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Busta Nut

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Everything posted by Busta Nut

  1. what's happening on sky sports the day?

  2. how's yer da doing?

  3. hiya scotty.

    that celtic burd was a bit harsh refusing yer advances

  4. Happy Burfday man,

    What did ye get? a Bottle of mad dog and 20 mayfair?

  5. it is fun but she isnae online anymore

  6. ye didnae tell me whit ned you were.

    friends are for weak people.

  7. alright!

    what does it say I got a warning for?

    I called that davie Guy a mongo and I got a warning for it.

  8. question.

    Is that you in that picture?

  9. whit wan of the neds up there are you?

  10. tanna dump game, when is it? it's a sunday!

  11. hello,

    you ever go back to strathclyde for yer holidays?

  12. you are a fiesty wee ned ain't ya!

  13. and hide yer husbands cos the rapin' e'erybody out here

  14. I apologise, please accept this message from the internet as a way of apology

  15. You don't don't have to come, and confess, we lookin for you, WE GON' FIND YOU!!!

    1. Jay


      Hide yer kids, hide yer wife.

  16. How come you'll no sit on scotty's face?

  17. the amount of new posters who are on here and acting the goat is unbelievable.

    1. Monster


      Brilliant phrase! I grew up in the 1980's listening to my parents shout: "STOP ACTING THE GOAT!" Havent heard it since. Kudos!

    2. Busta Nut

      Busta Nut

      was still a teachers favourite in the 90's too



      Name and shame imo.

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