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Savage Henry

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Everything posted by Savage Henry

  1. Neutral Milk Hotel - In The Aeroplane Over The Sea I, erm, acquired a copy of the album of the same name. I've had this one track on endless loop. It's a wonderful, wonderful song by a fascinating band, although I could do without the singer lecturing me about how important it is to read the Diary Of Ann Frank.
  2. Which cinema do you go to? £6.50 is about the going rate in London.
  3. Hancock I saw this film without really knowing anything about it. The first thing I noticed is how poor the visual effects were. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and the smug guy from Juno team up to attempt to bring an out of shape action hero back into public favour. For the first half hour, I thought it could be a genuinely off the wall movie with heart and soul. Then the second half hour I realised it wasn't but it would be passable entertainment. Then the final half hour is just people fighting for no apparent reason. 4/10 There's a cracking movie in there somewhere.
  4. Not a single swing of a stick. Alas. All America sports coverage has been done away with in favour of twelve hours a week of Quiz Call.
  5. Watched Angels And Demons the other day because I had nothing else to do. Wish I had spend my time smashing my head open with a spoon or scooping my eyes out with a rusty fork. I always thought The Da Vinci code got a bit of a tough time, yes it was too long, yes it was a dreadful book with half page chapters and yes Tom Hanks can do so much better, but it was acceptable fair for an hour. Angels and Demons might be the most ridiculous film I have ever seen. If you don't see then ending coming from about ten minutes into the film then you haven't seen many films. And for the middle third of the movie, the police go around shooting things for absolutely no reason whatsoever - certainly nothing to with the plot. You could take oout at least an hour of this film and not alter the plot whatsoever. Even the hot chick isn't hot. 0/10 Watched Juno again too. I simply adored this film when I first saw it. Absolutely loved it. The second time I really began to hate the central characters with a passion. It's a smug, self-knowing infuriating film with almost no likable characters at all. And yet, and yet, there's something about it. It needs a third viewing I think, so no revisionist score from me.
  6. Blockbuster trade - Sharks trade Jonathan Cheechoo, Milan Michelek and a second round pick for Dany Heatley, giving them a first line of Heatley, Joe Thornton and Devin Setoguchi. Pretty frightening really.
  7. Intolerable Cruelty - it's been a while since the Coen brothers did anything remotely a patch on their Fargo period masterpieces, but this might just be the point where they lost things altogether. The opening 20 minutes is alright, witty script and a bit of slapstick thrown in. By the half way point, you are thinking "this better not end the way all the signs suggest it is going to" and by the point that it does you just have to say "what the f**k is this shit?" 2/10 Catherine Betablocker Jones providing the standout points. Informers At the risk of being repetitive, what the f**k is this shit? 0/10
  8. Yeah but imagine that drunk was Will Carling, and he had just stolen your girlfriend's purse and spent all her money on peach schnapps whilst playing the best of Daniel Powter on the pub juke box 34 times in a row.
  9. The odd thing is he is absolutely correct. Only the corruption has been by his own football club, hence their most welcomed relegation.
  10. Who'd have thunk. Finally this sorry mess can be put to bed. And, for once, the right decision has been made.
  11. No they aren't, they are damned if they do and entirely correct if they don't. This is one of the most scandalous pieces of nepotism and blatant corruption in local government since god knows when. I hope the good people of Livingston remember this when it comes to the next council election and kick these scoundrels out on their ear.
  12. For the first time in about two years, I watched Pan's Labyrinth tonight. I had forgotten how it ended. I was in floods of tears. Can't remember what I gave this the first time I saw it, but if it was anything other than 10/10 I lied. A genuine masterpiece of the highest calibre.
  13. Well it's fair enough unless you consider the very real possibility that their "legal brains trust" have realised that irrespective of the promotion and relegation issue (and Livingston will not play in the first division this season), they are going to get shafted for not turning up and pissing East Stirling about. It's a change of tact, nicey-nicey to everyone, we'll be Livingston's Lovable Lions. Unfortunately, the damage has already been done.
  14. Brilliant. More empty rhetoric and speculation with nothing to back it up, under the guise of being "in the know". You've actually been remarkably consistent in being proved wrong in everything you have said will happen throughout this thread. I don't believe you any more. Livingston are a third division club, or they are dead. I would lose no sleep over either eventuality after the way they have conducted themselves - tens of fans and scoundrel saviors from Dunfermline - recently.
  15. A very good post. I think Airdrie and Cowdenbeath football clubs and supporters have behaved with remarkable leniency, patience and tolerance in this whole scandal. The same cannot be said of Livingston FC. I have no doubt Livingston will lose this retarded appeal, but if by some reason they don't, I hope Airdrie and Cowdenbeath as well as Arbroath and Ross County team up and kill Livingston in the court of law. On what basis I have no idea, but there is only one team who have broken any regulation here.
  16. On the contrary, I seem to recall Livingston fans arguing that Albion Rovers had fewer than 200 fans at that game. Fans with an agenda always inflate travelling support. Any exaggeration was by Livi fans trying to promote a sense of loyalty.
  17. Does the phrase clutching at straws mean anything to you? I really, really wouldn't expect Ross County to vote in favour of Livingston at all.
  18. Quite correct. The timing (4.50, 3.50, 7.50) is completely besides the point. It's the principle of the thing that is so abhorrent. Withdrawal from a scheduled game is unacceptable and will result in a fifteen point penalty.* *This assumes at least a modicum of consistency from the SFL. Hamilton got the same punishment for arguably a far more just cause.
  19. Paying five hundred quid does not an appeal make. They have begun the process, but until the meeting takes place they have not made their appeal. Either way, Livingston should, irrespective of what they believe to be the injustices of the matter (and make no doubt, their views do not represent the wider football community, rather they represent the views of the interim administrator) have played East Stirlingshire. As of this moment, Livingston are a third divsion team. They have failed to fulfil a third division fixture. They should be given a secondary punishment. The lack of respect it shows the rest of the third division, two teams in the first division and two teams in the second division should be deemed utterly unacceptable. Livingston will have made few friends and many enemies at Ross County, Airdrie, Cowdenbeath, Arbroath and East Stirling irrespective of the results of their impending appeal.
  20. I think it's blatantly obvious that if the Creditors get "nowt" then Livingston will no longer be in existence.
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