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Everything posted by mozam76

  1. Nah, they're singing "where's your ashes gone". I'm sure Whitlock couldn't give a f**k about cricket. or maybe he does, I dunno. The crowd are getting just the wrong side of rowdy now.
  2. Some stunning darts from Taylor. Just stunning. I can't stick the way he saunters along that stage thinking he's the cock of the walk - but as an arrow thrower, he's outstanding. Whitlock is brilliant. He's a breath of fresh air.
  3. What a fucking stunning 82 from Whitlock!!
  4. Two stunning bull shots in that set. Whitlock needs to win the next one, else Taylor could race away.
  5. It was. I loved the wee glance from Whitlock after it - " aye ok then, ya tosser, you've won f**k all yet"
  6. At least Bristow and Harrington know his fucking name Sid - it's NOT Ozzy.
  7. One of these days somebody has to tell Sid that all this talk of lies, drifts, stackas etc - it's just pish, pure unadultarated rancid keech.
  8. Taylors set to lose after that opening 59 fae Whitlock.
  9. Taylor is having a bit of a mare, is he not? Some poor scoring, and his doubles are poor.
  10. "superb perpendicular attack on the 60".
  11. Easy 2nd leg for Taylor.
  12. I'll admit it, it was his bottle I worried about beforehand. His first set vs Wade proved to me he had the ability, but I worried about his nerves on that stage in front of the imbecile crowd. And you're spot on, I was bang wrong. Come on Whitlock, this is on now.
  13. The thing is, he's not. Far from it. He was on a ton+ finish in that set, and he threw a 59 I think it was. And his doubles have been pretty sketchy. He's big scoring, aye, but the rest of his game in that set was not of his usual standard.
  14. GET. FUCKING. IN. Seriously Taylor, Get it fucking roonabootye. YASSSSS!!!!
  15. He's an absolute lunatic. I genuinely think he doesn't know what he's sayin half the time. That x8 will cost Whitlock. And it has. I cannae fucking watch.
  16. This 84 is VITAL................................... ..... no.
  17. FUCKING YASSSSS!!!!!!! 170 fae Whitlock!!! He's waking up!!!
  18. First set Taylor, against the throw - and it's all looking very ominous. Whitlock could be done and dusted by 9pm if he can't get some big scores in.
  19. Nervy hold there fae the Wizard! Cannae believe Taylor missed three doubles. And then he fires in a 180.........
  20. f**k the crowd. f**k the bloody lot of 'em.
  21. I cannot wait for this - but I actually feel sick for Whitlock. I really hope he goes out, brings his A game - come on the Wizard!!!
  22. Didn't see any of the darts last night - but when I had a sneaked a cheeky wee look at the news on my fone and saw "Whitlock stuns Barney to reach final" I was off my seat! Ya fuckin beauty, I can't wait for the final tonight. I really hope Whitlock brings his A game. He might still only win 2-3 sets but it would make it some kind of contest.
  23. Shooting oneself when listening to Sid Waddell is always very tempting.
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