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Everything posted by Sauzee#4

  1. Sauzee#4

    FIFA 21

    Alright then marquee match ups have cheered me up slightly
  2. Sauzee#4

    FIFA 21

    My pack weight on this new account is clearly even more rigged. Packed three walkouts in eight untradeable packs. De Gea, Keylor Navas and Szczesny. I think the only walkouts I’ve had so far on this account have been keepers. f**k knows what a board is anymore.
  3. Sauzee#4

    FIFA 21

    I don’t know why you do it to yourself in all honesty
  4. Sauzee#4

    FIFA 21

    100k pack number two. Four 100k packs across two accounts and not a single fucking walkout
  5. Sauzee#4

    FIFA 21

    Yeah I think the whole process is flawed to be honest. There is no room to appeal either which just lends in to your point about people abusing it. Anyway, let me bless you all with this delightful 100k pack. One hundred thousand coins.
  6. Sauzee#4

    FIFA 21

    Some boy scored a kick off against me and then proceeded to play dropback. As soon as I equalised after dominating from there in he quit clearly for the sole reason of trying to cost me rivals points or whatever. Called him a pussy. Account perma banned I am over it and we go again. Shame I’ll never have Inaki or Talisca back though...
  7. Sauzee#4

    FIFA 21

    Had to start a new account. Played squad battles and built my team up. Won all five rivals placement games and punted into division two and I can comfortably say that every single person that plays in this division is a dropback playing rat.
  8. Sauzee#4

    FIFA 21

    That was a visual error they fixed in the patch as it was only showing the ping one way
  9. Sauzee#4

    FIFA 21

    Goodbye fut champions. It’s been emotional.
  10. Sauzee#4

    FIFA 21

    That latest patch really has murdered gameplay. Sucked all enjoyment out of the game.
  11. Sauzee#4

    FIFA 21

    European games don’t count towards team of the week but I get what you’re saying. Jota is clearly just this year’s Ndombele
  12. Sauzee#4

    FIFA 21

    Another absolutely tragic totw
  13. Sauzee#4

    FIFA 21

    Loan players are there to be abused so can’t really hold it against anyone. It 100% should be removed though I did the same to a lesser extent with about twenty five Mandanda’s and Trapp’s earlier because they were 800-900 coins. Might go all in and punt a lot more into because I’ve got 160k to play with.
  14. Sauzee#4

    FIFA 21

    Best player in my team by a country fucking mile. An absolute baller. Started my games this evening sitting on 8 wins 8 losses from yesterday. Quickly got two wins, then two losses. Got the eleventh and then marched on to thirteen before experiencing some of the most ludicrous scripting I have ever seen. The particular highlight was the boy who beat me 6-4. He went 2-0 up. I went 3-2 up. 45th minute I intercept the ball and play it back to the keeper, well that’s what I tried to do anyway. 35 yard volley for an own goal equaliser. Go 4-3 up, he equalises. Then I win a challenge with my last man and his player just walks the ball back off me and goes through one on one. Shambles. Anyway eventually got to gold 2 with one game leftover so can’t wait for two 81 rated jobbers in reds come Thursday.
  15. Sauzee#4

    FIFA 21

    I was of the impression that French player was more along the lines of the likes of the Politano card from last year but I get what your saying. The rewards from doing segments of player sbc’s are tragic now. Complete an 85 rated squad and get a mixed players pack featuring a grand total of one rare player.
  16. Sauzee#4

    FIFA 21

    Been playing rivals tonight and only gone and got promoted to division three. Think this might actually be the best I’ve ever been at fifa
  17. Sauzee#4

    FIFA 21

    I would say of the games I win, 75% end up like this. I should be absolutely hosing people about 8-0 but this game just won’t allow it to happen
  18. Sauzee#4

    FIFA 21

    I completed Talisca myself and mixed the team up as a result. He’s more versatile than Ziyech so I had to get him in the starting line up. Only gone and packed Rashford tradeable tonight now too so unsure whether to punt or keep him as he’s meant to be ridiculous this year
  19. Sauzee#4

    FIFA 21

    I’ll positive this, but really I’m fuming.
  20. Sauzee#4

    FIFA 21

    I am officially done with champs. Sticking to rank one rivals.
  21. Sauzee#4

    FIFA 21

    I think the real reason is if every mode is an absolute sweatfest it’ll drive more people to spend money on packs. But hey, maybe I’m just a cynical c**t
  22. Sauzee#4

    FIFA 21

    They used to be. Another totally pointless change from EA.
  23. Sauzee#4

    FIFA 21

    And I’ve just realised this looks like I won 4-0 when actually it was the other way round. What’s not broken with this game fifa...
  24. Sauzee#4

    FIFA 21

    Fifa 20 in a pretty skirt. I might crack and start playing one depth dropback and long ball if shit like this keeps up
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