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Everything posted by kildog

  1. It was the old company that was cheating. The club never cheated! It was the company! Fucking ludicrous b*****ds! :lol:
  2. What a shocker! As I have stated time and time again. Rangers cheated, then they died. Tick fucking tock Sevco :lol:
  3. Rangers are in liquidation. The SFA have a vested interest in allowing people like you to pretend otherwise.
  4. Was it the club or the company that was given a vote on the newco being allowed into the SPL?
  5. When exactly was it exactly, that Rangers fans started denying the club was in liquidation? Does it count as cognitive dissonance or is it just plain old delusion?
  6. FFS, must we go over this again? A football club is an intangible, ethereal essence of footballyness, that cannot be corrupted, altered or destroyed. It simply is. Now if you can't get your head round that, there is no hope for you.
  7. "Rangers pure wurnae liquidated!!! : Mental stuff. Can't wait for the result of the court case. Fraud FC Can't wait till the blight from Ibrox is removed from the Scottish game for good.
  8. Your club have never played a competitive match against a foreign team. Probably never will.
  9. A succession of spivs and con men have made millions out of the gullibility of you bigoted fuckwits. :lol:
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