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Everything posted by Broon_100

  1. Neither of whom are exactly bad players these days? Keatings is underrated if you ask me and Holloway really rates Doughty at QPR.
  2. Thanks for the feedback on big Zander. Looks like my hopes of him stepping up for next season are now slim. You never know, he's still young I guess and learning his trade! Btw - this whole 'stick all threads relating to team x in one big giant thread' idea is absolutely garbage. Defeats the whole point in having threads and makes the forum difficult to read.
  3. So big Zander had been playing in the Championship for over a season now. Would be interesting to hear both the opinions of Queens fans and oopposition fans alike. What is he like? Good enough to play Scottish premier league football next yea?
  4. The saddest thing about this whole debacle is that Rangers - their fans and previous owners - could easily have saved themselves by uttering one simple word. 'Sorry'. It seems sorry really is the hardest word to say. Had they held their hands up, apologised, canvassed the supporters of the other clubs they have cheated and bullied for years and promised to turn over a new leaf given a chance I'm sure humanity would have taken over and they would have been spared. In times of trouble you would like to think the 'best of you' appears. Unfortunately for Rangers case the opposite happened. The worst of Rangers Football Club appeared. The threats, the ‘Bully Boy’ tactics, the utterly flabbergasting sense of self importance and self righteousness have caused their own downfall. Too big too fail? Nope, it's just nobody likes you enough to bother to save you and that’s your own doing. They always say, you better be nice to people on the way up.....you'll meet them on the way down again.
  5. I'll explain this in the simplest terms as possible. I never said eating dairy was bad for you. However, I did say if you cut out Dairy from your diet you will in turn cut out all of the shite of the day that people put into their bodies because Dairy contains a big dollop of shitty fat the every biscuit, cake, cheese, sweet manufacturer wants to use to make their product taste better. So, by cutting out dairy you inadvertintly WILL lose weight because you will improve your diet. It is possible to cut out products that contain dairy EXCEPT straight Milk and get the same results unless you drink a ridiculous amount of the stuff. Milk is not as good a source of calcium as people make out because it contains poor levels of Vitamin D, which is required to absorb calcium. Milk does provide a good source of calcium IF you have high levels of Vitamin D from other sources in your diet. There are other sources of calcium available in other foods so contrary to popular believe iis not actually required. Those who suggest we NEED milk may be shocked to know the 5,173,725,000 people in the world (75%) who don't drink milk are not cripples in wheelchairs or dying slow and painful deaths.
  6. Ok, so lets say we take the 5% fat out of the milk and put it in a jar on its own. How much fat does that jar contain? 100%. Correct. So butter contains 80% of milk fat. Cheese 25-75%. The source of the fat is still from the milk. This isn't rocket science.
  7. Gluten intolerance is being linked to when we are weaned off milk but they don't understand why yet. And before you get them confused - I'm not a vegitarian. Animals are there to be eaten; I just don't think they are there to be milked.
  8. Which is what I was trying to say in the first place. Well done - you got there
  9. Nothing wrong with carbs. I'm not suggesting everyone should cut out dairy. There is no way I would have if I didn't develop an intolerance to it in my late 20's. When you can no longer eat it it becomes clear what types of food contain it (generally shite). If you then look more closely at milk it really isn't that good for you. If you can digest it then great - go for it but its not giving us all the health benefits they tell us it does. And it certainly made me lose weight when I stopped eating it and I'm a fairly fit guy. Nothing like trying to pass on a bit of advice then get shot down for it.
  10. Your initial point ignorantly suggested you need milk for calcium which is incorrect. After that, some guy called Louis confidently sucked milk from the udder of a cow safe in the knowledge he was not going to die. After that, I'm lost.
  11. You being serious here? You do know where Yoghurt and Cheese come from? Hoping I'm being whooshed here.....
  12. You think you need supliments to get enough calcium without drinking cows milk? Before we invented pasturisation did Humans just latch on to a cows udder for a sup? Without sufficient Vitamin D the calcium in your cows milk is useless. Try kidney beans, soya beans, petit pois, broccoli, cabbage, celery and parsnips etc etc.
  13. It should probably also be noted that the vast majority of the world (~75%) cannot digest lactose in cows milk. I wonder why that is? Three choices: 1) God fucked up in his design. 2) Evolutions a little slow in realising we want to eat cows milk or 3) The body simply isnt designed for eating milk from another animal.
  14. Good balanced opinion from P&B's finest. Care to enlighten me on reasons why it is bollocks? Because you like your chocolate too much?
  15. If anyone wants to lose weight the key is dairy foods - bin them completely. As Humans we're not supposed to be drinking the milk of another animal. In fact, we're probably the only animal on the planet who drinks milk after we have moved onto solid foods. I'm 5 ft 9" and was 11st 10lbs when I quit dairy foods and I'm now 11st 2 in just over 4 months - without changing the amount of exercise I do. I quit because dairy disagreed with me - not because I wanted to lose weight. I was actually happy with my weight. It's not an easy thing to give up but it forces you to improve your diet. For example, you can no longer eat: Milk in cereal, tea, coffee, hot chocolate etc. Chocolate. Ice Cream. Cheese. Cakes. Most crisps apart from more natural ones like Kettle etc. Yoghurt. Anything with cream e.g. Kormas etc. This leaves you pretty much eating fruit/veg/meat/pasta/rice. You can still have treats but they are sugar based e.g. most non chocolate sweets. You will be amazed what percentage of food that contains dairy is terrible for you.
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