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Everything posted by cfcuk

  1. Think you will be surprised at applicants Stirling seem a stable club cracking stadium and not that many jobs going in Scottish football, so important you get the right guy apart from loans it's 3 /12 months with same players
  2. Think your right , this leaks from the dressing room stuff happens at every club most is complete and utter nonsense at Clyde fortunately it has dropped away ( we had turned it into an art form [emoji23]) More worrying if the players simply trudged away home saying nothing Edinburgh have assembled a good squad still no convinced they will go the distance if injuries kick in but you never know You probably need a manger in soon but worst thing board coukd do is panic
  3. Anytime we have played queens park under McPherson they have for the most been very organised and a real difficult team to breakdown , very good on the break , think that is what you will miss the most don't particularly like him miserable sod , but you can't fault his record with queens park .Always difficult When selecting a new manager has to suite the club structure interesting times for queens park
  4. St mirren will need someone with a knowledge of the game and to fair McPherson has unearthed a few good players I doubt it's an old pals act If he gets the job he will more than likely make a success of it , also gives them a safe pair of hands if the Kearney project fails I think queens will find it hard to replace him and keep up the same results
  5. Core principle the facade of amateur? I'm sure Scottish amateur football association would be delighted if you joined them.( thought not ) I wish my team had got 5 million for leaving shawfiield most likely you can develop lesser hampden unlike a lot of teams who had to completely up root Personally I think it's probably going to good for queens park
  6. And breathe Sorry still doesn't change the fact that views at hampden are awful
  7. You mean people were all over the place trying to get a decent view ? Tell them not to bother there ain't one
  8. Hampden has drained money from Scottish football for years and to be honest queens park rode on the back of it. Like when we got booted out of shawfiield nobody gave a toss so don't expect their will be much sympathy for queens park maybe it's time it stood on it's own two feet restructure the club and drop the facade of amateurs Ok you get completely booted out of hampden complex do what we did ground share Time to suck it up guys quite happy to stick the boot into Clyde and gloat at the thought of us heading for lowland league Well you could drop into there and build up again Ps I do hope you get to retain lesser hampden and it gets a redevelopment.
  9. Heard a few Livy fans turned up at broadwood for the Clyde v Alloa friendly , paying a tenner having to print their own tickets before they went to game That's being keen just to take in a football match [emoji106]
  10. Properly run football clubs and seeing the the results on the park
  11. You honestly think cuhhidy and Ramsay played ok , you must be related to one or both they are perhaps the worst two midfielders in the league they contribute nothing and for the majority of the game hide They are the first two that should be shown the door young guys who show no desire or effort but nice of you to have a dig at Nicol who basically carried the midfield I think you might be surprised at the amount that will be binned in January tell you one thing neither of your two wonder boys in midfield will be within a hundred miles of a Clyde jersey come February.
  12. Be really difficult for Lennon to sort this in one window the utter crap that Chapman was allowed to bring in was criminal only thing us we ain't losing goals , we haven't won a game since 9th of September and haven't scored a goal since god knows when
  13. Only one more game till we can dispense with the Annan failure brigade anybody who thinks cuddihy Ramsay wright are footballer players has a bolt loose Out of that team I would keep munro goodwillie lowdon and Nicol the rest I wouldn't even have on the bench
  14. Shocking stuff back to battering the ball up the park The usual suspects posted missing Ramsay cuddihy at al
  15. McDonald hasn't the mobility but he is absolute class finisher , played a lot more games for us than I thought he would fitness wise and seems a good guy to have around the dressing room Was nigh on impossible to stay with us after being co manager and applying for managers job (allegedly) Wouldnt have a bad word said against the guy
  16. an ex old firm player manager please [emoji38]
  17. So misunderstood and hounded out by the boo boys
  18. You going to commute from Montrose or move the training to stirling?
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