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Savage Henry

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Everything posted by Savage Henry

  1. I think you are being a bit harsh on Jodie Foster - I think her Clarice Starling has a quality which Julianne Moore's didn't. Apart from the ludicrous , I thought it was a perfectly engaging 90 minute divertion. 5/10
  2. Incidentally, less than two pages have come since the meeting. That, I fear, is indicative in itself.
  3. How do you know this? How does anyone know this? It is completely impossible to measure.
  4. Quite possibly he will, but with the parcel of rogues waiting in the wings to replace him, whilst vehemently denying in the red tops that they have anything to do with the club, that won't help you overcome the mountain of debt that the club will have to repay if they have any hop of survival. Whereas I don't buy any of Massone's hyperbolic bull crap, unity is required right about now.
  5. It's patently obvious that Livingston are dead in the water. But for those of us less intimately connected with Airdrie, can you explain this Andy Gemmel character, and why he is so universally loved (or not as the case may be ) round your parts?
  6. That's the bloke. Lest us forget, Dundee were loving that guy whilst the rest of the world pointed out he wasn't actually a lawyer, was friends with convicted war criminals, and had been found guilty of financial mismanagement and fraud on numerous occasions. He's the man to save our Livi!
  7. I don't know, you have probably explained this but do you not think you are taking things just little too intensively, following folk around and taking secretive photos? I do like the idea of Livingston creating a dream team of all the sleaziest, most corrupt former chairmen. That Italian fake lawyer Dundee were all over would be ideal.
  8. You would have thought so wouldn't you? Either the SFL are just hoping everything turns out for the best and all the problems disappear magically or Livingston have given assurance about their long term sustainability. Given that the latter seems improbable at best, you would have thought that the SFL would have started the election process, or automatically relegated Livingston. The problem being, I suppose, that technically they haven't done anything wrong as the rules stand. Frankly this is evidence that far more stringent checks have to be put on the finances of member clubs.
  9. None of this has anything to do with Livingston being a "franchise". In reality they are no different from any other team and no amount of cliched hyperbole can change this. Livingston are on death's door because they have been chronically mismanaged since the beginning.
  10. In that Livingston are no different from Arsenal to name but one, and no different from any other team potentially. The point I was trying to make is that Livingston evolved the same way any other football team evolves. The term Franchise FC is used as a derogatory insult, but it essentially dismisses the history of football. Teams move and change name all the time. Some successfully, some less so.
  11. That was precisely what Gretna fans said. And it was equally ludicrous then.
  12. All clubs are franchise clubs. Livingston have, unfortunately for their fans, been abhorrently run since day one. That is why the club is about to die, nothing to do with a lack of history.
  13. That's paranoid nonsense. Firstly, the collapse of Setanta has not affected Livingston one iota. Completely unrelated. Even then, if the SPHell fail again to get a deal with Sky, then they have all that is coming to them. Secondly, the only team I can think of remotely in a similar position to Livingston was Gretna. And look how that worked out. Any team worth its salt have been preparing for times like these for a couple of years now. Which is why teams attempting to expand have fallen flat on their face, without exception. I don't know the finances, but Livingston won't be the last, I agree with you there.
  14. I think that's true. Given the inevitability of starting the season on minus ten points, and the almost equal certainty of relegation, rhe BBC is already reading the last rites.
  15. I think your avatar tells folk everything about your sense of taste. That you didn't like Insomnia probably confirms it.
  16. Drag Me To Hell Drag Me To Hull more like. Actually, this is a humorous horror with a wee twist or two in which a nauseating woman gets her comeuppance when she refuses a gypsy woman a loan to avoid her home being repossessed. So bad things happen after the gypsy puts a curse on her and her equally banal boyfriend. They consult a Cat Stevens look alike and much grossness ensues. It's not, it must be said, particularly frightening, but it never fails to raise a chuckle. Well worth going to pass an hour and a half, especially if you enjoy seeing 6/10
  17. I don't think there's a hope in hell Livingston make it to the end of the season. The last rites have been called for, if they haven't perhaps yet been administered.
  18. Notice the BBC is now reporting potential bankruptcy by the end of next week. Apologies if this has already been discussed, but I do think it ought to be clarified - what happens now?
  19. No, as stated about six times in this thread, the Stig is not, and other than last night, has never been Michael Schumacher. It was, however, Schumacher's personal car (and an absolute monstrosity as most super cars are, may I add) therefore he "played" the Stig.
  20. No, but equally, if the club asks for money, and the fifty odd fans only raise one hundred and fifty quid, it's fair to say that when (not if) they go under, it won't be lamented by many either.
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