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Everything posted by LIVIFOREVER

  1. Exactly, they decide to do one thing then change their mind and relegate us down 2 Div, as i said, the rules are open to do as they please and that's why we had this balls up a couple of days before the season started and continued to date. The appeal is because of the demotion...correct, a points deduction was what they were going to hand us the week before, if you think the SFL handled this correctly then i'm at a loss, because this is one fuckup that could've been avoided if they had just told us we're being relegated to the 3rd at the first meeting, that would still have been a harsh decision but at least it would've been decisive from the start. The rules need to be set out clearly so everyone knows what punishment is going to be set, not a vague clusterfuck to be interpreted several different ways depending how the SFL feel, it covers their ass to hand out points deduction or relegation, or no punishment at all, how is that crystal clear!
  2. Obviously you have a different view of it than McGruther and the Livi5 consortium then, the SFL's handling of this leaves a lot to be desired and hence the appeal, the rules are so vague they can be manipulated to whatever ends the SFL wanted them and that is where an independant panel should be our best chance, certainly better then the SFL one anyway. Our chances have always been slim, however at least this time it'll be a fair hearing and as such i'm hoping the Livi5 consortium will take whatever verdict they get and end it there. I just want to get on with the football, isn't just you other teams fans that is fed up with it all.
  3. I'd have thought the opposite, no agendas by the arbitrators so a fair hearing, it is an independant law lord who will preside over it. Hopefully they'll accept whatever way it goes and get on with it in whatever league we'll be in. It could be early next week that the appeal is heard, if so it'll give the players a slim chance to find another club if need be, not an easy task even if they had more time, Livi have sold our obv assets player wise, no guarantee that the ones still here will be sought after elsewhere.
  4. I knew i had read something about Thurs and thought it was when the hearing was, but going by that it was the appeal being tendered.
  5. Yeah but apart from that, what did the Romans ever do for us.
  6. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/football/sfl/...86908-21612963/
  7. You leave big Armand's derriere out of this, i'm sure he has a gravitational pull the way he stumbles past 4 players and manages to still have the ball at his feet, didn't know it came from there though.
  8. You're like a stuck record, i think we all know your views on Livi, it aint going to make any difference to Livi fans, we'll support our team whether you think we should or not, it isn't like a Livi fan is going to say, oh DF is right, we're a disgrace, i'm morally outraged at our antics, i'll go support Rangers/Celtic instead. Yes you are correct in everything you're saying about our conduct in not paying creditors, but what it comes down to is people support a team for various reasons, they do it for the enjoyment of watching football, going to games for the matchday experience, meeting friends, having a few jars etc etc. You being morally outraged isn't going to change that. I do hope we get through this and run the club at whatever level we need to break even financially.
  9. Yip you assumed right....... ya b'stard. To PLL as well, i read it was Thurs, but i wouldn't put my life on it, sure i read it somewhere but canny remember where.
  10. I dare say he was going on what Dundee's Brannan said last week,
  11. You have a clear advantage though, easy to slag Livi off with so much ammunision at your disposal, EdinLivi is doing a sterling job standing up to all the playground bullies that gather on here to have a go whilst they massage their own ego's, oh how much they think of themselves in a superior, intellectual, moral, self righteous, if i were chocolate i'd eat myself way.
  12. The latest statement on the OS says we'll run within our means, gone are the days of spending outwith them. It's all just words till we see it happening though and the line of posters on here waiting with baited breath on the new board falling on their faces will just have to wait, as will us Livi fans. They are entitled to have a pop at us right enough, as we aren't exactly a shining example of how to run a club properly, i just hope to christ we can this time, but will be waiting to see before i join in the pessimism.
  13. Nope, where do you get that from? The board has stated that def wont happen and we will run the club within its means. However they will have to realise remaining FT isn't going to be an option, as going by VT post we'll need upwards of 2,600 home gates plus decent sponsorship. The boards not set out what will be Livi's plan for the season, we're still all over the place waiting on appeals, but i just can't see us being able to sustain a FT team in any Div on our current wage structure, a lot of work still needs to be done and i'm sure the board know that.
  14. Going to be difficult finding anyone willing to sponsor us at present, i've not even bought a ST yet, so can't see folk queueing up to sponsor us. Everything is still a bit vague with the new board, we are not certain what league we're playing in (will most likely be the 3rd Div), so ST's and sponsorships can't really be chased. Will take time and hard work to get a certain amount of goodwill and trust back for Livi FC, also honesty and proving that they (the board) are honest is going to be imperative, that will only happen through the course of their actions this season.
  15. I agree, also we have 300 ST's bought when Massone was in charge, the money for them is lost revenue that can't be included in this seasons budget, so we're minus 300 before you even start counting on what our att is.
  16. Yip and they made Massone the offer for his shares after the first SFL meeting, where they were assured we'd remain a 1st div club. I agree with you on their business plan, i've no idea what it is as i've not seen it, but theres no way we can remain FT even in the 1st div with an att of 1400 (going on last years average att in the 1st Div) let alone what could be 800 att in the 3rd Div. I'd imagine we'd need over 2,000 home gates to have a chance, that plus decent sponsorship, which we have none as yet, with our main sponsor leaving us earlier this year. I'm glad we're still here, but extremely wary and sceptical that we can remain FT, i'm watching with interest over the next month to see where we're heading in that respect.
  17. You didn't quite grasp my point, i wasn't boasting about att, merely saying why keep slagging Livi off about them as we've prob the largets in this Div it makes no sense other 3rd div fans having a go at us for att. I realise that if they're saying it in relation to us remaining FT then that's a totally different matter and does have a relevance.
  18. If it was under normal circumstances then that would be right, but concidering we didn't play last week and had announced we wouldn't be playing this week after launching another appeal, a lot of Livi fans didn't even know the game was on, a few i know had made other arrangements, one even just made the game after only finding out a couple of hours before KO. I'd expect a few hundred more at our next home game and building up as the season progresses, some stability to the club will do wonders for bringing back the supporters.
  19. As shite as our att was it was the biggest in the 3rd Div, i know a few who weren't there as they'd made other arrangements, not expecting us to be playing again, just hope our next game at home shows a bigger att nearer the 1000 mark and maybe grows as the season progresses.
  20. Livi fc had outstanding debt for both the IR and the rent for the stadium when Massone took charge, he said a pay,ent plan had been set up for both, whether he kept the payments up is anyones guess but i've not heard anything about the IR chasing him for money.
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