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Everything posted by ICTChris

  1. There seems to have been a pretty large scale gun attack in Moscow. Several attackers have targeted a concert hall in the city, reports of dozens killed. This sort of attack has been seen before on Moscow, Chechen and other Islamist groups carried out similar during the Chechen wars. Infamously a theatre was occupied with hostages taken in 2002, which ended with Russian special forces pumping gas into the venue and killing hundreds. There were reports of militants in Inigushetia a few weeks ago fighting local police but there hasn’t been a large scale attack on several years. Most of the radicals in the Caucausas went to Syria in the mid 2010s and almost all the leadership have been killed. I’d be surprised if this was anything directly related to the war in Ukraine but as ever with Russia, who knows what will come out or what conclusions can be drawn? Edited to add - the US publicly warned a few days ago of a potential terrorist attack in Moscow, specifically mentioning crowded venues and concerts. Putin dismissed this as “blackmail” and “an attempt to destabilise our society”.
  2. Trying to think of worse media work than whoever was handling the press for the royals on this one. Appalling.
  3. A study has found that infidelity is approximately 40-60% genetic in origin. This is approximately the same as the genetic contribution to high blood pressure, depression or suffering migraines. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/dating-and-mating/202403/the-surprisingly-strong-link-between-genetics-and-infidelity No specific gene has been identified as influencing infidelity and researchers pointed out that they are not suggesting that our behaviour is non modifiable. Will any P&Bers be using the “it’s in my genes!” defence when their other half catches them in flagrante? Do any P&Bers have top shaggers as parents and feel their coitus-enthusiast families have the shagger genes?
  4. Great advice for those looking to build a business
  5. News reporters and readers have a duty to maintain strict impartiality and any suggestion that a story might be frivilous could in itself be an indication of bias. However, even seasoned pros have their limits
  6. Conservatives polled 19% in the latest YouGov poll, almost within the margin of error for Reform UK.
  7. Shogun is very good. Two episodes in and it’s gripping. Not being a writer or director or having any creative talent I’m always amazed when things that shouldn’t be so compelling are - a translated conversation about maritime treaties between a Japanese feudal Lord and a prisoner should not be high drama, but it is.
  8. I was trying to think why I hated this so much. Comes down to a number of different factors I think. There are spoilers in this but you should read it as it’s better to have it spoiled than waste your time watching it. I can’t actually believe it’s been praised to high heavens, it was utterly shite.
  9. Sound like a nice bunch of lads https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-68616180
  10. I didn't think hipsters were real but then I saw a guy with a beard riding a penny farthing in Edinburgh. It happened and we let it happen.
  11. Hipster Rangers fans are definitely a thing.
  12. Just to add, I was speaking to my wife about the battery farm - she has no interest in football or Highland council planning process. I told her that if the battery farm was built it would be good for Caley and she said "not so good for the poor hens though!"
  13. If we get into the promotion play offs I will personally attend our play off matches dressed as a battery from the battery farm.
  14. Being 100% honest, if you had to construct a "median" listener of Open Goal it would probably be someone with a sleeve tattoo, a gymshark tracksuit who loves banter and for A View From The Terrace it'd be a bearded hipster who likes making jokes about wrestling on Twitter. There's nothing wrong with both of these people - they all add to the rich, beautiful tapestry of life and I love and care for both these people very deeply.
  15. I asked ChatGPT to describe the average viewer of A View From The Terrace I also asked it to describe the average listener to the Open Goal podcast
  16. We have a friend who moved back with her parents about ten years ago to care for them - her dad was in end stages of cancer and he died shortly after, her mum is very frail and needs someone there to help her. She has several siblings, who have spread out over the world and have families of their own so don't see much of them. After a few years, her mum wanted to change the will to give her daughter the house outright when she died - it's her home, she lives there has done for years etc. One of her siblings objected, said that they need the money for long term planning. I don't know legally where they stand but it's just appalling behaviour IMO. There is a lot more they'll inherit rather than just the house but they want to squeeze every last few quid out of it, no matter the impact on their sister who has looked after their parents for years. The house is not some country pile, it's a completely normal family home.
  17. Why does he not want his windows replaced? I looked up the story - he doesn't think new windows will look nice.
  18. I would be amazed if this event ever happens. There are huge barriers to it - anyone involved will be banned from competing in normal sport and will thus have to sacrifice their career to compete in it. For athletes that means only has beens or never will be’s would consider it. It’s most likely that guys who have already been popped for doping will sign up. Not only will the athletes involved face sanction but the administrators, coaches, venues, medical staff would all be kissing their future livelihoods in sport goodbye if they get involved. So, again, rather than the elite you’ll likely get a load of already banned coaches or guys who have been suspended for other reasons. Most performance enhancing drugs are either outright illegal or subject to legal sanctions in many countries. For example, if you wanted to host the Enhanced Games in the UK then the main PEDs for endurance events (EPO) and speed/power events (anabolic steroids) are illegal on the UK. How can you administer them, how could anyone test them for purity etc? There are more practical concerns than that. There are a whole gamut of PEDs, do you just have a free for all or do you have a variety of races for people on different drugs, the way you have loads of different event for different disabilities in the Paralympics? The EPO 400m, the Nandrolone 400m, the Tren 400m? If you don’t do that you just say “it’s a free for all” then you encourage athletes to endanger themselves by taking large quantities of PEDs. That’s the final point about it - PEDs are dangerous and especially so if you take them in large doses. EPO is widely believed to have caused a number of deaths in cyclists; numerous bodybuilders have died as a result of steroids. As I said, I very much doubt it’ll happen and I hope it doesn’t.
  19. I think it's more likely that people will just spend what would once have been an inheritence - one of those quoted in the article says that his parents took early retirement and are spending all their pension lump sum on holidays.
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