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Count Mongo del Fantastico

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Posts posted by Count Mongo del Fantastico

  1. Not noticed anything but I'm sure it won't go unmarked.

    Jersey retiral?

    Raiders have a policy of not retiring numbers. Only one number has ever been "retired", but more to do with league rules than honouring the player (although he certainly deserves it):

    00 - Otto

  2. There's the Brett Favre example of playing on MNF the day after his father died and scored 5 touchdowns.

    As a Raider fan that was really infuriating to watch. You want your team to play well and win, and have to watch as they're torn apart by a guy you can't really feel annoyed at.

  3. The bad sport mechanic seems a bit open to abuse. Had a quick go online the other day to see what it was like, and when driving about saw a white dot coming after me, which turned out to be 4 guys in a helicopter with assault rifles. Hid in a concrete pipe so they had to drop down and killed two before they killed me, then blew up my motor. About 5 minutes later after I respawned (the respawn cut scene is genius) a message popped up saying other players were trying to vote me out of the session and that this could mark me out as a bad sport or some pish.

    Getting marked as a bad sport cause some wee fannies were in a huff that someone fought back seems a bit shitey.

  4. WTF is going on with Indianapolis? A doing off the Dolphins on home soil is pretty tragic...and it's going to shaft my coupon :thumbsdown

    To be fair, I was certain the Seahawks were going to shaft it after you listed your picks, so at least this'll get it over with without having ro wait until Monday

  5. Something like 30-40% of the Bills season tickets are in the Toronto area, so it makes sense.

    The NFL wants a team in LA because of the TV market, that doesn't necessarily mean that LA wants a team. Business does, the majority of the people are indifferent. It's a basketball town. When the Raiders and Rams were there before, they struggled to attract a crowd. There are still a large amount of fans of both teams in the area, but not enough to be sustainable.

  6. I hate this London team propaganda.

    Horrible idea and I hope it never happens

    I hope it doesn't, but if it does, the c***s pushing for it deserve to be made fools of whilst it dies on its arse.

    I take it Sky Sports are still pushing this?

    To begin with they would probably sell out a season or two, but after that would die on it's arse. Every one I know has supported their teams for anywhere between 10 years (the last of my mates to get into watching American Football), to around 25-30 years (the rest of us). Do they think people will just magically stop supporting their teams? Yeah, some will, but nowhere near enough to sustain.

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