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Posts posted by Shuggie_Murray7

  1. Ahh laugh.gif

    I hate internet wrestling geeks who just care about Ring of Honour etc. Thats why I dont bother with any of the Wrestling forums elswhere. Everyone on them are c***s, to be honest.

    Technically by typing that...your one of themlaugh.gif .

    If you've ever been to see 1PW you'll know who I'm talking about....I felt like the only "normal" person therelaugh.gif .

  2. Same here - his match with HHH at Wrestlemania 22 is one of my favourites from recent years.

    Thats actually my favourite Cena match ever. Incredible match. The entrances...f**k me. I watched it the next day with all my mates. There were only about 4 or 5 of us interested in it. But by the end of it there were about 20 of us sitting on the floor right infront of the TV screaming oor heads off.laugh.gif

  3. I have neve ever been pumped for a Cena match. The only decent emotion he showed was when he was fueding with Carlito just as Carlito was debuting. That was only because he said nothing but he had the look to tell you that we was angry.

    Don't get me wrong, half the time I can't stand the fucker, but he has never failed to get me hyped to f**k for his WrestleMania matches along with a fair few other ones.

  4. Screaming down a microphone in slang chat does not make Cena decent on the mic. Agree with you on CM Punk though.

    What slang? You can't deny that Cena can cut some belting promos. I hate the fucker but at times he can get you really pumped to see his matches.

    On the releases, I was reading a couple of weeks ago that releases were expected. I'd expect even more over the next 2 weeks or so. I'd be gutted, but I've got a feeling that they will released Laylawub.gif

  5. As far as NXT is concerned, it is so far so good. I didn't think Cole would be on it, I thought they would just have kept the ECW team.

    It looks like they are already putting all their stock into Danielson. However I did imagine, Low-Ki, Joe Henning and Brett DiBiase would have been involved somewhere.

  6. I've never been a big fan of Triple H on the mic. He's always been passable but he just seems to drone on a bit. Mr. Anderson in his current guise has been much better than that.

    Agree on the other names though. Especially CM Punk.

    Vince clearly agrees also, since Punk is given ample mic time at every oppertunity, including in the middle of the Rumble and the Chamber match.

  7. Bret Hart has bearly been on RAW since January 4th! He needs to get over with the new audience that WWE has.

    Name one person in the WWE better on the mic than Mr Anderson?

    Jericho, Miz, Cena, Punk, HHH, to name but 5........Saying your name into a fancy microphone just doesn't feel like good mic skills to me.

  8. Yes he is, but does anyone think he looks like a black John Cena?

    Especially in the first photo here.

    b*****d...beat me to ittongue.gif . When I forst checked out the rookies on the website, I had to look twice, I thought I was seeing things. It is a belter of a lookalike.laugh.gif

  9. Agreed, Jericho is the best guy in WWE the now.

    But I was just reading up on this NXT show that starts tonight and realised that all the WWE 'Pros' are mid-card guys and then one of them is the World Heavyweight Champion laugh.gif

    I just found something that I didn't know about NXT prior:

    Interesting to read that they plan on breaking Kayfabe, cosidering the whole Wrestling business is build around Kayfabe.

    I wonder then does this mean that the WWE Pros are just gonna be themselves when tutoring and on-camera with theses 'Rookies'? Because I would think having Chris Jericho on Raw and Smackdown everyweek being the cocky, arrogant brilliant heel that he is, would be completely pointless if he was just himself on NXT.

    I really hope that they dont break Kayfabe too much and that the Pros keep there gimmicks while doing this show. I think some of the partnerships could lead to people being tag teams and it could lead others into fueds, especially with The Miz and Daniel Bryan. I think it'll be great watching The Miz tutoring someone and I am really looking forward to this show. And I aint looked forward to a WWE show in a long time.

    Jericho has been far and away the best in the company for the past 18 months+.

    On the point about NXT, if they indeed plan on breaking kayfabe then I for one won't be watching. You'd be aswell watching Hogans Celebrity Wrestling. Also I think they included Jericho as a mentor to throw people off the scent of his win on Sunday. I wouldn't be surprised if he was pulled and replaced by someone else.

