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Posts posted by QosLoyal

  1. If we created a Queen of the Sons Xi then we'd have a team capable of putting in a strong challenge for 6th place.

    It sounds like us last season, little to play for, poor football and an unmotivated group of average players. You'll stay up comfortably like us last season, but that's mainly due to dross like ourselves, Alloa and St Mirren being in the league.

    Fully agree with what you are saying.
  2. This seems to be a recurring theme every week. Now I don't really agree with the booing but performances have been absolutely boggin. No wonder folk are getting annoyed how many times have we said it this season repeating the exact same things every week. Next 2 games I honestly am not sure what will happen. Hopefully a bit of urgency; energy and intent to win the game would be good to see get the fans back on side. I appreciate the turnover in players and qaulity but the standard of play has been so poor for the most part. Huge test for fowler who I still think can get us performing.

  3. This season is Fowler's first test. Last season he had a great settled squad and the team picked itself for the most part.

    He's had to bring in his own players this year some have been direct replacements for the boys who've left:-

    Marshall for Holt. Holt is a quality defender and is nearer completion that Marshall, but Marshall is still young (younger). He's been one of our consistently good performers. It was always going to be an impossible task replacing, arguably the best of our departed players but on Fowler's budget I reckon he's done as good as he possibly could have.

    Hilson for Reilly. Hard to judge just yet as Hilson has been injured for a fair bit but it's clear to see we miss him terribly. He puts himself about and he never stops. We're yet to see his full goalscoring potential due to the injury but he's another I feel Fowler has done well with.

    Brownlie for Durnan. Again this was going to be a difficult task. Brownlie has come under heavy criticism from a few of our fans but for me personally I think there is another quality defender in there. He's got all the right attributes to be a good CB, he just needs to improve his reading of the game IMO.

    Harris for Carmichael? I'm not sure if that's the case but I'm assuming that's the idea. If it is, I don't think Harris has been anywhere near as effective as Carmichael. I've only seen him have one really good game. I do like him though but I think when he has a fair chunk of defensive duties he's not the same player. Finding Harris' best position has been the biggest task so far.

    Tapping for McShane. Again I'm not sure if it's the case but I reckon if Tapping was fit he'd be a regular for us. As it is he's been out all season and recently picked up another injury in a development game so could be out further. I've only seen him play a small amount but I'm gutted he's out because in the time I've seen him he looks like he could be a quality CM. he gets the ball down and his head up. Against Killie in pre-season he played a handful of excellent through balls and it's that kind of thing we're currently missing.

    Overall I'm still happy enough with Fowler and feel he's done a good job at replacing our departed players. This season was always going to be "mid table mediocrity" as it was about rebuilding. My hope for this season is that Fowler finally finds a settled system and that next season we keep hold of our squad and push for the playoffs with the boys knowing each others game that little bit better.

    Tapping could potentially get binned if he he can't stay fit.Hope I'm wrong and he comes back and is a key performer!
  4. Northfield is one of the biggest panic merchants going best just to let him get on with it. Next 4/5 games will determine whether we will be in the mix or not if we can get a run of wins then there's a chance. Raith form has been great so far but they will falter at some point I would think ,we need to be there to capitalise on it.

  5. I think it's fair what SD says but the football on offer this season apart from alloa and morton at home and raith/dumbarton away, in the league has been pretty poor We badly need a win and to start creating chances. I don't want fowler gone like some but I hope there will be some better football on offer in the coming weeks.

  6. Not so sure why people think St mirren will turn things around.Not saying they won't of course just that it's not a given based on the first qaurter of the season.Still think although their strikers are utter muck the bairns will take 3rd place, like the look of the defence. As for us god knows!

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