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Everything posted by cfcuk

  1. I've no idea the details of the deal they propose but before it's even discussed or elaborated on its dismissed as a fairytail which it could be , but at least let's see it first , but as you see every thread on clyde is agenda driven ( I'm as guilty as most) reasoned debate is thin on the ground Anyway biggest priority at the moment is winning football matches and that starts tonight
  2. For somebody with a limited knowledge of workings of all things clyde You seem to know a helluva lot about Clyde [emoji23]
  3. It's amazing the club is 8th yes 8th in the lowest tier of Scottish football rumours allegedly from reliable sources that we are heading for the equivalent of shopping in player poundland And some won't even listen to a proposal put by a group on taking the club forward whether it's good or bad let's at least see it. But no let's attempt a character assassination of the guy after one post
  4. Unfortunately it will require something akin to the good Friday agreement [emoji4]
  5. Yeah there are alias everywhere that just suddenly appear [emoji6]
  6. So you ain't interested in even seeing the plan ? I have no idea if it's good , bad or indifferent but would still like to see the proposal Can't be any worse than project EKCLYDE [emoji23] Sorry not allowed to mention that on orders of its architect [emoji6]
  7. Would never put anyone off volunteering there are a lot good work done in that area, why not try it can only benefit the club As for facts Google our league record over last five years Or maybe the reverse you tell me how great it has been for the club Interesting concept you have that the people who recruit the manager of the club have no responsibility for his performance and results of the football club.
  8. Anyway our main priority at the moment is to win games time for the players to get their act together no excuses
  9. We know have control over the bar on match days No restrictions on match day advertising hoardings look at website 500 a year Don't have any youth set up ( under 20's ) so a pitch and training costs for one team Full control of Match day hospitality Including club 58 Community football is not paid for by the club Stewarding cost have been cut So the problem is income from a pie stall If we are that bothered put a burger van outside the ground We will agree to disagree
  10. Have a look at the league position that might help you understand the success of the CIC And superb effort at absolving the board of any blame. Mission accomplished [emoji106]
  11. You honestly believe we have a lower playing budget than Montrose and Annan ? Yeah Broadwood is the problem it costs us around 35k to rent it what do think the running costs of Gayfield , Cliftonhill By the way the board are quite happy with Broadwood at the moment so think you need to take that up with them As for our former chairman he said that EK would build a stadium, that if we didn't vote for a name change we wouldn't have a club to support and that Ferguson was coming in as a player manager ha ha CIC is killing the club
  12. Always a warm welcome for a prodigal son [emoji4] Hope springs eternal that's football We need to start winning games simple as that and it starts tommorow
  13. I presume he just couldn't take not wining week on week , give him credit hasn't came out with an excuses or bad mouthed the club unlike most others who left but football is a ruthless game and unfortunately there is no room for sentiment club far more important than any individual we move on .
  14. So basically the financing of the team this year relied on BF to be honest it wouldnt surprise me , having been told by the club continually it didn't? , maybe that's why there were pleading him to stay You might be right and we are back in the bargain basement , if that is the case what kind of strategy did we have ? At some point BF was going to leave so this scenario was inevitable I agree totally some of the players let him down badly , but unfortunately as a manager you carry the can If we win Tuesday they better not come out with the nonsense that was for the old gaffer If as you say we are back to the days of 50 quid a week players , then it's time for a total rethink at the club it's clear the CIC just ain't working But let's leave that for the summer main priority is to start winning football matches and get up the league starting with Tuesday night
  15. Assumption based on If as we are told by the club he hadn't put any money in hasn't paid wages Why would the budget be less ? in fact the cup run must have given us a modest boost to the budget
  16. So we will have the same budget next year as this year that's good news And dispels the gloom and doom about having to shop at the lowest end for signings As said worked hard but unfortunately didn't work we move on he moves on that's football
  17. If as has been muted on this thread we are back to lower grade signings next season , what does that say for the long term strategy of the club BF wasn't hounded out there was barely a dissenting voice at games (before Saturday) The fact is he would have left at some point either to take another job or resigning either way we would have found ourselves in this position So if this is the case then we have allowed the club to be a hostage to fortune I'm in no doubt our illustrious leaders will spin this as the fans fault As for all the work he done yes credit to him I backed him and wish it had worked But basically it hasn't the false out pourings are just a sign of society nowadays anything for a bit of wallowing in self pity. He has gone get over it
  18. Anyway I'm sure the fans will get the blame for the manager leaving , well it's always the fans fault for all the ills at the club
  19. We were told he hadn't put any money into the club So the budget should be same next year
  20. Well the accounts should make some interesting reading where did the money come for this year's squad ?
  21. If that's the case then the board have a lot to answer for allowing it to happen having told us were debt free etc
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