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Whistle Blower

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Everything posted by Whistle Blower

  1. That sounds wrong, she is either a) A Call Girl or B) works beside you
  2. Weegies that only drive when its raining. My daily commute from Ayr to Cumbernauld normally takes just over an hour. Today it took 1hour 45, mainly due to the increased traffic coming on the M77 at the Glasgow junctions, this traffic isn't normally there, so can only be due to weegies no wanting to stand in the rain waiting on a bus/train. b*****ds
  3. They are indeed thats why they were disbanded a few years ago. You now have NHS Glagsow & Clyde or NHS Highland
  4. Mrs WB was at the managers meeting yesterday and thats what was said. She will be on maternity leave in October, so we are hoping she gets her redundancy before then.
  5. My brother already works for them, and raves about them. Hopefully he can put the wifes name top of the list for redundancy.
  6. Mrs WB's work has been taken over. Mrs WB's Work ***prays for redundancy***
  7. I dont think thats a winner, I find it difficult to sleep with a red raw bell end
  8. Kids - well 12 -16 year olds Last night a bunch of them were playing football in the wee swing park otside the house, ball comes over and misses the windows by a baw hair. Out goes a raging Whistle Blower 'Do you lot not know how to control a football ?' and pish about windows costing me £0,000's I then get the ball and look to belt it in their general direction, only for my pisss poor effort to balloon in the direction of someone elses garden. Cue the kids 'Do you know how to control a football mister' Cheeky little feckers.
  9. I think we are up to episode 13 on Hallmark just now, getting a bit confusing though
  10. Rather they bumped Cathryn Willows she does my tits in, nice trout pout.
  11. Bawz With your impressive handling of the Raith kids on the 2nd division forum, and large breasts, I had you on my short list as a possible au pair.
  12. I hope none of the folk on here get called up for jury service. Jail him your honour he looks like a wrong un
  13. The parents have done an amazing job, by keeping the media interested for so long. I am sure being white and middle class would help.
  14. I have the pleasure of driving to Newcastle tomorrow to receive a kicking on behalf of the company. That wasn't in any of the letters/emails about my promotion.
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