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Everything posted by cfcuk

  1. Yeah think it's called smoking mirrors [emoji6]
  2. So you know the inner workings of our club , might like to share it with us .
  3. Never said they were blameless my position is where the responsibility for the position we are in a the moment No problem with you thinking it's the players all about opinions. You still haven't said what the board are at blame for?
  4. All I said was we shouldn't forget whom is responsible for the mess The players are the only ones who can get us out of this and they will need ( even I've undeserved) the full backing of the support end of Its a bit like the sketch from life of Brian "all I said was the board was responsible if we go down " However I'm sure the revisionist will appear come the Summer
  5. How does highlighting who in my opinion has taken the club to edge of oblivion have any bearing on my support for the team ?
  6. What has supporting the team got anything to do with me pointing out who carries the can for this mess ?
  7. Who said I wasn't fully behind the team I will be there on Saturday
  8. Yeah understandable that both JP and McDonald would get the job as I doubt we have any money to recruit a new manager No word on Bob Malcolm so take it we are still paying him or her is waiting a pay off (and that is only right as the guy has a contract ) Well can.only hope that the new management team can turn it around and keep us in the league. But let's get it clear if the unthinkable happens and we lose our league status the responsibility will lie with the board , not players, managers Spin it anyway you like the buck stops at their door.
  9. Official JP and McDonald in charge of training tonight and game on Saturday No mention of Bob Malcolm position think that tells you he will have to have his contract paid and quite right too
  10. My original point was fans asking who is he what is his connections to clyde . Who cares we have had plenty with clyde connections in charge and it got us nowhere Ronnie Mac no connections what so ever best thing that ever happened to the club in past 30 years end of Were up to our necks in quicksand and we want to know if any guy who is offering to pull us out has a receipt for the rope Remind me did we see the details of the EK deal or any other of the failed relocations no confidentiality clause excuses were rolled out But the club was quite happy to speak to them I have no idea what the proposal is and whether or not it's good for the club but they seems an element that want it dismissed out of hand before even seeing it Strange
  11. This is a far to sensible post please cut this rationale thinking out now
  12. Oh that's right let's check credentials to make sure they are clyde minded funnily enough we have been quite happy with a hibs fan celtic fan on the board in the last couple of years
  13. No hopefully its opened up a bit now can have a debate about the future of the club
  14. Second worst team in Scotland And it's fans not volunteering that's the only excuse they can come up with . So what will they do now ? Absolutely nothing.
  15. I take it you mean every department of the club ?
  16. To save the apologists the board have nothing to do with the mess the clubs in So big boy did it and ran away [emoji23]
  17. Just out of interest if and it's a big if the proposal was a great deal for the club would you dismiss it because of the involvement of one individual ? It's an interesting dilemma for those who dislike those involved
  18. Seriously we do need to see the proposal and we have to do something if as is being muted we are back scraping the bottom of the barrell player wise we would be as well packing it in , Personalities really don't bother me , main thing is that the club progresses that surely is the most important thing Our biggest problem is the internecine fighting that starts as soon as any new structure is even muted It's quite clear that the present structure isn't working certainly not in the form it is now
  19. Don't think so unless he is using an alias to post on this thread
  20. Seriously seems the opinion is that it's bargain basement but will become clearer at the summer AGM
  21. You mean will we have the budget to assemble a calibre of player to take us to 8th in the table and 30 points off the top by February almost certainly [emoji6]
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