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Ned Nederlander

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Posts posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. No, they shouldn't. I have expressed my anger and disappointment on here and in Div 1 boards over what 50-odd fools bought into on Saturday at the Rock. I have also expressed similar but more vociferous commentary towards the Club this week, and have made my anger and disgust very clear to the BoDs.

    You can say what you like about them - their pre-planned sales pitch on Saturday was misleading, as my like-minded colleague on here will probably agree.

    We shouldn't hide or hang our heads in shame. We should be loud and clear in telling our Club that they have got it very, very wrong.

    Fixed that for you tongue.gif


  2. You might be better posting in the existing thread.

    I have to take issue with the "we have been punished more severely than others" line I keep hearing - it's driving me mental. Let me list all the punishments:

    • We've been docked (a meaningless) 10 points - rules that Rangers voted in post Motherwell's administration.
    • We had a couple of fines, unpaid, which are pretty irrelevant as we owe the taxman £140 million.

    That's it. Then we went bust and got ourselves liquidated. Everything since -- 3 years out of europe, not having a league to play in -- is because as a newco we don't yet qualify. These aren't punishments.

    Almost nobody on this board (that i've seen) thinks the attempt at parachuting Rangers into division one is being done exclusively for the benefit of Rangers. Everybody knows that the SPL's fingerprints are all over it.

    And while perhaps you and I want to see Rangers go to division 3 for the right reasons, it's undeniable that many of our fellow "supporters" would love nothing more than for the SPL to crumble around us.

    Scotland does indeed need healthy competitive football, but we haven't had it for years. Fighting for proper governance is the only way forward.

    Excellent post - first 'greenie' of the day.

  3. Since February everybody's had their pound of flesh and oh boy what a party it's been. In the beginning it was fair and the criticism which flowed was justified but fuelled by lashings of pent up anger / jealously / self-righteousness all and sundry have had their say, one hundred years of hatred and envy has poured forth. No critisim is too much, no ancient slight or percived controversial loss has been left un-avenged and truly the mob has spoken.

    I've got no beef with 'Rangers', I'm not jealous of them or angry at them, I am however firmly against a new club entering the league anywhere other than the Third Division.

    Who I am f'ckin beeling at is most of the press, Doncaster, Regan et al for all the underhand tactics and downright lies that have been told but not 'Rangers', I find it funny that a great number of their fans are unbelievably misinformed and that many of them are taking things to almost 'Celtic like' extremes of being the victim, but I'm not f'kin envious of them .

    Rangers must be punished. Then again. then again. then again. Repeat until bored.

    These punishments ... please list them ?

  4. Andy Kerr, president of the Rangers Supporters Assembly:

    'We don't want to be in Division One with sanctions imposed to satisfy other people,' Kerr said.

    'It is not a palatable solution at all. In any other football league organisation, you would join it at the bottom.'

    'But what can we do? Reject the invitation to join the SFL? Not join a league at all?'

    'It is a huge dilemma and it is of huge concern. And why should it be the case that there could be sanctions? Aren't the punishments we have had not been severe enough?'

    'We were deducted points last season in SPL. We were fined, we are out of Europe and will be for three seasons.'

    'We have lost the vast majority of our first-team squad. I don't know what else they can do?'

    Mail Online

  5. I knoiw some of you like to see it as a big, evil, pro-Rangers/OF conspiracy but the people in charge of our football authorities are clearly panicking about finances.

    I think most of us acknowledge that most Newco fans want them to join the Third Division.

    The finances, regardless of what that fanny at Stenhousemuir thinks, are purely the concern of some SPL clubs that are run beyond their means - I have absolutely no sympathy for them, my club cut it's cloth why the f'ck haven't they ?? And just pay the f'ckin settlement agreement, it's contractual, not an feckin option

    ... and as for the SPL arranging deals that sponsors can walk away from ... what a bunch of utter tits - they are not fit for purpose - get them tae f'ck !!

  6. So basically there is no vote and if the SPL and SFA decide its in best interest for Div1 then that's that?

    Well yes !

    Why bother even suggesting there's the remotest possibility that 'The Board' would stick Sevco Scotland Ltd into the Third at all !?

    Yet another example of stupidity in this sorry arsed farce !!

    It has to be a firm 'no' to Section 1, I didn't think it were possible but the idiots just ensured Sevco aint in the league at all next year !!!

  7. But taking on your point how valuable was the game against Rangers to Falkirk last season. In additional gate money and match sponsorship etc? Indeed in beating them it gave further financial benefits that would not have come from beating another SPL team other than maybe Celtic.

    Since you've been to the TFS you'll be aware that it's small capacity ensures that Old Firm games are less 'valuable' to Falkirk than they are to other clubs - indeed a thread when we were in the SPL (which I'll dig out if challenged) highlighted that the difference between a visit from the right diddy SPL teams like ICT or St Mirren was fairly minimal compared to a visit from The Old Firm - and incurred less Policing and Stewarding costs.

    Falkirk I used as one example based upon my own factual knowledge of the way they work being local.

    You're example was a terrible one - Falkirk cut its cloth prior to relegation because they were living outwith their means, they have now survived life in the First .... something we are told 'up to' seven SPL clubs can't do - and Rangers most certainly couldn't in the SPL despite being flippin' 'Rangers' themselves !!

