:45 Hearts v İstanbul Basaksehir
    15 Sep - 20:00 RFS v Hearts
    6 Oct - 20:00 Hearts v Fiorentina
    27 Oct - 20:00 Hearts v RFS
    3 Nov - 15:30 İstanbul Basaksehir v Hearts

    A 5.45pm kick-off for a home fixture is ridiculous. 

    You missed 13 Oct - 17:45 Fiorentina v Hearts. A trip I have since booked. 😎

    From a competitive point of view I'd have preferred all those fixtures to be reversed so we could keep things alive longer. If we don't take 4 points in those first 2 games then we're effectively done by the middle of September.

  4. 9 minutes ago, FredFlintsone said:

    Hmm...given the risible efforts of our non-Rangers clubs so far (honorable exception to Dundee United at home to Alkmaar) Id be highly sceptical Hearts can win both of these games. They'll probably win at home and lose away. In fact they will lose all their away matches. They could sneak a draw versus the Turks at home but they'll be outclassed by the Italians in both ties. So 4 points for the Tarts is my guess.

    They're a poor team who luckily scraped past Linfield. I'll be furious if we don't beat them home and away.

    Dundee United and Motherwell's results are nothing to do with us, and last night wasn't a risible effort. We played well with 11 men on the pitch and should have been in front before a moment of madness ruined the game. The first leg was poor but it was a makeshift defence and we were playing a far better team than RFS.

  5. Grant fucked it, but the outcome felt inevitable at half-time. You can't surrender the first leg by playing jobbers like Atkinson and Sibbick and then not take your numerous chances when they come in the first half there. Boyce inevitably fucking feinting or fluffing his lines every time he's through on goal is fucking infuriating. 

    It's hard to be positive just now but that was a very good performance until the red card. Cochrane and Devlin in particular were brilliant in that first half.

    Thank f**k we've got a second chance. The EL would have been a good laugh but realistically we'd be lucky to get a point. The Conference is where we should be just now.

  6. 42 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

    His second? A push in the back, definite 2nd yellow.

    As an aside,  Richard Gordon says that Hearts "can take a lot out of this" 

    I think what they can take is - that formation and team wont work full stop.

    The 5 corners at the 50 min mark, that was the big chance.

    Overall, 31% possession, 1 shot, zero on target, 2 players sent off.


    I seriously doubt anyone is bothered whether that team and formation "works" given there were about 2 first picks in the starting line-up. That could easily drop to 0 first picks by the end of the window.

    The reserves stayed in the game until injury time, some of them showed up well, and we've come out of this with no apparent injuries and exactly as many points as we were ever likely to get. "Grim" seems a bit strong.

  7. 17 hours ago, Merkland Red said:

    Must have been watching a different game. That lot were very dangerous on the counter. With some better decisions they'd have bagged a couple more.

    Neilson is going to overthink it.

    I suppose the good thing about being one behind is there's far less room for overthinking. We have to win in 90 minutes.

    The bad thing is we've seen plenty of examples of clubs thinking "ah, we'll do them at home" after settling for less than they might have got in the away leg. It's worked for Rangers recently, but St Johnstone and Aberdeen both fell foul of this last season. In fact, our last European tie under this manager falls into the same category and that was against a far worse team.

    I've got a nagging feeling we missed an opportunity last night and haven't given ourselves the best chance. As you said, they look like they might actually be better equipped to sit in and play on the break.

    At the moment I'd give us about a 1 in 3 chance of going through and a 1 in 3 chance of getting done by two or three.

  8. 3 hours ago, VincentGuerin said:

    Bit of a concern about Halkett then. We're going to pick up injuries with this schedule, but this is a bad place to start.

    Fingers crossed it's not too serious, but fearing the worst. I think after Gordon he's the next one I'd want in the team every week.

    New centre-half needed if this is remotely long-term.

    We need a new CB regardless, especially as Neilson will definitely persist with 3-4-3. Two first team exits and only one incoming in that position so far. Kingsley and Halkett are both prone to niggles as well.

    It'll have to be a busy couple of weeks for us to cope with the schedule.

  9. 24 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

    I just heard Robbie Replay interview on the radio, talking about the "20000 hearts fans" at tynecastle next week.

