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Everything posted by TheDoctor

  1. Trying to get 40 winks on the bus on the way to work when some fat burd tries to sit on you as she attempts to squeeze herself into the seat next to you, waking you up in the process. The last time a fat burd sat on me, I married her! BARRRROOOM-TISH!!!!
  2. Lee Evans at the SECC a week on Friday. Bought the tickets about a year ago now
  3. How do they go about proving that though, unless there is documents that state there is x amount of debt, but there is really y amount? But then would Pearse be daft enough to do that?
  4. There's a story in the Sun today saying the Italian owners plan to sue Pearse Flynn over debts incurred during his time at Almondvale, with their argument being he should settle them and not them. Can they do this? I thought if you bought a club, you bought the debt as well.
  5. As the colder weather draws, my gas boiler decides it's not working, but is happy to give me hot water instead. Scottish Gas aren't coming until tomorrow and I've been going to bed wearing layers all bloody week. My flat's that cold, even the penguin's chucked it and moved out.
  6. '78 - How a Nation Lost the World Cup A light-hearted look at Scotland's attempt to win the World Cup in Argentina. Only in this country can we produce a book like that I'm still quite early on, but the chapters about Ally McLeod are good and how he got the Scotland job
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