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Count Mongo del Fantastico

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Posts posted by Count Mongo del Fantastico

  1. Did Ben Vorlich (loch earn) for the second time then onto Stuc A Croin on Sat.

    Beasted up Vorlich in about an hour twenty then found the route between the two was worse than it looks from above and took a while.

    Decided to go up the scree path to the right rather than the main rocky bit and found it pretty hard going as it's so eroded.

    Returned over the side of Vorlich and lost the path for a bit then picked it up over the other side.

    Good day out and a nice contrast between the busy motorway like path of Vorlich to the quiet route back from Stuc A Croin.

    Did that a couple of months ago and absolutely shat it crossing from Vorlich to Stuc A Croin when I went through the snow


    Wasn't that bad really, and the hole wasn't that big, but suddenly feeling the ground going out from under you is shitifying

  2. It was my first visit to The Hydro and I liked it. It is a big step up from The SECC halls in terms of layout and size. I walked into the standing area and I was like "f**k" looking around at the scale of the place, It took me a moment or two to get my barrings and locate the stage!

    Was impressed with the Hydro. Wouldn't have minded one of the private boxes to watch from. :)

  3. Personally, I thought NIN were outstanding. Not sure what you expect of bands when they play live if you feel cheated. They're never going to play only the songs you want, or regard as a greatest hits type selection. It would get very boring for them, very quickly. There's a lot of stuff on YouTube from the Tension tour in the US which would have given you an idea of the set list they were going with as well.

  4. New issue of the Great Outdoors arrived in the post today. Not had a chance to look through it yet, but it's a backpacking special, so may be worth picking up for a few tips for those who haven't done anything long distance before.

  5. I'll be doing it for the first time in August.

    I have never been bothered with Midges in the past. Am I in for a rude awakening?

    Depends. Ever woken up in a tent in Glencoe before?

    The midges can be bad, but by and large it's only when your standing around. During the walks you'll be fine. In the pub you'll be fine. In your tent you'll be fine. There's just a few annoying bits in between these moments.

  6. HAven't read through all the posts yet, so if anything I say has been covered already, then appologies.

    First of all - DON'T buy a pair of big stupid boots. Every pound on your feet is worth 20 on your back I was informed years ago. Decent trail shoes are better. I've done it a couple of times now in Inov-8 trail running gutties. Comfy and grippy. Not waterproof if it's pissing down, but dry very well.

    Second - take your time and enjoy it. It's the best pub crawl in Scotland. 5 or 6 days is ideal to enjoy it without feeling rushed.

    Third - the sherpa vans are great for the first time. Have them carry everything to your next stop, while you just swan around with a light daysack. Makes things much easier.

    Fourth - doesn't matter what you use for the midgies. You'll get bit to some extent, especially Glen Coe I've always found.

    Fifth - Don't be too stingy when it comes to footwear and waterproofs. Your shoes will decide just how sore your feet will be, so make sure they're comfy and well fitting. Cheap waterproofs won't get rid of sweat, so you'll end up soaked if wearing them for a while if it's pishing down.

  7. Not quite in the same league as all the road bike guys on here, but got myself a hybrid on the cycle to work scheme and went out for a quick potter about EK yeasterday morning. Quick potter about town, ended up halfway between Blantyre and Uddingston as I got a bit carried away.

    f**k me, but someone wants to put some sort of ski lift style mechanism in place to get people back up that hill on the way back :P Fecking knackering.

  8. Not noticed anything but I'm sure it won't go unmarked.

    Jersey retiral?

    Raiders have a policy of not retiring numbers. Only one number has ever been "retired", but more to do with league rules than honouring the player (although he certainly deserves it):

    00 - Otto

  9. There's the Brett Favre example of playing on MNF the day after his father died and scored 5 touchdowns.

    As a Raider fan that was really infuriating to watch. You want your team to play well and win, and have to watch as they're torn apart by a guy you can't really feel annoyed at.

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