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Busta Nut

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Posts posted by Busta Nut

  1. Work's far too quiet just now, if more c***s were phoning me to fit boilers and showers id have less time on my hands to spend popping onto p&b on my phone every hour or two.

    Come on people.... PM me... discount for p&b'ers

    unless you've red dotted me :angry:

    I red dotted that for fun

    Reluctant as I am to interrupt to this discussion about bananas, I've just got twitter and don't have a clue what I'm doing. If anyone would like to tell me who's good to follow for football and/or politics news, that'd be nice.

    Craig killie and spls stats are good cos they are the same person I think.

    If you are interested in nothing and just wanna follow me do it, I tweet nothing interesting and am a bit of a w****r

  2. Wee question from someone who hasn't been on a bike for the best part of 15 years...

    Quite fancy doing the local duathlon next year, which involves a 145km bike ride as well as some running(30k I think). I'm in reasonable shape and don't expect the running to be too difficult to get through, but the cycling I have no idea.

    How long should it take to build up to being able to cover that sort of distance? What is a decent speed/time for covering that sort of distance?

    Cheers in advance.

    that sounds mental

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