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Ned Nederlander

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Posts posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. Has everyone emailed or called the club to request a statement?

    I did, although in hindsight my closing statement might keep them in hiding - I already have a draft e-mail that I'll send should the 'yes' vote be confirmed, it starts 'You sir, are an idiot !'

    Dear Mr. Ritchie,

    Various media sources have stated that Falkirk voted 'Yes' to Newco in yesterdays vote, the club needs to issue a statement today before the 'scab' label sticks and serious damage is done.

    I ask you this sure in the belief that the club took note of it's supporters wishes and voted 'No', I certainly expressed this wish by e-mail prior to the vote - I also stated that I would not be back should the club vote 'Yes' and I hope the club didn't take this as an empty threat ... and I seriously hope that the club didn't back-hand my opinion away as being worthless !?

    I'm sure you are well aware that clubs who voted 'yes' are to be boycotted by visiting supporters.


    edited to add Mr Ritchie's e-mail: martinr@falkirkfc.co.uk

  2. You should try emailing them and asking for a statement, I have.

    The more fans who actively look for a statement, the more chance we'll get one. (Possibly)

    I'll rattle one off just now. (and then I'll send a mail tongue.gif)

    Mr Ritchie didn't reply to the last two e-mails I sent, although I did comment about taking up to much of his time so I basically said no reply required - the last two mails I sent were about the 'carrot' though and I was clear about not taking the 'bribe', maybe he was quite happy not to have to reply to that !?

    Not looking good IMO.

  3. No-one is in a position to know how anyone voted given the information that is currently out there - the club needs to sort this out tout-suite !!

    I stated my position via e-mail to the club several times prior to the vote. Going back to those e-mails now I actually stated that I would not be back should Newco find themselves in the First, I wasn't specific about what I'd do should FFC vote 'yes' and Newco still end up in the Third - however, I contacted them regarding their vote and if they voted 'yes' then they went against the wishes I expressed and I guess probably the wishes of about 99% of the folk who contacted them.

    The silence is deafening and damaging, if FFC voted 'no' then they need to make a statement today.

  4. And surprise surprise Richard Cough doesn't get it either ...

    "Ally McCoist wants it. The vast majority of the Rangers fans want it.

    I never thought it would come to this, but I want it too.

    That's my message to the SFL as they prepare to meet today.

    Send Rangers down. Go ahead. Forget this First Division nonsense.

    That plan is only designed to make sure Rangers are back in the SPL in 12 months — but we can all see right through it.

    The top-flight clubs voted Rangers out of the SPL so there should be no debate over where they play.

    If Scottish football really wants to punish Rangers do it RIGHT — don't be sneaky about it.

    As far as I can see, SPL clubs want Rangers damaged — but don't want their own clubs damaged.

    They want to dish out punishment, but they don't want the financial consequences.

    You can't have it both ways.

    It should be either the full punishment or nothing.

    Rangers will take their medicine, go to the Third and start again.

    The club will survive and come back stronger.

    The SPL clubs have made it clear that they don't need Rangers.

    If that's the case, put them in the Third and let's see what happens to the clubs left behind.

    I'm told around half will face the threat of administration without Rangers and the TV money.

    Whatever happens, it's been typical Scottish football farce.

    The vote is being held today but by the looks of it we already know what the result will be.

    Clubs have been making statements left, right and centre. People all over the country are having a say. But do they really have the good of the game at heart? Or are they all about self-protection?

    The authorities — the blazer brigade — have been a disgrace.

    Rules for liquidated clubs should have been put in place YEARS ago.

    Did the SFA and SPL not learn anything from Gretna's collapse?

    I read Walter Smith's interview in SunSport last week when he said the governing bodies were making it up as they go along.

    I totally agree. Their handling of this has been SHAMEFUL.

    Part of their new plan to get Rangers in the First Division is a promise that the SPL will be made bigger — 14 or 16 clubs, they say. So why is this such a good idea all of a sudden?

    For years, I've said the SPL should be bigger — that youngsters should be allowed to blossom in a less pressurised environment.

    But the SPL blazers blocked it. They said the finances didn't work?

    Why? Probably because they wanted to safeguard the four Old Firm games and protect the cash the derby generates.

    Decisions weren't made for the long-term benefit of Scottish football. It was for the short-term.

    Now they're in a panic, offering sweeteners to make sure Rangers are back in the SPL ASAP.

    It's being dressed up as reconstruction for the good of the game.

    But that's not what it's about. It's because they can't afford to have Rangers out of the SPL for three years. It's such a mess and I can't believe it has come to this.

    But Rangers WILL survive.

    I don't how Ally feels but I believe he will want to stay and lead Rangers up the leagues.Even if he does go, Rangers will still be a powerful draw for managers.

    As for the players? I don't blame them for walking away. Others might follow in the coming weeks. They did a lot for Rangers by taking a wage-cut last season, so let them go with dignity.

    This is the time when the people leading the club need to stand up and be counted.

    Charles Green has made a lot of promises and he'll need to deliver.

    I still want to see proper Rangers men in charge. Guys like Walter or John Brown.

    But whatever happens, I'm certain the fans will stick by the club. From February 14 when Rangers entered administration to this day, their support has been incredible.

    This whole episode could galvanise the club and make it stronger. The Rangers fans want to start again in the Third Division and we should listen to them.

    Because whatever happens at Hampden today there will always be a Rangers"

    The Sun

    This isn't about punishing Rangers Richard they are DEAD, despite what your bizarre last line seems to claim .... this is about a brand new club entering the league in Division 3 ... does that sound like a bad thing to do ?

