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Everything posted by ditots

  1. The only one worth pumping would be that wee blond burd that goes out with that car salesman guy. (buggered if I can mind their names)
  2. The Billy story really is getting on my nerves. Nobody liked the wee hoody c**t yet his death has been the main story for the past week. The guy was only in the soap for a few months so none of the viewers really care either. Time to move on. Lets get back to the Janine and Kat fight nights.
  3. Its just a matter of time before Janine has a go a killing Stacey's baby.
  4. Good question If any Mods happen to see this I have been a good boy for over a year now.
  5. Aye Facebook is knackered..................again
  6. was that Janine's fella's pants she rubbed in Stacey's face. Absolute class.
  7. The new Janine gets on my nerves. Hope she turns back into an evil bitch before to long.
  8. Just use the "u" instead we will know what you mean.
  9. Ta much Another of life's little mysteries solved.
  10. Anyway while I'm on this thread I was wandering: Did the pope mobile that was in Princess Street today come all the way from Rome? I have this picture in my head of someone driving all the way from the Vatican.
  11. Don't think you will be able to move to another practice but you can make an appointment with another doctor within your current practice.
  12. Was in stitches when Ronnie says to "freaky Phil" to deny he had anything to do with the fire. The guy has burn blisters on his baldy heed and has the same skin tone as a tomato.
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