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Everything posted by mathematics

  1. Don’t want the burglars to have to walk too far.
  2. January is the best month for me, as Mrs Maths refuses to buy stuff which is on sale, meaning there’s duck all for her to buy.
  3. Where would one access such a thing? Or if you mean the uni stats, UCAS is your best bet.
  4. Where would one access such a thing? The SIMD map? Someone posted the link above.
  5. I bet they have nicer neighbours now though.
  6. Gets paid more than double what I do, still taps me for petrol money at the tail end of the month cause she has spunked all her money on dresses and makeup.
  7. Very much so. Universities, for example, are cutting their throats to show that they’re actively trying to recruit from the worst SIMD areas. UWS topping the charts the last time I looked, hardly surprising given that it has campuses in Paisley and Blantyre.
  8. Went from deep red (Onthank, Kilmarnock) to deep Blue (Bishopbriggs). Pretty much due to finding a rich burd.
  9. I'm seriously considering just doing another one so that I can put Jordan Jones to the top.
  10. Few folk mentioning Govanhill. It’s the only place I’ve ever been racially abused.
  11. “I just realised that senga is agnes backwards”. -a 32 year old consultant neuroradiologist.
  12. Bird on Twitter is saying that he was on a Care of Vulnerabille People course. Sounds like he was getting practice in. Creep.
  13. Dick (Just for clarification, they used to have a huge Blue Whale's jawbone in the Dick Institute (museum) in Kilmarnock).
  14. I'd never really ran much before, but did that marcothon thing over December. Boring as f**k, but I did find myself enjoying the reduction in times as the month progressed. I have, however, thoroughly enjoyed not running for three days.
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