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Everything posted by ICTChris

  1. Had a huge skin infection set in on Monday which kept me awake for 30+ hours. Had to call out the doctor who has prescribed me a course of the strongest steroid cream available; a course of hugely strong antibiotics which make me feel like I've just drunk bleach and the strongest form of Piriton which makes me want to sleep all the time. I've also been off work for two days, not enjoyable.
  2. Watched 'Harsh Times' with Christian Bale and Freddy Rodriquez last night. 5/10 - it was diverting but there didn't seem much point to it.
  3. Did he not feel like mentioning that he was in the SS at any time during the previous 60 odd years? He'd have done well to join the SS in 1947 as well.
  4. What's the name of the book about the Roses? Damned Utd is excellent, I read GB84 by Peace, it's very good as well.
  5. Is that the one where he forgets to mention he was inthe SS?
  6. The Exception - Christian Jurgensen. An absolutely fantastic book, one of the best I've ever read. It's about four women who work in the Danish Centre for Genocide Information, a research centre/library for those researching and writing about the history of Genocide. The story begins with two of the women, the University educated researchers Ibena nd Malene, recieving threatening emails they think from a Serb war criminal they have written about. It soon becomes clear that everything in their ostensibly well meaning place of work isn't as it seems. The librarian, Anne-Lise, feels she is being horribly bullied by the two younger women and is having her life driven into a complete misery by this. She states her feelings on this and sets in train confrontation and pyschological warfare that profoundly changes all the women and the centre. It's a truly fantastic, gripping book. Each chapter is told from a different women's point of view and the first few concentrate on Iben and Malene, you think it's going to be a more run-of-the-mill whodunit until the first chapter from Anne-Lise's perspective. When you read it the creeping realisation that the perspective of the first few chapters has missed the whole sinister underlying tension of the office is chilling, really very creepy and unsettling. I suppose in a way the book could be seen as depressing as when you develop sympathy with one character, a side is revealed that can disabuse you of the notion of 'hero' or 'villian' in a novel. The book is also interesting in it's treatment of the psychology of groups, even groups of two or three, and how it relates this to the mass murder and atrocities the characters research in their work. It's unsettling to think that the casual office bullying that goes on can be linked to Srebrinica but the book makes the point, subtley, that the motivations and justifications aren't so different. I would absolutely recommend it a million percent.
  7. The vast majority of our fans are from Inverness. There are plenty of old Caley and Thistle fans who go to games. I am 26 and the group of guys I go to the games with contain a few who went to Caley games and one who went to Thistle games. These guys dads are the same. If you go on the Caley website there are plenty of people who supported Caley or Thistle who go to the games. The first few seasons we were in the league I went to quite a few games on the supporters bus, the majority of the people on the bus were former Caley fans. The webmaster of the Caleythistleonline website was a Caley fan, as is the head of the the Supporters Trust, as is the guy who runs the Caley Nostalgia website, as are several people involved in running the Supporters Club in the past and present. Having gone to the games since ICT were elected to the league plenty of former Caley and Thistle fans go to the games. If anything Thistle fans are more underrepresented, many stayed away in the early days due to the perception of a takeover. Everyone is entitled to their views of course.
  8. The Last Town on Earth - Thomas Mullen In the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918 the small mill community of Commonwealth decides to impose reverse quarantine and post armed guards around the town to stop any potential outsiders entering. When a cold and starving soldier approaches, the guards have a decision to make. A gripping read, it's really about the balance between individual conscience and collective responsibility. The town is built on a collectivist, democratic principle and seeks to protect this from the flu. Also, the local businessmen and law enforcement take a dim view of the towns percieved 'Red' status and draft dodging.
  9. Purple Rain - Prince This is becoming Princeandbovril.co.uk
  10. Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan - Afreen Afreen
  11. Make her search for them naked, every ten minutes without her finding them you make her do a forfeit.
  12. Boys Don't Cry Absolutley amazing film 9.5/10
  13. I just ordered Butchers Boy by Thomas Perry and Cold Granite by Stuart MacBride. I am currently reading White Teeth by Zadie Smith, which my fiancee has informed me si a girls book. It's good though
  14. Two of the least sympathetic characters in film history - the most annoying lassie I've ever seen on celluloid and a paedophile.
  15. It can't be as I had sex with an albino woman, which as everyone knows cures AIDS.
  16. I am off work with the cold. Why do we get colds in summer?
  17. Does your work often put you in situations whereby you face being poked in the eye by an erect penis?
  18. You might need to walk to and fro to fetch paperclips, armalites or other office equipment, which would be difficult although not impossible.
  19. Why are you off Lyn-Marie? is it: - Your straighteners have broken - You have been curb-stomped - You are awaiting trial for curb stomping - You have bad AIDS - Swampy is keeping you hostage and making you wear the Princess Leia outfit from Jedi - Following cheb-flashing you have been given leave of absence due to all the men in thework being unable to work due to having stauners all day.
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