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Everything posted by mjw

  1. 7 times in the last 14 Test innings England have been 50-3 or more down. They might get away with stats like that now and again but those kind of starts won't win ashes series.
  2. Nassar Hussein on Sky saying Edgbaston had to be prepared to nibble about a bit. Ricky Pointing is trying not to laugh as he points out England were hopeless on a flat track so,why would a nibbling pitch help.
  3. Mrs had to ask a grown woman to stop kicking the back of her seat at the pictures last night. Some c***s should be under permanent house arrest.
  4. Bit of a rally from England Today and a battling display from Captain Cook after him being discussed yesterday.
  5. http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/forecast/gcpvhhdhs#?fcTime=1437350400 Looks like Sunday will be where the rain comes so you'd think England will need to bat two full days to rescue a draw.
  6. The seat in the Ibrox Directors box must have been part payment.
  7. That used to be a opening batsmens job,to see off the new ball for the middle order.The amount of limited over cricket played now has seen the game move forward and maybe leave guys like Cook behind.
  8. England to be on the end of a heavy innings defeat inside four days. They've messed up with the slow pitch that's been prepared here.Its one thing trying to blunt the Aussie attack but they made their own attack toothless in the process. England could end up in a position where winning the toss could make or break them in the remaining tests.
  9. You used to see spectators at test matches keeping their own score book,I don't know if this still happens.
  10. That the game with all the nastiness?
  11. Hey! Plenty decent club cricketers came out Home Park,Motherwell. Until the Scheme Goblins burned the Clubhouse down.
  12. Four draw pitches in a row and England win the Ashes 1-0.After the 5-0 whitewash in the last series this might not bother some people.
  13. Just do away with elections and let the 'big five' run the game forever.Is Jim Traynor still sports editor there by any chance?
  14. That's just not cricket!I played a bit years ago and couldn't believe some of the grudges that were held between teams that lasted years. The guys that played Rugby in the winter sometimes being the worst offenders.
  15. The batsman should get out of the way of the bowler but it seems to be one that is left to Umpires and captains to sort out.
  16. Nine overs per hour? Poor show for the fans who are paying good money to sit and watch nothing happening.
  17. Did Lords not used to be the traditional 1st Test venue?
  18. His twitter page the day 'the good guys ' won the egm at Ibrox looked like it was written by one of the mentalists from the BRALT.
  19. General secretary Jack Ramsay said it.He was misquoted of course.
  20. Scotland v Holland today at The Grange and 'The big walk' in Motherwell.
  21. Is this a change of thinking from Cook? He has a reputation for keeping his team batting longer than necessary to get a safe amount of runs.
  22. The Politics Sub forum starting to make the BRALT look readable.
  23. New York and Barcelona,is that the scenic route?
  24. There is a countdown thing popping up on mine that tells you how many weeks,days,hours,minutes and seconds until someone's holiday.
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