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Everything posted by kildog

  1. Come on, most football fans forums have the odd thread like that. Totally reasonable stuff. You're just looking to be offended. Anyway, they're not even representative of Rangers fans anywhere.
  2. Rangers went bust. Get over it. Your new club are doing well in the championship and the baddies are in jail. Why can't you just be happy with that? So bitter.
  3. Why is there so much criminality associated with Ibrox based clubs/companies?
  4. Yeah, but Rangers FC are in liquidation. So it looks to me like they died. That's usually what happens when a football club is liquidated.
  5. Is fat Mike still getting most of the merchandise revenue or did the convicted tax fraudster pay up?
  6. The Scottish football authorities have tacitly endorsed cheating while allowing a procession of con-artists and criminals to swan around doing exactly as they please. All because "Scottish football needs a strong Rangers." It's a pretty fucked up state of affairs.
  7. I can't believe all these scumbags defending cheating. They just don't understand sport.
  8. It's all a lie. You'll just be celebrating your clubs cheating and the corruption endemic in the Scottish game.
  9. Cheated, then died. You support a lie created by a con man, currently run by a fraudster. Sounds a right laugh.
  10. What a load of transparent dignity! Did anyone else notice Cockwomble saying clubs were businesses? I thought they were separate?!
  11. Forget about the people who are obsessed with the liquidation of Rangers and the point and laugh-fest that is "The Rangers"/Sevco. I want to know how the people who are obsessed with the people who are obsessed, are holding up.
  12. I think you should change administration to liquidation. It's a very important distinction.
  13. Your condescending shite always makes me smile. Heres a missed apostrophe for you. Enjoy.
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