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Posts posted by pencils

  1. If we got the other end behind the goal would it be at the expense of the home support or would they still be accommodated? I know fans don't like it but I'd imagine the club will want to maximise this opportunity.

    Think they could easily split the Clackmannan road end with some tape and a couple stewards and there wouldn't be any bother at all. Wether they do that or not is another thing. I certainly wouldn't have any issues with it.

    Should be a cracking game and hopefully we're definitely safe by then. Every game we've played this year has been close. 3 out of the 4 dundee goals they have scored against us this season have been penalties! With the pressure of us I'm sure we could have a bit to play in the run in and cos an upset against someone.

    Also, I hope no Alloa fan goes out there way to abuse Hartley. Either give him credit or keep it shut. Sure everything will be ok though.

  2. Right here goes..

    See how you can only take £300 out an ATM each day, see of I was to go into the bank and withdraw money from my account, could I then go to an ATM later that day and withdraw the whole £300?

    What it is, is I need to give someone £300 and need money myself for the football but I'm not meeting the boy till later on, so not wanting to walk about with all that money in my wallet in the pub and at the football. I hope that makes sense folks! Any help would be appreciated!

  3. Anyone here ever suffered a sinus infection?

    On Saturday i felt a little pressure on my cheek on my right hand side, and since then its slowly gotten more painful and now on both sides. It is literally the most pain I've ever been in, in my whole life. It gets a lot worse when i lie down and it got the the stage that after my nightshift the other night I lay in bed from i got in at 8, till 6 at night before finally getting some sleep. Got an emergency appointment and was subscribed cocodamol and some antibiotics, but if anything its getting worse. Anyone had any experience of this, and how long will it last? does it just go away in time?

  4. After playing football for aslong as I can remember I have tonight decided to call it a day. Played for a fairly decent boys club the last few years but this year joined a saturday amateur team and just got sick of it and how awful the standard is. Its mostly just a kicking match. Good thing about quitting though is that I can now attend every alloa game from now till the end of the season, rather than 1 in every 3 or so it has been this season!

  5. I got offered a new job earlier today and they want me to start tomorrow, however I'm meant to give my current employers 2 weeks notice and meant to be working there tonight and tomorrow. I intend on starting my new job tomorrow regardless of what my current employers say, but is there anything they can do like hold my wages or that?

    Its meant to be a full-time job but im only getting 20 hours a week, and the new jobs 60 hours a week at £8 pound an hour.. so can't really afford to turn it down!

  6. My internet was being really shit and slow a few weeks ago so I phoned my ISP to see what the score was. I was informed by the guy that because BT were changing all there equipment or some pish and they weren't doing it at the Alloa exchange that it would never get better. He recommended a few other landline providers and at the end recommended their own. It was some Irish bloke and I was actually quite great-full towards him for telling me all the other cheaper services etc. In the end we decided to just buy a dongle. Forked out £30 quid for it but just out of curiosity I decided to check the internet today. It worked fine! Fuming at the wee fud for telling me it wasn't going to get better so I'd go with their service!

  7. On Saturday me and are looking at getting the train to the Alloa game in Peterhead. I understand you get the train into Aberdeen and theres a fairly regular bus into Peterhead from Aberdeen. Anyway, the best price I can seem to find for a return from Stirling - Aberdeen is £52. That seems a wee bit high to me, or is that just the going rate? Anyone got any tips on how to get it down a bit. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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