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Everything posted by Iain

  1. This is a tough watch, saw steadier camera work in The Blair Witch Project.
  2. That is an interesting lineup. I wonder whether the plan is to shell it up to Dowds and Bryden and have Murphy and McGeady picking up the second balls.
  3. One for the reading between the lines squad: https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/sport/football/dundee-united/4835313/logan-chalmers-loan-dundee-united-goodwin-contracts/
  4. That seems like more business than they usually do in January
  5. Can't believe this dazzling performance in a reserve game nobody saw hasn't convinced you of his quality
  6. Sure, if we give them multiple penalties they might get one in.
  7. Can't believe Bullen went with 'shocks happen in the cup' when it's literally his job to make sure they don't. Which, to be fair, is what he did yesterday. Hoping for Celtic away in the next round. They could play for a week and not score right now.
  8. My point was that Shankland should've started. The other part was clearly not serious.
  9. Shankland not starting at Hampden tonight shows what a bitter DKB Clarke still is at heart.
  10. Sad that even a basket case club like Clyde, in the bowels of the league system, have a better manager than Ayr.
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