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Count Mongo del Fantastico

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Posts posted by Count Mongo del Fantastico

  1. I am a Celtic supporting proddy; brought up in the west of Scotland. I went to the Church of Scotland Sunday school and even joined the Boys Brigade. I was the only Celtic supporter in a school of Rangers supporters. I have had endless grief from both sides of the divide since the very early 1960's - treated with suspicion and hatred in equal measure by fans of both clubs. I am not a bigot. Don't jump to conclusions just because you think they happen to support your own hate filled agenda.

    Just in from the pub, so a little bit hammered, but wanted to respond to this statement.

    I absolutely respect your right to support whomsoever you choose, but the highlighted part of your own text shows exactly why most of us "diddy fans" absolutely despise your club, and that which is your rival. For you, it's about football, and that is fine., but for many more, it's about so much more, and frankly that is the shite that needs to be kicked the f**k not only lout of football, but out of society, and if it takes the absolute collapse of one half, then so be it. No tears shall be shed.

    As much as I despise the institution that is the Old Firm, I recognise that there are many like yourself who support these clubs for purely football reasons. Ya glory chaser. (Sorry, couldn't resist)

  2. Joined twitter. Now have 6 real people following me and a few google images with girls names.

    Not sure why anyone is following me as I've not really tweeted anything as yet. The idea of becoming a trivial messiah if I get enough followers does have a certain appeal though.

  3. Do that Gideons lot still hand out bibles at some point in RE these days? When they came in to our RE class back when I were lad (early 90s) a guy called Adam got handed one, where upon he sat sat down and started to slowly rip the pages out one by one and ate them. A suspension ensued. Was funny as feck at the time though.

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