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Busta Nut

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Posts posted by Busta Nut

  1. No i'm not her friend, I've seen her and she looks like Admiral Ackbar.

    I loved how he took pictures and put them on FB as his new car, but my mum drives it. I got caught with him in the lift once and he told me he was going to Thailand for 6 day a week training sessions with Thai kick boxers. I asked him what he would do on the 7th day, he said " Go on an elephant trek" .

    Complete fud.laugh.gif

    He also once told me he was distantly related to Jack Daniels and is entitled to discounts when he buys it.

    mind him telling us all that he will be cruising in his mini. coming into work.. noticed the turn up for his 2 (3 :unsure: ) leaving nights.

    think he took the hint and had the grace not to turn up for the third

    The poor b*****d was always off one one, he always had to go one better, if you had been to Tenerife he'd been to Elevenerife. His leaving nights escapade was a complete farce. i remember seeing him at his Xmas night out, it was half 7 he had finished work at 5.30 and had to go back to Fife to get changed and come back to Edinburgh. In that time he had told me he had demolished 2 bottles of vodka. He was stone cold sober.


    please name this guy! i have got to add him, sounds like a complete rocket!

    I love people with the lying affliction, fuckin great they are!

  2. Two questions guys:

    Firstly, for the Red Hot Chili Peppers album Californication, does the sleeve contain printed lyrics to the songs on it?

    Secondly, is there a website that would let me look up a domain and see when it was first registered? For example, if I looked up "www.pieandbovril.com" it would show me that it was first registered in (say) 2002?

    yes it does,

    I dunno

  3. Better graphics , for me, would only probably make it worse. The shit graphics and lack of sound is why you get attatched to it, as it leaves alot to your own interpretation a wee bit like you do with a book. That'll no doubt sound silly, but I honestly don't see what a remake can add to it.

    i agree

    i only want a remake cos i don't have my playstation copy anymore.

    f**k a REMAKE. just bring it out for todays consoles, xbox arcade or something

  4. He is right though, you think you can come in here on your high horse, saying "haha pokémon is for virgins" yet you play videogames yourself, what makes playing pokémon so different from the games you play?

    At least you can be in the Army but you're a sack, you can't catch pokémon thats why people find it so endearing.

    So, to sum up, f**k. RIGHT. OFF.


    I love video games. I also love getting a reaction.

    and so yeez pokemon folk know, it has nothing on Viva pinata

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