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Ned Nederlander

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Posts posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. 1 hour ago, Ned Nederlander said:

    This is the first time I've seen Zion Williamson play - he's fucking incredible!!

    What a player.

    Decent first half so far in Houston, Pelicans careless in a three point game.

    Good game, impressed by NOP - Harden back on form and free chicken!!!

  2. This is the first time I've seen Zion Williamson play - he's fucking incredible!!

    What a player.

    Decent first half so far in Houston, Pelicans careless in a three point game.

  3. 2 hours ago, sureiknow said:

    They are wetting themselves on her Twitter calling the Actor " Racist "


    She didn't call him racist - she claimed racism had a part in the criticism of Megan Markle and he dismissed that and said the UK was very welcoming

    She hit him with white privilege for that which he defended by claiming that he had couldn't help being born white.

  4. 15 hours ago, John Lambies Doos said:

    State of your one tonight playing the racist card. Actor and audience destroyed her


    15 hours ago, ICTJohnboy said:

    The actor guy came across well.


    15 hours ago, John Lambies Doos said:
    15 hours ago, ICTJohnboy said:
    The actor guy came across well.

    Yes, very laid back and articulate

    Haud oan ... what the what now ?

    Celebs preaching about flying was a good retort but actually dismissing white privilege WITH white privilege was utterly staggering.

  5. On 10/01/2020 at 11:34, Xianders said:

    Tell me your favorite matches over the past two years.

    This still gives me goose bumps and I'm not even a Raptors fan:


  6. 58 minutes ago, YHallSaint said:

    Ta, appreciate the reminders even though I usually forget to follow up on them.

  7. Might as well re-post the Laws Of Dead Pool whilst Miguel is busy (or perhaps not all that busy) collating this years entries:

    On 01/01/2019 at 14:05, Ned Nederlander said:

    So anyhoo, Laws of dead pool:


    Once the lists are revealed there will be an absolutely fucking obvious pick you missed.

    Your nailed-on banker for a solo shot will have been picked by about ten other folk.

    Someone you thought was obvious will be a surprise solo shot.

    You'll share a deadly duo with a P&Ber you've never even feckin heard of before.

    About two days into the year it will become clear that one (or more) of your picks is absolutely fighting fit and will see out the next two decades let alone the next year.

    Someone you dropped from last years list will depart early doors.

    Someone you nearly picked will depart early on.

    Someone you thought was already dead will die.

    Folk will have picks that are already dead.

    The Duke of Edinburgh will be the most picked in 2021.

    The Duke of Edinburgh will be the most picked in 2022.



    Worth noting that last year one of my picks, my Vice Captain, was already dead.

  8. I said much the same last night - no bells and whistles with Alter Bridge, just tight & on the money - Myles hardly moved all night.  Never seen someone from the crowd given a guitar before mind!

    The set list wasn't disappointing but most of those song wouldn't have been on my list.

    Still really enjoyed it though.

  9. 1 hour ago, Andrew Wells said:

    They were. It was even on the Hydro's Twitter when they pulled out. 

    Pretty sure they weren't - and they're not listen on the ticket.

  10. 21 hours ago, Andrew Wells said:

    Same here. Was looking forward to Sevendust as well until they pulled out of the tour. Seen Shinedown before. I'll enjoy em but it's all about Alter Bridge for me.

    I don't think Sevendust were ever down to do Glasgow !?

    Not a fan of Shinedown but a few support acts recently have won me over.

    Anyhoo - already buzzing for tonight.

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