  10. Batista vs John Cena vs Sheamus vs HHH possibly?

    Orton vs Rhodes vs DiBiase

    Women's title match

    I'd say it's looking like:

    WWE Title

    Batista (w/Vince) vs Cena (w/Hart)


    Jericho vs Edge

    Taker vs HBK

    Orton vs DiBiase(with or vs Rhodes possibly)

    Rey vs Punk

    MitB - the usual, Shelton, Kofi, R-Truth, Ziggler, Bourne, McIntyre etc etc etc.

    This ones not one that there is any indication of but just one I'd like to see:

    US Title

    Miz vs Christian

  11. 1) WWE either has to turn Orton face or give him a big storyline to get his heat back. For weeks now, since they have been teasing a Legacy split h's been getting cheered to f**k. Either make him face or do something fast to make him a cnut.

    2) I hate the Miz

    3) What is the point in R-Truth. They wasted a spot on him in the chamber when I reckon another heel would have been ideal(possibly McIntyre).

    4) As much as I cannae stick Batista I enjoyed that little surprise. Im enjoyin the shocking happening at almost every PPV these days.

  12. The thing I find incredible about the Hassan character is that it was played so well that it was beleivable and realistic yet the part was played by an New York/Italian. I loved the character but he had some of the worst luck imaginable with the timing of his storylines. I actually think it could work still if they wanted to do so, although he would need to get Daivari back.

  13. Anyone else see ECW? Can anyone tell the point in putting the ECW Title on Big Zeke?

    They've put alot of stock in him in recent months and don't want to piss it all away when ECW finishes. It'll be a way to work him into one of the other shows.

  14. I just read the spoilers for this weeks impact and

    Orlando Jordan defeats Samoa Joe with a Lungblower. Joe had Jordan in the Rear Naked Choke, but Jordan was able to counter it into the Lungblower.

    What the actual f**k is that about?

    The new Booker T???

  15. A French judge has issued an international arrest warrant against American cyclist Floyd Landis for suspected hacking into an anti-doping laboratory computer.

    French anti-doping agency head Pierre Bordry told Reuters that the judge Thomas Cassuto believed Landis, whose 2006 Tour de France title was stripped after he failed a dope test, wanted to prove the laboratory where his samples were tested was wrong.

    "French judge Cassuto from the Tribunal de Grande Instance of Nanterre informed us that he had issued an international arrest warrant on January 28 against Floyd Landis, who tested positive for banned testosterone during the 2006 Tour de France, after our laboratory computer system was hacked," Bordry said.

    "He was summoned by the judge, he didn't come so he's now under an international arrest warrant."

    The French anti-doping agency launched legal action against unnamed persons after they found their laboratory computer system had been hacked into in September 2006.

    Landis, the first rider to be stripped of a Tour victory, has continually denied any wrongdoing but the Court of Arbitration for Sport has rejected his assertion that his positive test was due to procedural mistakes by the laboratory.

    Landis, 34, said last year after his two-year ban ended that he was trying to decide whether to follow fellow American Lance Armstrong's example and ride again in the Tour de France.

    "It seems that (Landis) made all he could to enter into our computer system to try to prove the laboratory was wrong. He showed many documents he got by hacking to numerous sporting instances," Bordry said.

    "The judge traced a network of hackers back to the ringleader."


  16. Seems a bit daft considering the stadium has a retractable roof, that means they will have to build that silly tent thing over the ring like they had in Orlando 2 years ago and obviously it will be unpleasent for the spectators if it starts pissing down with rain. Although that is quite unlikely as according to Wikipedia - Pheonix has a similar climate to Baghdad! biggrin.gif

    Isn't Phoenix near the desert?laugh.gif I exoected it to be open air anyway, same as the last few years. The first time they did it I thought it was a one off and that they would go back to the larger arenas but I quite like the stadium atmosphere for Manias.

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