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Everything posted by cfcuk

  1. Who knows you could be right The problem is its not two guys who have no influence in the club coming on Tv with what ever agendas It's not the signing of DGW that has us on the brink of the lowland you mention P T Barnum, this last week has been a circus I won't comment on the signing think there has been more than enough said But the whole episode simply deflects from the real villains the leadership ( if that's what you call it ) that has us where we are today the club has been full of agendas for years one man's crusade to get us to the promised land of EK even at the expense of the clubs name, failed relocations to numerous to mention this and many more And now facing the real prospect of falling out of the league We need to stay up first and foremost then let's not revise history as has been done in the past The CIC has been a disaster it's allowed for no accountability Unless there is a change in the club structure you will be back here maybe not next year but most certainly in the future
  2. The whole present situation is just another absolute disastrous/ incompetent/ idiotic/ moronic (select as applicable) decision by the people running the club Just add it to the name change , endlessly failed relocations , allowing the team to get to the brink of lowland league Remember this is the crew that couldn't even organise where to house less than 100 away fans in a 4000 seater stand Oh and the generation shirts [emoji23]
  3. That's right these two are responsible for where we are today [emoji23]
  4. Yeah amatuer terms means you get paid nothing [emoji23] It's always the same no matter what catastrophic decisions people running the club make , it's always deflected who cares who came on the telly , this mob had taken the club to the brink of lowland league put the club on the front page of national newspapers ( rightly or wrongly) but all we are worried about is an ex player coming on telly to give an opinion ( whether he contacted them first is totally irrelevant ) which has no bearing on the direction the club had taken
  5. No I think the people escaping scrutiny ( if you think that is required ) is the board they sanctioned it All this has done is highlight theIr total incompetence , did they really think this wouldn't happen ? Instead of signing Goodwillie they should have spent the money on getting an experienced manager in months ago But as usual the apologists have managed to deflect any blame , couple of months ago the bogeyman was Ferguson, then Malcolm now ex players and directors. What this episode has shown doesn't matter what they do excuses are made for them As has been said plenty times you get the club you deserve
  6. That's one seat on the bus to forfar taken [emoji23]
  7. Where has Mr Name Change disappeared to ? Last seen leaving in a helicopter from the roof of Broadwood , bit like the last day in Saigon [emoji23] Wee bit of military history thrown in there, who said supporting clyde wasn't an education[emoji6]
  8. Even better some cinematic history thrown in for good measure
  9. I try watching your team win 1 game in 18 and then come back with a lecture If fans do turn up that's also a legitimate tactic to illicit change in fact the biggest thing to get your club to take action is crowds dropping And by the way the guy is a season ticket holder he has paid his money up front so even if he doesn't go he has every right to be critical Ps who are you to tell other fans about their commitment you part of the "Real supporter" brigade you should get together with the rest of this self righteous mob and write a guide on how to be a proper football supporter
  10. Agree 100% fans run club (apparently) we have all sat back and watch this unfold this hasn't just happened over 4 months Let's hope this is the turning point and if one good thing comes out of this car crash of a season it is that the present structure needs a whole new rethink, anybody who still thinks the CIC is the way forward is at best deluded. Staying up first priority end of
  11. They got terrific backing on Saturday and produced a putrid display, not a word anywhere thanking the fans, so if people feel like giving up or have given up you wonder why Maybe you should write to club tell them and the players to give a bit of respect to fans rather them treating them like imbeciles
  12. Well being of a certain vintage where you supported one team no i dont have an english team ( never understood what that pish is about ) it's going to be a bit difficult However I could join the ranks of the football tourists and pick a team probably Italy as it's my most favourite country where football is taken seriously [emoji4] and they don't piss about telling you about there other team Yes im a traditionalist , Dinasuar, or old fud insert where applicable
  13. Never know you might get to sit beside him in the dugout [emoji6]
  14. Drinking heavily on a Monday never a good sign[emoji6]
  15. Maybe it's another build up to a name change [emoji23] Mind you every likelihood they will have a senior club in EK don't know if the freebies will be as forth coming [emoji6]
  16. Serious question what can the fans do at the present time? They have them great backing yesterday Maybe over the summer you could ask for change by then it's probably to late The club won't fold but it's a long way back its not just winning the lowland it's winning two play off games I do think a good few will pack it in just speaking to a lot of the guys at games , don't think I would be back the standard of football on offer in league 2 is dreadful , imagine what's it like in the Lowland League Going to football is all about supporting your team and enjoying matches there is very little of the later
  17. There has been about a dozen who have refused to play most of the season
  18. Have you contacted them to voice your displeasure?
  19. Well it's a fans run club if outraged of (fill in the place name) then join the CIC and if you feel that strongly and vote the people in charge out .
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