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Ned Nederlander

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Posts posted by Ned Nederlander

  1. 7 minutes ago, Suspect Device said:

    Just shows how unrepresentative of Scotland overall this sub forum is. 

    I will very surprised if the SNP get the same result tomorrow.  


    I voted cock and balls. Flynn will probably win bit I couldn't bring myself to vote for them.

    Flynn's predicted to lose is he not?

  2. 4 hours ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

    They killed themselves stone dead when they voted with the Unionists to try and bring down the government.

    Yip - and about 24 hours after I stated they might just get my List vote they were firmly back in their box


    Bunch of corrosive, backwards, dafties!

  3. 10 minutes ago, WullieBroonIsGod said:

    I'm really apathetic to it all.


    I'm in NE Fife, so it's likely a Lib Dem hold.  No danger of a tory pinching the seat.


    I will either


    Vote Green

    Draw a massive cock and balls

    Sit on my arse and watch pointless


    Still weighing up the pros and cons

    Guy at work yesterday saying much the same only he rounded it off by stating he was going to vote Reform!

    I genuinely believe part of the reason we left the EU was down to folk just 'having a laugh' at the polling both ... as well as all those racist c'nts of course.

  4. They've changed our polling station as the usual one is undergoing a refurb

    The new one is my old Primary school, haven't been there in 45 years - still had the fear as I walked past the headmasters office, even upped the pace a bit as I hurried past

    Anyone else hate when there are candidates outside greeting folk? 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Junior_Arab said:

    The fact that not one outlet has us down for a shot on target tells you all you need to know about most of these stats. What about Hanley late on? 

    One additional shot on target doesn't skew those stats much, I genuinely thought we were going to do it towards the end there but I'd still claim Hungary were the better of the two.

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