    Any 'bile' I may have voiced is not aimed at the demise of another club it's aimed at the utter bollocks surrounding a new one.

  8. E

    http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=230308 - who says (at least some of) the orcs don't have a sense of humour.

    I clicked the link and quite enjoyed the OP .... then some fandan jumped and claimed that away games should be boycotted in order to kill clubs on the way up !!

    These are clubs that have survived for a f'kin century without Rangers turning up ya dickwad !!

  9. Bottom line - Scottish Football seems intent on killing itself either way. The SFA/SPL/SFL will have Scotland on par with the league of Ireland within 3 years.

    What's wrong with the league of ireland, we are just a wee diddy country after all, if 'League of Ireland' money is what we bring in then 'League of Ireland' football is what we'll get out - my team competing on a level par against another team is all I want - it will still be traumatic, it will still be frustrating and it will still be f'kin brilliant !!

    The SPL is broken, we are told that some clubs won't survive without Rangers - whilst Rangers couldn't survive despite being f'ckin Rangers themselves !!

    Time to shake the shite off our shoes and move on !!

  10. Just had a nosey at the BBC 'live feed', I notice some folk still don't f'kin get it !!

    Anonymous text using GERS to 80295: "Sporting integrity" seems to be the latest buzz word. I don't recall any mention of sporting integrity when Airdrieonians went bust, bought out Clydebank relocated the team to Airdrie and kept Clydebank's spot in 2nd div. Simply an excuse to cover up years of pent-up jealousy. If this "integrity" argument was applied to other business, we would have to liquidate RBS and Barclays, ban them from hiring staff for a year and stop them having branches on every High St! I appreciate that Rangers are in the wrong and should be punished, but let's put it in perspective and stop hiding behind the "sporting integrity" argument."

    Perhaps Airdrie United should have just waltzed into the SPL, or even the First Division !? There's nothing to stop Newco doing the same and there's nothing to stop Newco from applying to join the Third !

    and as for 'pent-up jealousy' ... Wanting newco to apply to join the Third isn't because I'm jealous it's cause that's what every other club would have to do ... and some of them would fail !!

  11. So of the thirty SFL clubs, the situation is this:

    Won't Vote Over Conflict Of Interest: Airdrie and Dundee.

    Down to 28 voting.

    No SFL1 Parachute for the Orcs:

    Annan Athletic, Clyde, Dunfermline, East Fife, Morton, Peterhead, Raith Rovers, Stirling Albion, Stranraer.

    19 left to get their 16 from.

    Dithering but likely to be burnt at the stake by their fans if they vote "yes":

    Albion Rovers, Berwick Rangers, Brechin City, Stenhousemuir

    15 left to get their 16 from!

    Likely To Vote Yes Despite Denying Any Decision Has Been Made: Partick Thistle

    Needing 15 from 14 left.

    They've had it!

    You forgot Falkirk wink.gif

  12. Chicks view from 2002

    "When they conduct the post-mortem on the death of the once-beautiful game in this country, there will be only one verdict: suicide.

    The killing of Scottish football will be self-inflicted. But it won't have fallen on a sword or swallowed an overdose.

    This is death by financial strangulation - and it put the noose around its own neck.

    What have we done to the old man? For 100 years, he strode along fit and healthy and financially stable, but now he is all but battered into submission, ready to give up the ghost and I don't know whether to be angry or sad....

    But I have a problem with clubs who can eject their debt by going into administration and then resume normal service in the same division while former employees - and not just players - are left drowning in a sea of debt. It is morally wrong. "

    My, my Mr Young. How one's opinion changes over time..

    John McVeigh is a tit

    That's a great find - his nose should be well and truly rubbed in that article !

  13. Took my first wee look at yon forum, felt this was worth pointing out .....


    Posted 22 June 2012 - 04:44 PM

    Went into JJB after work and bought unsponsored home top

    Having asked if they had it in medium long sleeve the guy helping me out asked a work mate about any in stock and kept referring to it as a "newco" top.

    Fucking ragin' >:(

    Rant over!!

    Nice top though, got watp 12 on the back too


    Posted 22 June 2012 - 04:52 PM

    While waiting for the printing on the back he asked me what I was getting him on the back.

    I told him "WATP 12" and to never forget that we are the people and always will be and that The Rangers will never die as the club will go on regardless of company name.

    He was a bit astounded at that and had no comeback n went away into the store room.


    Felt like kickin' up f**k but thought I'd deal with the situation with some dignity.


  14. My link

    Rangers have done nothing wrong apparently.

    A Chick / Traytor production.

    He seems to accept that it is not 'Rangers' that the SPL are voting on it's 'Sevco 5088', but he can't fathom that the fact the SPL are even voting on a 'team' that have no players, history , accounts etc. etc. etc. to be admitted to their league is in itself favouritism !!

    As I've read elsewhere (and I guess has been quoted on here) it's like me buying a set of golf clubs that once belonged to Jack Nicklaus, changing my name to The Jack Nicklaus and then claiming Jack Nicklaus' place on the PGA Tour !!

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