  5. Thanks for that, a little bit more would have been nice -

    Around six minutes in Archie states that Rangers fans know that Rangers will survive, it's as if he's mocking these diddy clubs that he reckons are about to go to the wall .... clubs that have managed for decades without seeing the Old Firm and clubs that have already out lasted the once mighty Gers.

    and what's with this 'hatred' argument ... if Hibs went tits up and the newco wanted to go straight into the SPL I'd be against it, same as if they wanted to go into the First .... same if it was Aberdeen, Motherwell, Dundee ..... anyone !!!!!!!!!

    Can you just no see that it's feckin WRONG Archie ??

    And Smith banging on about Newco having been in 4 European Finals .... they aint played ONE FECKIN GAME Gordon - none, zip, nada !!

    There are far to many idiots involved in our game, far far to many.

  6. SFL clubs hear proposal for top tier of 14 clubs

    Lame attempt to buy off a few ambitious 1st Division clubs. Surely can't have a serious effect on the outcome of the vote.

    Mmm ... there's nothing to stop this happening with Sevco in the Third !

    edited to add: and basically this proposal, with its three promotion places, is just another way of helping out Sevco !

  7. No, they shouldn't. I have expressed my anger and disappointment on here and in Div 1 boards over what 50-odd fools bought into on Saturday at the Rock. I have also expressed similar but more vociferous commentary towards the Club this week, and have made my anger and disgust very clear to the BoDs.

    You can say what you like about them - their pre-planned sales pitch on Saturday was misleading, as my like-minded colleague on here will probably agree.

    We shouldn't hide or hang our heads in shame. We should be loud and clear in telling our Club that they have got it very, very wrong.

    Fixed that for you tongue.gif


  8. You might be better posting in the existing thread.

    I have to take issue with the "we have been punished more severely than others" line I keep hearing - it's driving me mental. Let me list all the punishments:

    • We've been docked (a meaningless) 10 points - rules that Rangers voted in post Motherwell's administration.
    • We had a couple of fines, unpaid, which are pretty irrelevant as we owe the taxman £140 million.

    That's it. Then we went bust and got ourselves liquidated. Everything since -- 3 years out of europe, not having a league to play in -- is because as a newco we don't yet qualify. These aren't punishments.

    Almost nobody on this board (that i've seen) thinks the attempt at parachuting Rangers into division one is being done exclusively for the benefit of Rangers. Everybody knows that the SPL's fingerprints are all over it.

    And while perhaps you and I want to see Rangers go to division 3 for the right reasons, it's undeniable that many of our fellow "supporters" would love nothing more than for the SPL to crumble around us.

    Scotland does indeed need healthy competitive football, but we haven't had it for years. Fighting for proper governance is the only way forward.

    Excellent post - first 'greenie' of the day.

  9. Since February everybody's had their pound of flesh and oh boy what a party it's been. In the beginning it was fair and the criticism which flowed was justified but fuelled by lashings of pent up anger / jealously / self-righteousness all and sundry have had their say, one hundred years of hatred and envy has poured forth. No critisim is too much, no ancient slight or percived controversial loss has been left un-avenged and truly the mob has spoken.

    I've got no beef with 'Rangers', I'm not jealous of them or angry at them, I am however firmly against a new club entering the league anywhere other than the Third Division.

    Who I am f'ckin beeling at is most of the press, Doncaster, Regan et al for all the underhand tactics and downright lies that have been told but not 'Rangers', I find it funny that a great number of their fans are unbelievably misinformed and that many of them are taking things to almost 'Celtic like' extremes of being the victim, but I'm not f'kin envious of them .

    Rangers must be punished. Then again. then again. then again. Repeat until bored.

    These punishments ... please list them ?

  10. Andy Kerr, president of the Rangers Supporters Assembly:

    'We don't want to be in Division One with sanctions imposed to satisfy other people,' Kerr said.

    'It is not a palatable solution at all. In any other football league organisation, you would join it at the bottom.'

    'But what can we do? Reject the invitation to join the SFL? Not join a league at all?'

    'It is a huge dilemma and it is of huge concern. And why should it be the case that there could be sanctions? Aren't the punishments we have had not been severe enough?'

    'We were deducted points last season in SPL. We were fined, we are out of Europe and will be for three seasons.'

    'We have lost the vast majority of our first-team squad. I don't know what else they can do?'

    Mail Online

  11. I knoiw some of you like to see it as a big, evil, pro-Rangers/OF conspiracy but the people in charge of our football authorities are clearly panicking about finances.

    I think most of us acknowledge that most Newco fans want them to join the Third Division.

    The finances, regardless of what that fanny at Stenhousemuir thinks, are purely the concern of some SPL clubs that are run beyond their means - I have absolutely no sympathy for them, my club cut it's cloth why the f'ck haven't they ?? And just pay the f'ckin settlement agreement, it's contractual, not an feckin option

    ... and as for the SPL arranging deals that sponsors can walk away from ... what a bunch of utter tits - they are not fit for purpose - get them tae f'ck !!

  12. So basically there is no vote and if the SPL and SFA decide its in best interest for Div1 then that's that?

    Well yes !

    Why bother even suggesting there's the remotest possibility that 'The Board' would stick Sevco Scotland Ltd into the Third at all !?

    Yet another example of stupidity in this sorry arsed farce !!

    It has to be a firm 'no' to Section 1, I didn't think it were possible but the idiots just ensured Sevco aint in the league at all next year !!!

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