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Busta Nut

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Everything posted by Busta Nut

  1. Yeah I'll give you that one you pedantic wee cúnthole
  2. As sad, horrific, tradgic etc it was, I am sick reading about it, yes the shooting in the school I mean
  3. Double dunter this weekend with TUF finals. aus v uk thing tonight, and the Nelson and Carwin teams the mora, (mitrione replaces him)
  4. went oot and did a wee jog just under 3 miles. was cold but fun, the cold air was fuckin' a wee bit with my already poor breathing though
  5. Not been on my bike now for about 1 week and it's annoying me, Think I might try go a early morning cycle if there is no snow/icy conditions
  6. Womens MMA doesn't interest me in the slightest, even more so when no one is anywhere near Rousey apparently
  7. when I went to nottingham ticket prices were 80 100 150 then stupid
  8. I like to cycle along the Cycle route 75, from glasgow to edinburgh when I can, but between Coatbridge and Airdrie it's a mess. glass everywhere,
  9. just realised I already have a gig that night, that's pain, was gonna talk some mates into it
  10. I love the chosen one......

  11. how much are tickets? Also BAMMA 11 on 5 was terrible
  12. I am riding bare handed, but my finger tips get so so fuckin cold
  13. Just began a cycling workout using #Endomondo. Follow me live: http://t.co/lDjLGZ7q

  14. Was out cycling 2.84 miles with #Endomondo. See it here: http://t.co/Nrh3iHxS

  15. Was out cycling 2.82 miles with #Endomondo. See it here: http://t.co/LVJwNAvj

  16. Put a "bath bomb" ma sister had left in ma bath. No a great idea. Glitter fuckin every where. Sparkly night oot for me.

  17. Was out cycling 2.84 miles with #Endomondo. See it here: http://t.co/b4TLSZTh

  18. Was out cycling 2.86 miles with #Endomondo. See it here: http://t.co/5xIAl7Fb

    1. Chris-54Titles-


      Who actually gives a shit? Cycle off a mountain.

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