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Father Ted

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Everything posted by Father Ted

  1. Yeah everyone but who is actually causing the problem. Rich elites and the current never ending shambles that is the Tory government. Personally i think that quantative easing, a turbocharged shovelling of public funds into private pockets, Brexit, greed of chief executives, the rise of these executives, greedy shareholders and myriad of other shady goings on are ENTIRELY to blame for this mess. While I think Joe Public should receive help regards the cost of living crisis. This shovelling of public funds into energy help outs. These funds are for the NHS, public services, etc. Effectively these public funds are just going into the pockets of private companies to continue their robbery. Don't ever expect the current government to actually provide meaningful help. As they are up to their eyeballs in corrupting the public purse and have actively caused this situation. This country requires radical change. #Toryscum
  2. 29 according to local reports. Premier League not for me, although do like the wee guys winning. Wouldn't turn down a few Brazilians at the Gow.
  3. As everything its matter of opinion. Good to hear you got a win. I think you will find it was 29 here this afternoon.
  4. Lesmahagow 3 Bellshill Athletic 1 Good game in the blistering heat. Good to see Kris Jarvie back at Craighead, as the Hill no 9. End to end stuff with the Gow finishing better. Investigation into last week, seems we changed entire team to fringe players don't think that will be happening again. Good to see us getting back on track today
  5. Lesmahagow 3 Bellshill Athletic 1 Good game in the blistering heat. Good to see Kris Jarvie back at Craighead, as the Hill no 9. End to end stuff with the Gow finishing better
  6. That's ok, I've never bothered with red dots and I'm not starting now. As for Brown's record, it's ok to disagree but those are facts. I
  7. I've got no idea why they keep bringing out this serial failure as some sort of sage Sold our gold at lower price ever, dealers still refer to it as Brown's bottom. Deregulated gambling and casinos. Sold all our pension pot. Has all the charisma of a bag of gravel. Get him to f**k.
  8. Well done. Investigating why we were so dugshite. Not saying we should be winning but certainly not losing 8-0 considering our early form.
  9. Didn't make game today, fortunately. 8-0 defeat is an Oofft moment. There must have been a major issue at the game, as I couldn't see where that came from. Vics weren't more than a decent outfit when we played them last season Will investigate further
  10. Lesmahagow 3 Finnart 2 Fairly even first half, into the 2nd half Gow raced into a 3-0 lead through some inspired play from Paul Woodlock. Gow also had a goal chalked off for a foul in the box at corner, bit dubious. Gow fell asleep at the tail-end of game and let Finnart back into it.
  11. Royal Albert 1 Lesmahagow 3 Sparked into life in 2nd half. Albert scored from penalty rebound after Gow keeper saved initially. Albert had a man sent off. Referee was rather card happy. Three good goals from Gow as they took advantage of Albert being down to ten men.
  12. Happy that tax dodging hobbit won't make the cut. Truss is an absolute car crash of an individual. I can't understand why she is so popular? Moribund is so bland, she fades into the background No matter who gets in they will be a c**t.
  13. I only saw the second half of both of their games, so it's hard to tell. They scored some very good goals today. Thanks.
  14. Boo Yay Couldn't make it, how did Gow come across? Good result today, yesterday not so good. Mon the Gow.
  15. That will go down like the Hindenberg. Straight out of the Johann Lamont playbook.
  16. Around 1920s, Catch My Pal FC from Inverness always springs to mind. They won the North Caley League in 1924-25. Now defunct, the mighty Rothes Decimals JFC.
  17. That too, but a fair bit of up and down as well.
  18. Mon the Gow! A few good local derbies to look forward to in the coming season, especially Lanark. Hoping for an improvement on last seasons form, as it was up and down like a Fiddlers elbow.
  19. It's time welfare for the rich and political classes to stop To name bur a few; MP expenses rip off Second homes PPE farce Tax avoidance Offshore tax havens The media mostly are in on this gravy train with the Tories. How else can you explain the lack of accountability? They can't all be stupid surely My father was contacted twice by Atos regards fit for work. He had Parkinsons. Welfare needs to improve for Joe Public. While we are at it, Global Britain is a fucking laughing stock. #torycunts
  20. Has the demented haystack left the building yet? I do love to see Tories in turmoil. Bawbag Boris must stay, all about the lolz now. How anyone can vote for this scum is beyond me. Its a vipers nest of dysfunctional fuckwits
  21. Private companies. We could have had a Norway model but Westminster f**ked it at the start We can argue or agree over points until the sun goes down. Westminster and Lords is a farce, we won't have to pay for. I'm not saying Holyrood is utopia it's not, but at least we have a chance to make it better. Westminster is beyond redemption, its stuck in a medieval farce, riven by greed. Eton is a joke and not a very good one. They are supposed to be custodians not over lords dictating what should happen. Whether it's UK or Scotland, taxpayers cash should be used to improve society for taxpayers, and frankly its not for decades now and it needs to stop.
  22. These are your opinions and you are fully entitled to them. It doesn't mean they are right or supercede any others Thanks for playing.
  23. As for a guarantee. The financial agencies that regulate countries credit ratings were quoted as saying in 2014; Scotland would have triple A status and be around the seventh wealthiest nation in the world, even excluding oil and gas, it would still be a very prosperous. Which makes you think, where has it all that gone? I seriously doubt since 1707 we've be getting our fair share. We are only nation on this planet to discover oil and become poorer as a result. A thought to ponder. The truth of the matter is Scotland is the "Golden goose that lays the golden egg" and Westminster knows it only too well. That's the only reason that matters to them. I have many English friends and family and have no anti English sentiment. What I do have a massive issue with is the level of corruption within Wesminster and more so the Tories. Its a turbo charged unadulterated industrial asset stripping of the public purse and sector for their own gain and their cohorts. Morals are through the floor, its scandal after scandal. Lie after lie. Capitalism has lost its moral compass, devoid of ethics. Boris lobbying to remove cap on bankers income, just as everyone else has been told "don't ask for wage rises as you will affect inflation" These are the same bankers that started this shitshow in 2008 and didn't receive any charges or censure for it. Ten years of austerity followed. Covid didn't help and now the uber pumping of your pocket that begun this year, through fuel charges, energy charges and all that followed as a domino effect I have my gripes with SNP; Ferries, turbines, education, etc. But, compared with the uber corrupt shitshow at Westminster, it will always be a YES for me. Better to try another way for eventual betterment of all, than remain stuck in a perpetual f**k up. Saying "oh well at least it's our f**k up and it's better to stick than twist". Is a very poor defence.
  24. That arrow is pointing the wrong way surely on the Daily Propaganda? Should be; Where's the humanity in the Daily Mail.
  25. This lowlife scum needs shipped off the planet. Illegals indeed. MON the ECHR.
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