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Everything posted by ICTChris

  1. Careful now, you'll end up in jail like that burd off of Hollyoaks, getting chibbed by a lifer on teh nonces wing. Of Chester Jail We all know how you picked up that one RiG
  2. Is someone drooling over you a good thing? Were they literally salivating onto you, UI hope you have cleaned it off. If this was the case, probably best it wasn't RiG as you would have required vaccination against the clap, gout and bird flu.
  3. RiG and SaintSam I wouldn't have thought Perth's premier snob would've gone for a Culloden mink like the RiGger but there you go.
  4. People with beards never really look neat or clean. There is always the suspcion that they live in a nest in a park somewhere and wash in a stream.
  5. Good advice if it wasn't for the fact that Comrade Wedgie has spent the best part of the last 20 years as a lone voice on the outside. My dad was a union organiser for the NUJ and he said that the journalists never gave anyone any trouble but the printers would go on strike if one of them got a warning for turning up pished.
  6. I am in the process of putting the following albums onto my MP3 player Amy Winehouse, Back to Black Talking Heads, Stop Making Sense Queens of the Stone Age, Songs for the Deaf Manic Street Preachers, Lipstick Traces Anyone got any good sites to download some tunes? I'm looking for X-Press 2, Lazy.
  7. What's that about, might buy it for the new teacher in my life. I am currently reading Unforgivable Blackness, a biography of Jack Johnson, the first black heavyweight champion of the world. I am just over halfway through, the racism of those days (1900s) was unbelievable.
  8. What is this HowardHughes.com? personally I just piss all over my hands, the floor, the toilet seat, the door handle, the sink, the paper towels, the mirrors and anyone else in the toilet with me. best option.
  9. My itinary this weekend: - Tell my boss in the next ten minutes I'm handing my notice in and leaving in a week - Pack away all my possessions into boxes - Get a bus out to Sighthill (tin hat on) and pick up a van - Drive van to flat, load in massive dressing table - Drive van to future mother-in-laws house, unload and put away huge dressing table - Drive van and future mother-in-law to flat, load up boxes - Drive to new flat, unpack boxes, arrnage possessions. I have a sneaky feeling I may be back on teh fags by the end of this weekend, I'll probably be found in the Hibbee bar that is now my local comatose on Sunday morning.
  10. Went to see Apocalypto last night. Don't know how historically accurate it is, apparently many scholars of indigenous American civilisations have criticised it, but as a film I thought it worked very well. The main character, jaguar Paw, village is attacked by a rival tribe who destroy their homes and take them prisoner. The villagers are then taken on a journey through various Mayan lands until they arrive at a city, who inhabitants seem to be afflicted by drought, failing crops and disease. The film then deals with their fate and Jaguar Paws attempts to escapte back to his family. It does feature some pretty sickening violence (human sacrifice, heads being caved in with clubs etc) but I didn't think it was excessive. I thought the portrayal of the 'dying civilisation' of the city was very clever - it made me think of the last days of Rome, with the decadence and reliance on pagan religion as people died. I'd give it 8/10.
  11. SOrry but :lol: My nag is Lemsip. Remember those adverts for Lemsip where some burd would drink a mug of the stuff and act as though she thought it was lovely? What a kload of absolute pish, the stuff tastes like yaks piss after a yak stag night. I also think that drinking it has given me severe stomach pains. Fucking Lemsip.
  12. Last time they let him in he had a poo with the lid down so he is now ASBO'd.
  13. I think I might steal SaintSam's car. I would then switch the plates and take it on a round the world trip, posting pictures on P&B of it in different places - India, Kashmir, Vietnam, Dagenham. It would without doubt be the best thread ever, excluding teh badger thread, the free MP3 thread and the Welsh Hen Night thread.
  14. I watched the Bourne Identity on DVD last night, excellent film 9/10
  15. I think Jammy should change his user name to Bobby Sands in recognition of his hunger strike.
  16. I was a student in Stirling, did I leave a traffic cone in your front garden or pish on your geraniums at some point? Sorry if I did.
  17. Why not look out for a weaker looking student who obviously has a packed lunch and mug them?
  18. Here I wouldn't so much bite your ankels as saw your legs off and suck the ligaments from your joints.
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