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Everything posted by kildog

  1. What a bunch of cheating b*****ds. Whether the titles are declared void, officially, which is doubtful, considering the c***s we have in charge of our game. The fans of Scottish football will never forget that Rangers cheated, then they died. Tick tock Sevco.
  2. We are all angry at the cheating and people like you defending it, but don't worry, that's all cancelled out by the ongoing hilarity. Go on give us a laugh, defend your chairman.
  3. They don't give a f**k. That's one of the reasons we're enjoying this so much. Scum. Cheats
  4. All trophies won by the dead club, in the EBT years, should just be declared null and void. Let it be recorded in the annals of Scottish football history, that Rangers ruined Scottish football, as a real, fair, competition, for many many years. Cheats!
  5. Exactly, this ruling had nothing to do with the club, or the new company. I really don't know why they're saying anything at all? It's all very confusing
  6. You seem completely satisfied that Rangers FC aren't in liquidation I'll take what you type, with a bucket of salt
  7. All this? just because the dregs of Scottish society, don't understand/can't accept what it means, when a cheating football club, spending well beyond its means, goes into liquidation. Genuinely, is it because you don't understand? or is it simple denial?!? Either way it's hilarious. I don't even think Celtic fans would be this ridiculous if it happened to them
  8. You don't need a team to sell "Rangers" T-shirts to fucking idiots. If they are sold cheap enough thousands of idiots/dickeheads will snap them up. Lonsdale anyone?
  9. As far as I can gather, it seems to have something to do with olden days Ireland? I I really don't understand!
  10. You've got a pet name for everyone, you fucking weirdo. Although no one will ever beat Vicky the Viking. Get a fucking life. Your team went bust. Get over it!!!!
  11. Haha, as if you'll get a response from any of the disingenuous jokers on here. Needless to say: Rangers cheated, then they died.
  12. You literally don't understand sport. FFS!!! Low, low, low... Typical Sevco fan?
  13. No way, their chairman wouldn't allow it. Honest as the day is long that man.
  14. Anyone remember when folk wanted this thread closed. It had run it's course apparently
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