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Everything posted by accietilleyedye

  1. Where and by whom, we would assume you can back this up with quotes reflecting it
  2. Simple question do you believe all the former directors were complicit in the lies told to you ? You could even answer if you think the directors under DM's stewardship were complicit in his dealings/lies
  3. No it makes you look like an idiot and a fool , your stubbornness has nothing to do with the goings on at Rangers
  4. Paul Murray to be Rangers chairman until King ruled fit-and-proper unless your assertion is the King didn't make that decision
  5. You can't believe that but all the directors for the past 3 years have been doing it according to you
  6. You know nothing, cannot think for yourself and believe everything you read if it has a Real Rangers Man name attached , is this the real reason The Rangers are fooked
  7. Passed fit and proper only by a statement they made themselves , you really are a shit troll And the resignation that hasn't taken effect yet according to the same people who passed themselves fit and proper
  8. Bollocks they did they have been dodging questions about delisting for weeks as for you you said you weren't qualified to talk about delisting so why have you changed your tune ....end seeethe
  9. It seems he was the last Rangers fan to ask a pertinent question , I wonder if he ever got a sensible answer
  10. No honestly, please tell us your true feeling about being lied to by Real Rangers Men , this time their on a different board on a different company but it is still the same fans they are lying too
  11. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/32164350 Rangers say erm it was them big bois wot did it' , we is proper fit lads like, that imaginary nomad said so, so he did. Anyhow,back to reality wasn't it the LSE that had to pass him fit and proper not the 'NOMAD'
  12. Less onerous admission requirements than AIM and the Main Market No rules on the minimum amount of shares that your company is required to put in public hands No prior shareholder approval required for most transactions No rules on the minimum size of company that can float on ISDX Enhanced status with your customers and suppliers An exit route for your existing shareholders(mugs that they are) A source of finance for your company’s development and the best one of the lot for last Tax benefits for investors Can we have a confidently assumed date, for when this listing on ISDX is going to take place please edit for a bad cut n' paste
  13. Another day another new contender http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/32164350 edit as I forgot the content Shares in Rangers International Football Club plc have been delisted from the AIM Stock Exchange. More to follow.
  14. Can we confidently assume that you never really know what your talking about and everything you say is the hopes and dreams of a Real Rangers Man ooops deluded fool
  15. So someone systematically removed all evidence of this Kincardine members existence, fook he must have been a proper arse to piss off staff that much that they went to those efforts to erase him from the P&B collective , it is good to see you keeping up the old traditions though
  16. So who were you and why did you get banned prior to Joined: 01-February 13, or did you just join up for the bantz
  17. For someone who moans about others using tropes your not shy in using them yourself ... ps Trope Alert
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