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Everything posted by cfcuk

  1. It's a nice sentiment but as you can see over the seasons quite a few have reached the tipping point I'm on holiday abroad but I doubt I would go to Stirling my two boys have all but jacked it in for the season No point in labouring the point but it's diehards who have followed the team all over the place that are packing it in Unfortunately there is an air of Nero on the balcony with his fiddle eminating from the club I will be back for Montrose at home basically cause it's a habit and I've nothing else to do on Saturday ( which is an indication of my lack of a social life ha ha ) Last away game will be cup tie v stirling ( not expecting to get through that one )
  2. Excellent post That's me on the fans to get rid of list ha ha
  3. Forfar , Elgin arbroath draw anyone for promotion push predictions ? Thought not ha ha
  4. Don't think the issue is with fans putting there hands in there pockets my goodness they have done it enough in the past look in the past year generation shirts , raffles , race nights , golf days that's all on top of paying into games , merchandising programmes we have guys who are paying 500 plus in the executive club , there is a limit to how much you can wring out of a support when there is little or no progress on or off the park We don't even have a figurehead at the club (chairman ) If the present structure remains The club won't cease more than likely become a lowland league team renting a ground somewhere with 100 odd fans watching it I won't be one of them I would rather remember it as it was no not a giant of Scottish football but good scottish football club with a proud history
  5. The I want a team to support was trotted out during the EK Clyde days Depends on what you consider a team and what's the tipping point lowland league , juniors or selling your name for a stadium that 4 years on hasn't even got off a drawing board
  6. Your club seems well run and you play a brand of football worth watching We haven't even got a chairman our club new years message blames all out woes on fans not volunteering and doing enough for the club In the last six months the fans shelled out 25k for a strip that was almost out of date by the time they guts got it Ran the club Xmas raffle Ran a race night raised 4k Add to that season tickets merchandising half time draws And a team in the process of meltdown heading south in the league Apart from that everything is fine
  7. I don't see anyone encouraging fans to chuck it It's the exact opposite I'm worried that diehards are giving up on us
  8. Honestly I'm not trying to start an argument do you really think they are doing a good job What have they done in the past 5 years to encourage fans to come back ? What new revenue streams have they created ? Teams we were streets ahead are now in a better financial position They blamed NLL, Ex directors now it's fans for not volunteering I can understand you just want to go along watch the Clyde and not be interested in politics but you might just not have a club or watching them in the lowland league soon
  9. Oh the broadwood politi bureau will be in secret meeting soon to rid club of the dissidents Seriously I genuinely believe the board are only interested in the sycophants who tell them what a great job they are doing the fans who question them can dwindle away as for that drivel "new year's message " basically blaming fans not volunteering for the clubs woes pathetic and they wonder why the club support is on a downward spiral it was basically a cut and paste job from the the last five years Absolute die hard clyde men who go everywhere and have but hundreds into club this season alone walking away
  10. Or How about we change our name and move to EK to that lovely new stadium that was built and pay a peppercorn
  11. The old supposed fans ha ha What next real clyde fans
  12. Understand the sentiments gets tougher and tougher each year being honest we will be down to couple of hundred soon Can only take so much and you won't be alone .
  13. Stop talking sense it will never catch on Ps think your next for nomination for chairman
  14. And what about the manager he gets off scot free ? I have been big supporter of BF but when it comes to crunch games something happens yes we have been unlucky with injuries but we still have the players to win last week and this week No doubt we will get the usual toys out the pram interview after a bad defeat or maybe he will send bob out to mumble into the microphone ha ha
  15. Sorry david only owners who were at the meeting are allowed to get any information They model it on the magic circle
  16. So as fan who contributes a three figure sum each season I'm not entitled to ask who is in charge of the club? Only if your an owner you are allowed know ok that's fine
  17. Maybe tommorow nights owners meeting will shed some light on who is head of the club we have no chairman or CEO nobody else concerned about this ?
  18. So David who would sanction the signing of a player we don't have a chairman or a CEO who actually leads the club ?
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