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Everything posted by jacobsladder

  1. It just feels brilliant- only bad thing is that we need play against the Bigot Brothers again
  2. Ian Holloway - we may still be shite but the interviews will be mental
  3. As long as you don’t do a sly wee lick while you’re there
  4. Not seen it so i wonder how Triple H and Steph reacted to Vince slapping down the suspension- maybe the start of a new angle ? Vince v Triple H and Steph ?
  5. Watching the segment when Vince said to Finn Balor that I’m not too keen on you , I just imagined Ross from Cultaholic standing up and getting the crowd to sing “Vince McMahon loves big sweaty men”
  6. Square Go - I think Hendry will win it thanks to Dallas getting involved - I also think this will be on first then Lionheart defends the title in an Open Challenge but gets injured for his trouble - Hendry cashes in and gets the belt Plans for the rest of the year - Lionheart gets belt back from Hendry at Barramania thanks to sum help from Whippy Then you can do a huge build up to Hendry v Whippy @ Fear and Loathing - make it a 3 stages of hell match - 1st a Submission only match as this can showcase their technical skills 2nd a Street Fight Falls Count Anywhere and 3rd a Steel Cage Match
  7. If Yates wins then all three Grand Tours would have been won this year by British riders - the French will bloody hate that !!!!
  8. Quintana should never be a team leader again - after today’s TT Movistar have to switch allegiances to Valverde but Quintana will do nothing to support him - I just don’t think it’s in his nature
  9. The cash in was a bit of a mess to be honest
  10. I think DCT will be a stop gap champ till Fear and Loathing and then I think for all his service Lionheart will get the belt
  11. I’m not going to spoil the result of DCT v Stevie Boy but given this loser must leave the UK angle, does anyone know if either of them has a development deal overseas - if not how are they going to do the angle ?
  12. Just read the Eurosport stage report - bloody hell - Froome is a machine
  13. Yates will be wrapped in cotton wool for the rest of the Giro - Dumoulin has to attack in the mountains and he’s not too good at that - the worrying thing is Yates has never been in this position and has admitted he is not a defensive rider - however I think he’s got it and I also think Froome will catch up and get third on the podium
  14. Apparently Nikki Cross is not joining Sanity on Smackdown cause they are giving her a big solo push on NXT
  15. Kez has just been voted out I’m a Celeb
  16. Was listening to Richard Leonard’s speech - after two minutes I was nodding off - it was like listening to a university lecture on socialism for dummies
  17. Richard Leonard is new leader - bye bye Anas !!!!!!
  18. Playing Devils Advocate here - keep Canning or make an approach for Mark McGhee????
  19. Got to agree now that in light of the games coming up we will stay bottom for the rest of the season - ah well it was good while it lasted
  20. So predictions for 2017 Trent Seven wins the Square Go and beats Wolfie for the title at Barramania Grado will turn heel at the Square Go costing Renfrew the case - they build up a feud and have a Glasgow Street Fight at Fear and Loathing 10 Galloway goes after Jester big time for what he did and they build up to a Falls Count anywhere in the Hydro match at F and L 10 Also I think Galloway will approach Grado and do some weird faction along the lines of we are the only 2 that fight in TNA - that means everyone else is below us
  21. From what I've heard on Twitter the 3D on Mark Coffey was botched and he may have been injured so they had to think an improv finish hence the scoop slam
  22. I've heard Galloway has pulled out of the card due to a neck injury
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