    I confess, I must have missed the redevelopment work starting to expand the capacity of the stadium, but well done on getting this work all completed during the closed season. 👏

    "He said 20,000, but the capacity of the ground is only 19,800!!!" 🤓


  10. 6 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

    It depends - if its the Conf league, you will be fine (with respect to them, its not a high standard) in those games.

    If you manage to spawn a win next week, then I agree - you will need much more quality in the Europa.

    There'll still be good teams in the top two seeds of the Conference group, better than us certainly.

    It's more about getting the strength in depth we need to compete on both fronts because we certainly don't have that at the moment imo. The defence is lighter on options than it was last season and one injury saw us finishing the game with an LB at RCB, a poor CB at RB and an RB in midfield.

  11. 12 minutes ago, Insert Amusing Pseudonym said:

    No more 3 at the back thanks.  It worked with last year's 3, it most certainly hasn't this season.  

    Think we've got a very decent shot at beating them tbh.  Especially if that Dzemaili boy is out, he looked a class above

    The thing is, aside from being obvious looking at our current options, we've already learned that lesson this season. More than once. 

    It was mental to go with a defensive combination which we've never played, especially when it featured Atkinson. It made no sense whatsoever. Just play the same back 4 that's conceded 1 non-penalty in the last 150 minutes of football.

  12. I've never been convinced by the idea you take a 1 goal defeat in the away leg but I absolutely will in those circumstances.  

    They're a better team (as I expected) but a poor team selection, Halkett's injury and a lack of squad depth have cost us a better result. A back four of Smith, Halkett, Rowles and Kingsley would've had a chance of a result there imo. Baningime's composure in midfield was also missed.

    The home leg is a different game and I'd have been reasonably confident if Halkett hadn't got injured. I don't know what we do without him but, whatever the team selection, it absolutely CANNOT involve Atkinson or Sibbick. Atkinson was expectedly dreadful in the first half and I reckon almost every Zurich chance in the second half was Sibbick's fault. The left hand side of defence was comfortable enough.

    Too late for the second leg, but we really need at least 4 good players in by the groups. A CB, CM and 2 attackers.

  13. We've been poor overall. I didn't like the starting setup in defence and Halkett's injury has both weakened us significantly and prevented us from changing it later in the game. Amazing that we're playing an away game in Europe with Sibbick and Atkinson as the right-hand side of our defence. Hard to see then not conceding again.

    On a mildly positive note, their defence can be got at. I'm just not sure we're equipped to get at it.

  14. Is it too negative this close to kick-off to say I really don't like that line-up?

    Halkett has been excellent in the centre of a back 3 and recently in a 2. I don't think he's played a competitive game for us on the right of a 3, and putting him there against a pacy attack when one of his bigger flaws is defending out wide seems bold. Especially when we're playing a right-wing-back who can't defend. I'm also assuming Kingsley is in the centre of the 3, which just seems a waste of him.

    If we play the 3-4-3 like we usually do, Halkett and Rowles will see a lot of the ball. They're usually both ok on the ball, but they're a significant downgrade on Souttar and Kingsley on that score such that I don't really see any appeal in playing a 3 with our current personnel whatsoever. It just takes away a body we could be using in midfield or attack and probably sees us pinned back. Shankland isn't really a Simms type who can play an isolated role either.

    On the plus side, I am clueless.

  15. 10 hours ago, Tony Wonder said:

    I'd be tempted to play Boyce rather than Grant. I think Grant has only really had 20 minutes of playing well the last 2 games and Boyce is good in the air and at drawing fouls etc. Also expect it to be a less hectic pace, so he'll get more time on the ball. 

    Would be fine if Grant started like, just personal preference as I think we'll need someone to hold it up a bit if we are playing deeper which Robbie almost certainly will.

    You could be right about Boyce, and starting him might help to prevent Shankland being isolated. My thinking was that Grant's composure will be useful in a game like this while Boyce would be a good option to freshen up the attack later on.

    I'm also a bit meh on Grant and Forrest so far. Both look like they have something to offer but they won't be first picks when the squad is complete ideally.

    Looking at the XI, I think our issue is still that if you stop McKay then you stop us as a creative force. Celtic and Rangers have been successful at doing that, other Premiership teams haven't. I'm expecting Zurich to be somewhere in between.

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